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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. ratbird receiver shoves defender in the facemask to get open, turns and catches big pass. no call. Bengals are terrible, obviously I knew to take Burrow out of my lineup. lol yeah. ratbird home field.
  2. the left demands the power to control - and that means bypassing our Constitution/Bill of Rights, crashing our economy, taxing us to death and corrupting our electoral process, crashing the family structure, teaching kids to hate our Flag, country, Anthem, sowing hatred at every turn, and expanding the corruption and violence they have started with over the years, getting worse all the time. venezuela.
  3. more baloney. We don't live in a totally powerful government when people can be kidnapped and thrown into quarantine, arrested if they leave their homes, etc. anyways https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/08/05/899365887/charts-how-the-u-s-ranks-on-covid-19-deaths-per-capita-and-by-case-count Countries With The Highest Death Rates Per 100,000 Population Among countries with 50,000 or more reported cases 1. Belgium population 11.38 million 2. United Kingdom population 64.11 million 3. Peru population 32.51 million 4. Spain population 47.3+ million 5. Italy population 60.30 million 6. Sweden population 10.29 million 7. Chile population 19.95 million 8. United States population 330,052,960 9. Brazil population 212,958,012 10. France population 65.3 million ********************************************** so STOP with the TDS blaming Pres Trump. He stopped travel from China before anyone else. Maybe some countries have more immunity to the fatal effects of covid. We are a melting pot. We Americans are from everywhere. It's a WORLDWIDE pandemic - let loose by china. Hoorta wants to keep china's fault out of it to help blame Pres Trump. That is just TSD BS.
  4. give the lefties time, maybe they will be able to come up with something. maybe.
  5. When my Wife had that heart surgery in Akron - the Heart unit in Akron is well known as one of the three best in the U.S.A. The two doctors involved were well known around the world as two of the very best. The "president gets the best doctors" is an infantile maladjusted approach to discussing the issue. Especially when a birdbrain doesn't know his tail feathers from a hole in the ground.
  6. banning fracking. ignorant jackwagons believe in it. ************************************************ There are millions of reasons Kamala Harris wants to convince the American people that Joe Biden wouldn’t ban fracking. Literally, as one recent study shows. If Biden’s proposed ban on fracking and federal leasing of public and private lands went through, it would: cost up to 7.5 million American jobs in 2022 lead to a cumulative loss of $7.1 trillion in GDP by 2030 reduce household incomes by $5,400 annually increase household energy costs by $600 per year end America’s energy independence from often-hostile foreign regimes in the Middle East And, although every American would suffer from new, higher prices for every good and service they use, these five states would be particularly hard hit: Texas: 1,103,000 job losses California: 765,000 job losses Florida: 711,000 job losses Pennsylvania: 551,000 job losses Ohio: 500,000 job losses But you won’t hear a whisper of this looming economic devastation from the mainstream media. They’re staunch allies of the green left, and they’ll do all they can to promote Biden’s campaign, bad “green” policies and all. That’s why it’s up to pro-American energy activists like you and me to share the truth with the American people ahead of the 2020 election. Despite Harris’ claims at the vice presidential debate, Biden has pledged — on video! — that he’d ban fracking, shut down oil and gas leases on federal land, and generally do all he can to limit American energy products and production. And Harris enthusiastically embraced a fracking ban on the campaign trail, too, telling a live TV audience: “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” The American Energy Alliance (AEA) carefully, thoroughly researched both President Trump’s and Joe Biden’s proposed energy policies … and we wrote a point-by-point summary for you of where they stand on the key issues. Check out the American Energy Alliance’s presidential candidate comparison tool right now to see how President Trump and Biden would shape energy policy in the next four years. Then please share the tool with friends and family, so they can get the facts about American energy. Thanks, as always, for your support. Tom Tom Pyle President American Energy Alliance
  7. woodpecker can only talk out of his tail feathers - it's all he can do - has nothin.
  8. that's BIG, folks ! President Trump's ACCOMPLISHMENTS are outstanding. a Vote for Pres Trump and VP Pence is a vote for America.
  9. calfoxwc


    his accomplishments are DRAMATIC and can't be denied. but the left haters will ignore them. and they still can't name ONE GOOD/GREAT THING obamao/biden ever did.
  10. they will destroy the middle class with fees, taxes, penalties, and more and more ways of taking middle class money, because they are dependent on those they will give the money to. socialism - just wait til the money runs out, and everybody is in hell - venezuela you betcha.
  11. let's see how long it will take for Hoorta, or TEx, or woodpecker to defend that. or try. Biden has megalomania
  12. not true - you dems bitched and ridiculed him for blocking travel from china. You know, WHERE THE VIRUS STARTED. and it's dumb to compare us with S. Korea. just really dumb.
  13. except there isn't such a thing as "bds" because the scandals with obaMao/biden are factual. not made up political farce hitjobs like russian collusion. Three years of haters out to get Pres Trump for winning the election, and they came up with absolutely nothing.
  14. Oh, baloney. We have our Constitution/Bill of Rights that make what S. Korea did impossible here. Read the article.
  15. again, as most always, you didn't READ. New Yorkers fled NY because the dem leaders in NY are totally corrupt and screwed up. like, putting covid patients in nursing homes. How many rednecks do you think live in NY ? especially NYC ?
  16. Hoorta translation: "NO MAS". because the "russian collusion" was a deliberate fake. The "impeachment" was a deliberate fake. Lies, lies, and more lies. Trust me, the obamao/biden scandals were real, just like Uranium One was real. and Beghazi was real. And our soldiers died because of obaMao/biden "rules of engagement" were making them targets. Blaming American gun owners for the cartel crime in Mexico, then doing the "fast and furious" giveaway to the drug cartels to "prove it". etc etc etc. Just once - go ahead and name one genuine Pres Trump scandal. Name ONE thing President Trump has done to HURT America.
  17. and S. Korea never shut down. and S. Korea lives with the threat of war from N. Korea 24x7 all year long, every year. and S. Korea doesn't have an American Constitution, for starters. https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/03/27/5-things-americans-should-know-about-south-koreas-handling-of-coronavirus/ Did South Korea Violate Civil Liberties? South Korea’s efficiency and effectiveness included surveillance and data gathering without court warrants, compulsory testing, and mandatory isolation, which American citizens might never be on board with, Heritage’s Klingner said. The South Korean government began testing asymptomatic people, then isolated patients even if they had only mild symptoms. U.S. officials have discouraged those without symptoms from getting tested, in large part because of a shortage of testing equipment. South Korea changed its law to allow the government to engage in more surveillance to determine who diagnosed citizens were in contact with. The government then could access citizens’ cellphones, credit card and other financial information, and GPS data to know where they had been and who they had been with. In some cases, the government then could quarantine not only a patient who tests positive but those who came in contact with the patient. This week in South Korea, a 97-year-old woman—well into the age group most susceptible to the coronavirus—fully recovered from COVID-19. This was one more victory for South Korea, a U.S. ally that is viewed as a success story to the world in combating the coronavirus pandemic. The small country of South Korea is close to China, a huge nation where the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 originated. Nevertheless, South Korea succeeded in stopping the spread of the virus and avoided shutting down its economy as the United States and most of Europe have done. That said, South Korea—a free and capitalist democracy—took measures to curb civil liberties that likely wouldn’t go over well in many Western countries. Here are five things Americans should know about South Korea’s handling of the coronavirus. 2. How Did South Korea Jump-Start Testing? South Korea moved in early February to approve diagnostic trials by private companies to develop a test for COVID-19. By the end of the month, the country had established 600 testing sites, including drive-thru testing centers, and was evaluating as many as 20,000 daily. The first case of COVID-19 in the United States was detected the same day, Jan. 20, as the first case in South Korea. However, the smaller country reacted more quickly. This was in part because of past experiences with diseases, said Bruce Klingner, senior research fellow at the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation. Some media coverage predicted that South Korea would have the second-largest outbreak behind China—prompting 170 countries to impose restrict travel from South Korea, Klingner told The Daily Signal. SARS, which stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome, began in China in 2002. MERS, or Middle East respiratory syndrome, first emerged in 2012. With the coronavirus, the United States faced a regulatory maze early on. Government officials relied on the traditional route of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rather than free up the private sector as South Korea did, Reuters reported. The CDC used a lengthy vetting process and did not approve nongovernmental tests until Feb. 29, about five weeks after the government’s discussion with outside labs began. Libertarian-leaning Rep. Justin Amash, I-Mich., tweeted last week that too much government was a weakness for the United States. This is a tale of two approaches: South Korea’s government allowed the private sector to act quickly to develop testing. Our government allowed the FDA to block private sector efforts, precisely when they were needed most. https://t.co/UyDLgmIZNG — Justin Amash (@justinamash) March 19, 2020 “South Korea’s government allowed the private sector to act quickly to develop testing,” Amash, a former Republican, tweeted. “Our government allowed the FDA to block private sector efforts, precisely when they were needed most.” Last week, the Food and Drug Administration approved a test to detect the coronavirus in 45 minutes, but South Korea already has a 10-minute kit. 3. Is U.S. Catching Up on Testing? The United States, according to official counts, has the highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world. President Donald Trump eventually approved a wave of deregulation to spur the private sector to develop testing and medicines. “We’re doing record numbers of tests now, far more than any other country has done,” Trump said in a press conference Thursday. “You heard so much about South Korea, the media kept talking, ‘South Korea, South Korea, South Korea,’” Trump said, later adding: “In eight days, we do more testing than they did in eight weeks, and it’s a very highly sophisticated test, too.” South Korean officials announced Wednesday that it would provide the United States with testing kits, one day after Trump spoke to South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Trump deserves credit for relaxing some of the most unnecessary federal rules, said Robert Moffit, a former deputy assistant secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services, now a senior fellow in health policy studies at The Heritage Foundation. In an example of past regulation, Johns Hopkins University was not allowed to test because it was not a government agency, which Moffit said was ridiculous. “There is no question South Korea moved very fast and has been the poster child for how to tackle this,” he told The Daily Signal. Clearly, the United States is developing enough tests to examine a greater number of people than South Korea, “but per capita, we’re not even close,” Moffit said. South Korea, with its population of million, has done about 358,000 tests, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Earlier this week, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborarh Birx said 370,000 tests had been done in the United States. As of early Friday, 540,000 tests had been done in the U.S., according to an estimate by the COVID Tracking Project, a partnership between journalists from The Atlantic magazine and Jeff Hammerbacher, founder of Related Sciences. 4. Did South Korea Violate Civil Liberties? South Korea’s efficiency and effectiveness included surveillance and data gathering without court warrants, compulsory testing, and mandatory isolation, which American citizens might never be on board with, Heritage’s Klingner said. The South Korean government began testing asymptomatic people, then isolated patients even if they had only mild symptoms. U.S. officials have discouraged those without symptoms from getting tested, in large part because of a shortage of testing equipment. South Korea changed its law to allow the government to engage in more surveillance to determine who diagnosed citizens were in contact with. The government then could access citizens’ cellphones, credit card and other financial information, and GPS data to know where they had been and who they had been with. In some cases, the government then could quarantine not only a patient who tests positive but those who came in contact with the patient. 5. Could America Replicate South Korea’s Effort? As the new coronavirus spread, China’s communist government was far more restrictive than the South Korea government, enforcing severe bans on speech, forcing isolation, removing people from their residences, and quarantining health care workers. These actions did slow the spread of the coronavirus, noted Dr. Lee Gross, president of Docs 4 Patient Care, a health care advocacy group. “You can do that in some societies and they would look favorably upon it,” Gross told The Daily Signal. “I’m not sure people would do that in the U.S.” Gross, who practices family medicine in North Port, Florida, said that after the New York City quarantine was imposed, New Yorkers began flying into Florida. He said Florida state officials are issuing self-quarantine orders to travelers from such high-risk areas. “People don’t follow self-stay-at-home orders,” Gross said. “Americans don’t like being told what to do.” Moffit, the Heritage health policy expert who is a former HHS official, said South Korea’s actions could not occur at a national level in the United States and would be ineffective if tried. “From a public health perspective, South Korea was very aggressive in isolating people rather than putting them in crowded hospitals,” he said.
  18. https://www.dailywire.com/news/rnc-releases-ad-highlighting-scandals-from-obama-biden-admin-after-biden-claimed-they-didnt-have-any RNC Releases Ad Highlighting Scandals From Obama-Biden Admin After Biden Claimed They Didn’t Have Any The administration’s response to the Benghazi attacks. Former President Barack Obama being awarded the “lie of the year” for falsely claiming that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” The Obama administration’s IRS investigating conservative groups. Sent pallets of cash to Iran, which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Armed Mexican drug cartels with weapons that were used to kill U.S. federal agents. Attempted to hide long wait times across the VA health system. Funded Solyndra by giving the struggling company, which eventually collapsed, hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funded money. Traded five terrorists for a U.S. soldier who “abandon[ed] his post in Afghanistan.” “The Biden campaign, along with their friends in the media, repeatedly try to whitewash the scandal ridden Obama/Biden administration, but the American people know the truth,” RNC Rapid Response Director Steve Guest. “From the IRS investigating conservative groups, to sending pallets of cash to the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism, arming drug dealers, and lying about the Benghazi terrorist attack, Obama-Biden continuously put their political interests ahead of the American people and Joe Biden would do so again if given the chance.”
  19. 1. Go back to makebelieve TDSland - all you have on Pres Trump and co. are fake scandals. The real scandals were your obaMao/biden/higgardly's/etc. https://pjmedia.com/election/matt-margolis/2020/05/15/five-scandals-that-would-threaten-joe-bidens-presidency-on-day-one-n393754 These Five Scandals Could Sink a Joe Biden Presidency https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2019/06/12/biden-claims-there-wasnt-a-hint-of-a-scandal-during-the-obama-biden-administration-here-are-ten-n66395 Biden Claims There Wasn’t A ‘Hint of a Scandal’ During the Obama-Biden Administration, Here are Ten
  20. Tour gets it wrong AGAIN. I don't see how being wrong is all that much fun...but it is what it is. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2020/10/10/whitmer-kidnapping-plotter-was-blm-supporter-didnt-care-about-trump/ NEW: Whitmer Kidnapping Plotter Was a BLM Supporter, Media Narrative Crumbles
  21. "there is no voter fraud" https://www.redstate.com/scotthounsell/2020/10/10/50000-ohio-residents-receive-wrong-mail-ballots/ 50,000 Ohio Residents Receive Wrong Mail Ballots
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