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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, it's been over 15 hrs ago. still waiting for Hoorta and Tex to man up and constructively comment. might have to wait til the New Year? ("NOOOOO, MAKE IT GO AWAY! NO MAS")
  2. golly gee - Hoorta and Tex have no comment? seriously? scary honest investigator people?
  3. I think woodpecker has spent all his childhood eating yellow and brown snow.
  4. I see it as, the left goes strictly by emotions - it makes them happy to have NO LITMUS TEST when it's their liberal nominee, but when it ISN'T their nominee, they are unhappy. So THEN they DEMAND a LITMUS TEST. pretty sick hypocrisy endlessly.
  5. egad. I've nicknamed them the "obaMao mafia"..."clinton mafia".... but now, it's the entire demoquack mafia party. they are terrified of being found out. Biden's entire family has been making hundreds of thousands and millions even billions on globalist workings with dirty china, and plenty of other countries. same thing with the clintons. but "Trump tweets mean things"
  6. vanity fair ? LOL LOL LOL LOL egad. LOL LOL LOL LOL Savannah was a belligerent hack - her husband has been a democrat operative. And Pres Trump came out looking good - he was getting applause at the break, and nods in the background, and your Hoortabiden who you won't man up and talk about.... got softballs most of the time at his fake news "town hall". and still looked bad. biden WON'T give a list of Supreme Court nominees, and WON'T answer about packing the Supreme Court. so, Hoorta, what do you think about packing the Supreme Court? what you do think about biden's corruption and cowardice? we have hunter's and higgardly's dirty emails now. biden is corrupt, lied about it, and has been found out. What do you think about THAT?
  7. https://dawgpounddaily.com/2020/10/05/cleveland-browns-replace-andrew-sendejo/
  8. https://brownswire.usatoday.com/2020/10/14/cb-robert-jackson-signed-from-browns-practice-squad/ at this point, I'd think about starting Redwine at fs vs the squealers...... Maybe even start Robert Jackson (cb) instead of Sendejo. maybe even start Mofatt instead of Sendejo. dammit. (lol)
  9. https://news.yahoo.com/hunter-biden-offered-10-million-133820212.html Hunter Biden Offered $10 Million Annually by Chinese Energy Firm for ‘Introductions Alone,’ Email Shows
  10. https://news.yahoo.com/hunter-biden-offered-10-million-133820212.html Hunter Biden Offered $10 Million Annually by Chinese Energy Firm for ‘Introductions Alone,’ Email Shows
  11. the big money is Globalism, not "America First". to hell with the globalists. and twitter/facebook.... yep, global big money.
  12. I think the steward even said it was the Trump hat. this is getting sicker and sicker by the left all the time. obamao - "get in their faces.... "if they bring a knice, we'll bring a gun"
  13. it's only been five hours, let's give the TDSers more time to comment. and it's true, but that means the TDSers will deny it.
  14. the msm will not show it. A reporter from the Post was on Hannity - and she said they have deliberately ignored this story to cover for biden. the emails have nailed him as the most corrupt, biggest liar asswipe to run for pres ever. that's worse than obamao or nixon, or lbj.
  15. btw, schools opened around here - and not one case of covid. at all. none. band marchings. volleyball. etc etc etc. surely there may be a few cases happen different places.... some friends' kids got a 24 hr flu..... If schools had stayed closed, it would have been "wouldn't you like to get back to school? well then, vote against mean old President Trump in nov !" guaranteed. that is how TDS manifests itself in those with weakened immunity to dishonesty.
  16. yeah, the lefties, like Hoorta, LOVE name calling as long as lefties are doing it. but let a conservative name call.... bad, bad, offensive TDS cherry pickie emotional knee jerkie hypocrisy. (lol)
  17. and how many slurs did biden level at President Trump? and how many lies and slurs have been leveled at him ever since WE ELECTED HIM and VP PENCE TO SAVE AMERICA ??????? name calling is bad to you, only when Pres Trump or conservatives do it. See? that is a severe lack of PRINCIPLE. Name calling = you should be honest enough to be against name calling no matter who does it. But with TDS, it is only bad when it doesn't make you happy.
  18. hirono isn't all there. It's one thing to be corrupt and hating viciously, but she is worse than that. and booker is no dummy, but his activism makes him look like a dumbass. and blumenthal.... listening to him is like watching a slug slime it's way across a rotten log. google "senator who lied about vietnam service" and his name will come up.
  19. the leftwing hatred is a disease, and it's spreading - the hate is bolder, and sicker all the time.
  20. and.... those who kept claiming there is no mail/voter fraud..... should fess up that they were very, very wrong.
  21. but they are going to undo ALL of Pres Trump's tax cuts. which means, raising taxes a hell of a lot higher for every single American and American business.
  22. I watched a good bit of it - the dems were disgraceful. they are so belligerent and corrupt, surely they will be voted out of office once and for all. The republicans spend too much time refuting the stupid ass suggestions by the left. Judge Barrett is fascinating - she's more than brilliant - and she is rock solid secure in her legitimate judicial philosophy, which most Americans should love. I'm amazed at how she has handled questions so eloquently, and in doing so, she was concise to justify her understanding of Constitutional law. harris was scum the entire time she was speaking. sick stuff.Most of the dems were.
  23. the left wants to delay so more and more and more illegals can show up. what's amazing is, illegals can be bused from place to place to spike the numbers. or not. But I wouldn;'t be surprised. the left is all in with fraud to get the power they demand.
  24. heard on the radio today, Obi and Joseph will be back for the game. At least I think that was it - to be fair, I saw Sendejo (#23) make a few good plays the last couple of games. One was a great play - broke up the screen and took out the guy behind the los. the other one I don't remember, because it was in a giant pile of strands of hay - bad plays. If Joseph and Harrison (possible? concussion protocol) have to miss - Redwine can play. But Sendejo...nope. I give up. Me, I would start Jevante Moffatt at fs vs the squealers.
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