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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. it's all a setup. chris wallace was a worse hack than I figured, and the last one, was just dishonest and belligerent as hell. then the dem "moderators" kiss biden's butt.
  2. we have your obaMao/biden/higgardly corruption evidence in their own emails. oh, hunter biden sleazeball too. we have PROOF. Absolute. you got... nothin but invalid, unsupportable slurs. You shouldn't call anybody on the conservative side a troll. That's droll. heh heh heh.
  3. nope. obaMao proposed it, to get elected again...but Pres Trump got it done RESPONSIBLY. ObaMao's attempt at it was not workable, was an overreach for self-interest gain electorally, just like obaMaocare disaster. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/24/763723397/1-3-million-more-workers-eligible-for-overtime-pay-but-some-say-rules-fall-short#:~:text=A long-awaited update to federal overtime rules means,they work more than 40 hours a week. "The Obama administration sought to expand the number of workers eligible for overtime pay by raising the salary threshold. It proposed more than doubling it to about $47,000. A Texas judge struck that down. Instead, the Trump administration issued its own rule, setting the threshold to a lower level. " " "But employers are pleased with the lower threshold. "Overall, our feeling is that this is a more workable approach," says Nancy Hammer, vice president of regulatory affairs for the Society for Human Resource Management. She notes that many employers already pay their workers overtime, even if not required by law. Meanwhile, a growing number of states have, or are looking to, set their overtime rules above the new federal requirements."
  4. pretty low to brag about covid deaths. those are communist chinese events all around the world.
  5. don't cry on my account. you stepped in it with your woodpecker, so the bird poop goes with your shoes. Meanwhile, another way you are wrong about leftwing election voting fraud : and Pres Trump Real America supporter harrassment and violence towards them is a pandemic. yes, Virginia, it sure as hell is happening around the country. https://www.theblaze.com/news/student-trump-class-teacher-racist https://www.theblaze.com/news/kentucky-absentee-ballots-dumpster
  6. not the same at all. President Trump and vp Pence have accomplished hundreds of good/great things FOR AMERICA. obamao/biden never accomplished one. you can't name one and Hoorta couldn't either.
  7. did not. you listed a bunch of events that happened during the obaMao/biden marxist rule. I asked for ONE GOOD/GREAT thing FOR AMERICA that they accomplished in their eight years. Name ONE good/great thing your biden bum accomplished FOR AMERICA in his 47 years. your invalid answer ranked almost as low as your little woodpecker's personal attack deflections on any legit question.
  8. biden hoping Pres Trump dies of covid https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/10/05/joe-biden-details-death-blow-fantasy-as-president-trump-battles-covid-n2577511 Well, it didn’t stop there. Apparently, Joe Biden decided to elaborate to his tens of followers about Trump being delivered a “death blow” as he battles his infection.
  9. Biden's Town Hall Was 'Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood' While ... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-s... President Donald Trump's town hall event was "president vs. Guthrie" and Democratic nominee Joe Biden's was Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, according to critics. Demonstrators Protest Proposition
  10. woodpecker pecks with a vengeance since Hoorta came out to protect his little ignorant leftwing hater woodpecker friend.
  11. well, Hoorta and his little woodpecker are angwy because they can't control the messaging. and bad news for them is invalid because they don't LIKE it, and it isn't on msdnc and cnn. sorry, but your previous claims, Hoorta, are crap. Widespread corruption is all around the country, and violence against Pres Trump supporters, and anyone with an AMerican Flag, and veterans who love their country...... stuff Hoorta and his little woodpecker know nothing about. Have a nice day in your leftwingnut TDS fantasyland way.
  12. it's bad now. Just wait til they get even angrier that they lost their chance to control everything in America Nov 3. and even worse if they somehow cop a win with corruption they have been putting in place for years. https://www.theblaze.com/news/mother-punched-over-trump-flags
  13. fair question. McEnany praises Trump for fast-tracking 'landmark' COVID ... https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/mcenany-praises... Oct 10, 2020 · The president also fast-track several COVID-19 relief programs, including direct stimulus payments to you, the American people and American businesses. Trump calls on FDA to fast-track coronavirus vaccine ... https://www.rawstory.com/2020/09/trump-calls-on... Sep 23, 2020 · President Donald Trump on Wednesday publicly called on the Food and Drug Administration to fast-track approvals of coronavirus vaccines after a fourth American drug company’s COVID-19 vaccine...
  14. well, neo-Hoorta, you are getting to be a lot like the woodpecker. That is to say, gun registration will require you to register every single gun you own. not just those "assault weapons". I still think you are woodpecker's only friend in your third grade class. You two don't understand much of anything.
  15. so, Hoorta, name one good or great thing biden has done for America in his 47? years. that includes 8 years of being your obaMao's vp. and enriching himself and his entire family around the world, to America's loss... doesn't count. Just name one. I'm still waiting ...
  16. us normal Real Americans may have to buy one of these. maybe will buy a digital one for this forum:
  17. so her interrupting him again and again and arguing with him falsely, is your idea of a fair moderator? come on, man. that is laughable.
  18. the few times I see a biden sign, I wish that eventually they will have a garage sale and I can ask them what the hell they were...feeeeeeellllllinnnnnng.... and what screwed up emotions pressured to vote stupid-ass.
  19. THANK YOU PRESIDENT TRUMP AND VP PENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I find it to be so much bs, that liberals call themselves "fiscal conservatives" for cred attempts, but go along with the green new deal that would devastate our economy, skyrocket energy costs, destroy jobs, and add about 60 TRILLION to our national debt.
  21. neo just made a derp of himself. With 6-8 million new gun owners.. and counting... just leftwing stupid. and UNCONSTITUTIONAL. the left calls the AR-15 and assault weapon most of the time. They call ANY SEMI-AUTOMATIC gun an "assault weapon" because it has emotional knee jerk effect, they hope. they want gun registration for this end, of course.
  22. THANK YOU ! I was talking to a liberal friend last week. I didn't bring it up, but he asked me about Trump vs biden. I explained that he knows I'm very conserative, but I said Pres Trump has done well over a hundred great things for AMERICA, and I believed in "America First". He said biden was senile, and totally corrupt, couldn't stand the dems after what they did to Kavanaugh, but didn't like some of Pres Trump's tweets, etc. I said I never liked Trump until he was in the primary and realized that he was very serious and was saying things I wished for years and years that a president would say, and that he would keep his promises - and he has. He agreed with me. Said he was going to have to vote for Trump, but don't repeat that because he didn't want his liberal Wife to know. She teaches in college. demoquack for no good reason.
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