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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Exactly true. Also, our HC admitted they got outcoached that first game, it's the first year of this offense, with no preseason, etc. If they win the next four games, they will be 8-2? I'm good with that.
  2. I prefer to think of it as our OFFENSE as a whole has struggled vs top defenses. However, Baker had a very bad game today. But he played with bruised ribs, a star? ROG out, his main best rb in the NFL ? out, his top two wr's out. "past three years" doesn't tell much, since kitchen's offense was junk - and his play calling was worse. Opposing defenses were telling the Browns players that they KNEW what play they were going to run most of the time. That isn't on Baker. The defense has major injuries - this year, the offense rocks, it's brilliant. But they couldn't block vs the squealers blitzes. I personally lament running on first down nearly every time except a few times, one of them just before the half, I think. Then they had to throw on 3rd and long, etc. It isn't all on Baker. I could tell Baker didn't have zip on his passes, that figures. Once they fell behind, they had to start throwing more, and Baker couldn't get it done often. Every other team has lost to the squealers. Let's see how the Browns come back the next four games.
  3. he's a compulsive liar, a compulsive child sniffer/groper, and a compulsive crook. right up Hoorta and woodpecker's alley. They will vote for him. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/10/18/joe-biden-is-ducking-those-scandal-questions-he-just-announced-hes-going-into-hiding/
  4. how to skin a copperhead for food and skin. also, at the end, how to cook up snapping turtle and rattlesnake. https://www.wideopenspaces.com/learn-the-right-way-to-skin-gut-and-cook-a-copperhead-snake/?utm_source=wideopen&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wos_daily&utm_content={{EXTERNAL+`https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wideopenmediagroup.com%2Fgetresponse%2F%3Fsite=wos%26articlenumber=1%26type=title`}}
  5. lol. crap. where is that woodpecker pic now....
  6. heard some demoquack say that the republican senators refuse to approve a covid relief package. they really do think their base is dumbass.
  7. The United States has the third largest police force in the world and the largest in any country outside Asia. There are more than 0.91 million police officers in the United States. American Police officers are empowered by the US Constitution to preserve and restore peace within the nation’s borders.
  8. this garbage can't be allowed to continue. But they started REALLY going all in, because they know the election is so near it can't be stopped in time. but, they will still lose , the election, and will lose the 230 whatever it was protection. enough is enough of this corruption...and monopoly.
  9. oh no. Now woodpecker is going to ask his nanny to come here and threaten to give you a warning point ! scary truth-admiring people.
  10. and worse: https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/10/17/hundreds-of-antifa-attack-conservative-free-speech-rally-punch-organizers-teeth-out-assault-several-others/ Hundreds of Antifa Attack Conservative Free Speech Rally, Punch Organizer’s Teeth Out, Assault Several Others
  11. and anyone who would vote for him... would kiss the witches butt.
  12. https://www.redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/10/17/that-impassioned-speech-biden-gave-in-detroit-sneaked-video-of-yuuge-teleprompter-shows-how-lol-it-was/
  13. his family is making millions off the communist chinese,. he's corrupt souless coward and a traitor. and the lefties refuse to criticize him for one second. a very, very seriously bad look. https://www.theblaze.com/news/if-not-a-genocide-something-close-to-it-going-on-in-china-us-national-security-adviser-warns-taiwan-of-chinese-invasion
  14. the fix is in again. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/six-topics-for-final-presidential-debate-revealed American families. Climate change. Fighting COVID-19. Leadership. National security. Race in America. **************************************** you just wait- she will interrupt Pres Trump every single chance he ever does have, to hit biden with biden's corruption, biden's lies, and biden's having done nothing good or great for America in 47 years. by design. it's hopeless. Deliberately bigoted moderator picks. and since lefties don't even respect themselves, they won't care about offending at least half of America with their corruption.
  15. lefties take everything good for granted, because everything ...they FEEL...is about them. it's the "me generation" subculture. they refuse to believe in God, America, our Flag, Anthem, capitalism....because NOTHING is greater than THEY FEEL they are. Not only that, but they refuse to RESPECT those fundamental great aspects of our country. They don't even respect themselves. Because secretly, they know they are smaller than those aspects of America, and they HATE it. They FEEL superior to all things, so everything is ridiculed and dissed. They refuse to learn history, because that would get in the way of their vaunted false superior FEELINGS. a GREAT READ... which they never will read.... https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2003793.Why_England_Slept Mar 22, 2014 Greg rated it really liked it · review of another edition Written, I assume in 1940, Kennedy's book examines the reasons why England was so slow to re-arm before WWII, with many quotations and facts and figures. He resists the temptation to lay all the blame on Baldwin or Chamberlain, but instead analyses the differences between a totalitarian state and a democracy in the way a nation makes its decisions. It is all the more poignant being written without the benefit of hindsight or of knowing the outcome of a war against a well armed foe. We would do w ...more flag 4 likes · Like · see review Jun 08, 2015 Chris rated it liked it This is an extraordinary book not only because it was written as a college thesis by a future president but the lessons learned 75 years ago are still apt today. And not just as they relate to the international scene. JFK discusses how easy it is for a totalitarian regime to impose its will on a nation, particularly with a rigid state run media in support. A democracy, on the other hand is slower to react because it responds to the will of the people and can find itself behind when a crisis occu ...more flag 4 likes · Like · see review Oct 26, 2012 Gregory rated it it was amazing I’ve had plenty of friends who thought JFK had good insight and vision, but I didn’t understand what they meant until I read this book. His analytical sense was so keen that I thought that he was psychic about what’s going on today in the world. He easily understood what happened then in England and why it could happen in the states. I recommend everyone should look at this book sometime in their lives to understand politics a bit better. It just goes to show you what can be done if you research ...more
  16. Lawsuit: 1.6K Dead People Registered to Vote in Pittsburgh ... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/02/27/... Feb 27, 2020 · A lawsuit filed against Allegheny County, Pennsylvania alleges that nearly 1,600 dead people are registered to vote in the 2020 election in the county. The Public Interest Legal Foundation filed suit against Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh is located, for their alleged ineffectiveness in cleaning up their voter rolls. Public Interest Legal Foundation Identifies 349,773 Dead ... https://iotwreport.com/public-interest-legal... Sep 18, 2020 · PJM: The Democrats are pushing mail-in voting despite all the apparent problems in changing our election processes on short notice. One of the most significant risks is inaccurate voter rolls. Public Interest Legal Foundation conducted a nationwide study and identified 349,773 deceased people on the voter rolls. This problem is only one category of inaccuracy that can lead to fraud in the Democrats… REVEALED: Election Watchdog Finds Whopping 350,000 Dead ... https://trendingpolitics.com/revealed-election... Sep 23, 2020 · As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), an Indiana-based election integrity organization, has discovered 350,000 names of dead people on voter registration rolls in 42 states. sponsor ***FREE ‘Keep America Great’ hat - … Ohio Democrats sue to stop purge of voter rolls | TheHill https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/459703... The Ohio Democratic Party reportedly filed a lawsuit last week over Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s (R) planned removal of hundreds of thousands of voters who have not voted for the past several...
  17. I want to know who chose the friendliest "mod" for biden, and who chose the most belligerent anti-Pres Trump "mod" for Pres Trump. this is getting so obvious even Hoorta has to see it.
  18. "wow" is right. https://economics21.org/how-socialism-destroyed-venezuela
  19. I wish at least TEX would take a hard look at biden's corruption and senility. but that isn't cool with the left. Hating Pres Trump, and all of us for saving America by electing him....(twice)... is their kind of "cool".
  20. Hoota is allowed to be a broken record, because it makes him feeeeeeeelllllll gooooood. and because, he's "special". he doesn't get it. doesn't WANT to.
  21. Great post! But you have the score wrong. lol I'm calling Browns 51-31. lol dammit.
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