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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. LOL LOL LOL hey Hoorta, got ilk? (maybe he doesn't know how to open the above.... https://scontent.ftpa1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/121535469_643464539876635_426053096064588356_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=EAEMz78fWYUAX9WA61R&_nc_ht=scontent.ftpa1-1.fna&oh=1e9ee0e72eaff86361c31379ebd8258e&oe=5FB04E27
  2. so, I thank him for his excellent service in the military. as a civilian, he's a fan of obamao? yeah, he's a civilian liberal turd now. too bad.
  3. yeah, Tex would be a good member to join up with the corrupt debate committee. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._McRaven Disputes with President Trump "Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency." William McRaven, open letter to President Donald Trump, August 16, 2018[29] In August 2018, McRaven expressed support for former CIA Director John O. Brennan, whose security clearance had recently been revoked by the Trump Administration. He authored an open letter to President Donald Trump in The Washington Post entitled "Revoke my security clearance, too, Mr. President", in which he affirmed his regard for Brennan, his former colleague, and offered criticism of the decisions and personal behavior of President Trump.[29]McRaven said of Brennan, "He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question ... except by those who don't know him." Of Trump, McRaven wrote, "Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation."[30] In a November 18, 2018, interview on Fox News, Chris Wallace mentioned McRaven's name. Trump retorted twice, "Hillary Clinton fan" and accused McRaven of being a fan of former President Barack Obama. McRaven later told CNN, "I did not back Hillary Clinton or anyone else. I am a fan of President Obama and President George W. Bush, both of whom I worked for. I admire all presidents, regardless of their political party, who uphold the dignity of the office and who use that office to bring the nation together in challenging times."[31] One media source noted that Trump's ire seemed to be rooted in "McRaven’s criticism that the president’s rhetoric toward the press is the 'greatest threat to democracy' in his lifetime".[32] On October 17, 2019, McRaven published an op-ed in The New York Times with the headline "Our Republic Is Under Attack From the President" arguing that if Trump did not demonstrate leadership, the sooner he is replaced, the better. He elaborated his position in a CNN interview the same day, saying that Trump was undermining domestic institutions and damaging America's international standing, especially with respect to the treatment of the Kurds during the 2019 Turkish offensive into north-eastern Syria.[33] Upon the February 2020 dismissal by the president of Joseph Maguire for having briefed congressional intelligence committee members about emerging evidence of foreign efforts to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, McRaven authored a guest editorial in The Washington Post in which he declared that, "As Americans, we should be frightened — deeply afraid for the future of the nation. When good men and women can’t speak the truth, when facts are inconvenient, when integrity and character no longer matter, when presidential ego and self-preservation are more important than national security — then there is nothing left to stop the triumph of evil." [34]
  4. not from Hoorta though, he doesn't like Pres Trump, would love to give mafioso joe great big smoochies, and wants? to vote against the really LONG list of good/GREAT ACCOMPLISHEMENTS FOR AMERICA. yeah, doesn't make sense to me, either.
  5. Notice, Hoorta, THAT is corrupt traitor biden's reality. and it will surely be dealt with. biden, higgardly, hunter, buden family - in the courtroom as defendants, says I.
  6. crap. I was going to give the op a "1st class" medallion, but I misread it - I thought it said "Master Ass". my bad.
  7. ooch. a thread was started without Hoorta nor his little woodpecker's approval. dammit. lol
  8. notice that Hoorta smarted off to you on Zombo's political thread on the football forum? yep, that's dishonest, you betcha. because Tex smarted off, and Hoorta didn't peep one chirp in response. that is how it goes - the left's emotions are their "god". their egos are all that they care about. if their emotions are happy, they condone something. if their emotions are sad, they get "offended and outraged" over the exact same kind of post.
  9. maybe Hoorta is on the debate committee. that is liberal partisan garbage. cancel the debate - it's worthless. except that is what they want. lol they cut Trump off one time, and a lot of voters more honest than Hoorta's alleged vote will vote for Trump just to reject the sick corrupt in the leftwing communist/socialist democratic party. I'm so tired of the leftwing hypocrisy. actually, it's worse than garbage. Just wait til they get total control over our government. be very afraid, unless you are wanting to be like soros and turn your family and friends in to the communist party. and disappear in the middle of the night. like in Venezuela. and cuba.
  10. let's see. 15 hrs ago, still waiting for Hoorta to comment. and Tex to comment. and woodpecker to change the subject ....
  11. I believe a LOT of Americans across the usual political spectrum see through this and will vote to reject his biased garbage trying to dishonestly set up town halls and debates with biased leftwing hater hacks.
  12. so, californica lets cities burn, lets forests burn, then demands federal aid. the only way to pay for guaranteed income? you betcha.
  13. Well, Hoorta, it IS complicated. But pardon me, I'll repost this from another thread: https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/10/18/early-voting-numbers-in-key-states-are-surprising-and-good-news/ "Early voting data is showing positive signs for President Donald Trump and some troubling signs for Joe Biden. Start off with the basic principle that there is expected to be more early, mail-in voting with Democrats, and more in-person, Election Day voting with Republicans voting for Trump. So, one should expect the numbers of the early voting to weigh heavily in favor of the Democrats. Now, some states are tracking along like that. But in some of the key states, turns out that isn’t the case, as NBC notes in their tracking of the early vote citing Target Smart. In Texas, which some Democrats have deluded themselves into thinking might flip, Republicans are up by 11, 51%-40%. In Michigan, a critical battleground state, it’s 41% to 39%, Republicans. In Ohio, the numbers are looking even better, with 46%-41 of the returned ballots favoring the GOP. In Wisconsin, it’s 40%-38% in the requested ballots, Republicans. Arizona is tied at 36%."
  14. Except that is you projecting, woodpecker. You never have any idea of what you ever pretend to talk about. you just divert to a subject you can bitch about, etc etc etc etc. THAT is getting attention by any stupid means necessary. the rest of us can provide REASONS why we are saying and believing what we believe and observe. But, sorry, none of us want to ruffle your sissy feathers, even though you apparently are a glutton for punishment- you love to be wrong and get your superficial tail feathers "kicked in"
  15. Here we go again. I don't want to post all of them - just follow the link and see the entire HUGE list ! https://710wor.iheart.com/featured/mark-simone/content/2019-03-09-the-list-of-president-trumps-accomplishments-so-far/#:~:text=1 After years of stifling regulation under the,to boost American energy exports. More items... The List Of President Trump's Accomplishments So Far
  16. that's outstanding ! but folks who love their own emotions and don't love their country won't care.
  17. he IS - HE KEPT HIS PROMISES TO AMERICA. Your hidin biden - ho harris...what have they EVER DONE that was good/great for America? nothin. you got nothin. except slurs with no legit reasoning behind it. can't name one, you're done.
  18. Well, I was talking to a couple who came up to me at a restaurant - I was wearing my Trump hat... they asked me if I had anyone threaten me, or try to intimidate me. They quit wearing their hats because they live near Youngstown, where there are several biden signs. Except, they said they drove on a day trip, and coming through Lancaster, they were amazed that it was ALL a LOT of Trump signs.
  19. say, this is pretty good. Californica starting to flip red?
  20. then there is REALITY, which never figures in - Hoorta doesn't believe the emails? and not higgardly's either? no emails matter? except the faked email that said Page did NOT work with the CIA? etc? Leftwing extremists cherry pick any false narrative that fits their emotions. Emote away. https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/10/18/early-voting-numbers-in-key-states-are-surprising-and-good-news/ "Early voting data is showing positive signs for President Donald Trump and some troubling signs for Joe Biden. Start off with the basic principle that there is expected to be more early, mail-in voting with Democrats, and more in-person, Election Day voting with Republicans voting for Trump. So, one should expect the numbers of the early voting to weigh heavily in favor of the Democrats. Now, some states are tracking along like that. But in some of the key states, turns out that isn’t the case, as NBC notes in their tracking of the early vote citing Target Smart. In Texas, which some Democrats have deluded themselves into thinking might flip, Republicans are up by 11, 51%-40%. In Michigan, a critical battleground state, it’s 41% to 39%, Republicans. In Ohio, the numbers are looking even better, with 46%-41 of the returned ballots favoring the GOP. In Wisconsin, it’s 40%-38% in the requested ballots, Republicans. Arizona is tied at 36%."
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