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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. 10-20-20 Judicial Watch has released a comparison study of Census Bureau population statistics and state voter registration data to reveal a notable disparity. The watch dog group is now warning of potential voter fraud and “dirty” voter rolls. The study found that 352 U.S. counties in 29 states managed to have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. “In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study found eight states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont,” reported Tom Fitton, president of the watchdog group. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/20/judicial-watch-finds-18-million-ghost-voters-in-29/
  2. worse and worse: https://www.theblaze.com/news/vandals-trump-signs-backup-plan
  3. apparently hunter and joe should flee to avoid charges, too....
  4. I keep reading Hoorta's posts, and I keep seeing Juan Williams in them.
  5. biden said "China is not the problem"... he should have just added... because I sold all of us out to them, I got a lot of money. the joke in on America.
  6. meanwhile.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/minneapolis-residents-sue-city-police-shortages
  7. he's a corrupt, compulsive liar. "I'm not going to raise taxes on anyone earning less than 400,000 a year". "I'm going to cancel all of Trump's tax cuts" which means everybody ? under 400,000 will pay a LOT more in taxes. add it exploded government spending, 60 trillion for man made global warming (but it is so discredited, they simply changed it to "climate change" ......and at least a few trillions more for making gov so huge an intrusive, people under 400,000 will see every single thing they do taxed, licensed, fee'd, and taxed for cows farting, campfires, automobile mileage,... everything. Especially guns and ammo. $200 "tax" on any ammo purchase. they are hell bent to take over, by any means necessary. even violence, which they are already condoning.
  8. putin translation: "biden is a senile wimp who will be afraid to oppose us. we could nuke NYC and Chicago and Cleveland, and biden would have his corrupt family come to Russia to get money to buy them off"
  9. anybody still ...FEEL they want to vote for biden NOW ? sickening. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2020/10/21/hunter-biden-allegedly-had-naked-pictures-of-underage-girls-on-laptop-n266580
  10. Fair point - except there are other factors. Police unions all over the country. That's nearly a million votes there. Not ONE has supported joe mafia family biden. And, I suppose there are firearms groups in every state. I know this poll is only a smaller indicator. But you have to think in broader legit terms. The dems are all sold out to the leftist activist haters - and have made dismantling ourt 2nd Amendment one of their primary goals. the left has fostered dependency on various groups. They've kept the poor black and hispanic and white communities in poverty all these years. Like lyndon johnson said - the "Great Society" created that permanent dependency for all these years. Yet, poor Americans are sick of it. The "Walk Away" movement reflects it. Seriously - 8 years of the first black president and puppet biden did NOTHING to stop it. It took Pres Trump to help those black colleges. It took Pres Trump to get the unemployment down to historic lows. Just my opinion - but voting on personality to the devastating damage to your country makes zero sense to anyone who isn't all in on their own dominant feelings. https://brandongaille.com/gun-ownership-statistics-by-state-america/ 1. 40-45% of 47-53 million Americans have a household with a gun. 2. 30-34% of 70-80 million Americans own a gun. 3. 17-19% of 40-45 million adults own a handgun. Gun Ownership Based on Category Households – 42% Individuals – 30% Male – 47% Female – 13% White – 33% Non-White – 18% Republican – 41% Independent – 27% Democrat – 23% ********************************************** You have to understand - that if these numbers are accurate as far as they have been able to know about... that is a LOT of folks who they know about......who will not vote for the left/biden etc. I believe there ar millions and millions of Americans who have guns that the government has no idea about. and it's true that "gun registration is confiscation". Of course it is. Which shows that the left wants the power to permanent render our Constitution null and void. as obaMao commie complained - our Constitution doesn't say what he CAN DO, it says what he CAN'T do. Now, a national gun registration law? you don't ever want to vote for anyone who wants to try it. even in only New York state - ny gun owners refuse to register firearms en masse ... https://www.whiteoutpress.com/ny-gun-owners-refuse... May 28, 2018 · April 23, 2014 NY Gun Owners refuse to Register Firearms en masse April 23, 2014. Albany, NY. The deadline for New York State residents to register their firearms was one week ago. The law is proving to be a disaster just like the attempt to mandate firearm registration in Connecticut earlier this year. With NY’s […]
  11. "There are those folks with learning disabilities; there are also those folks whose emotions make them refuse to learn. The latter CAN but WON'T, and HATE because of it." ~ Calfox
  12. Buckeye Firearms Association - took a poll. 4100 responses. 95.3 percent said they were definitely voting for President Trump.] there are 6-8 million NEW gun owners in America. something to consider. Real America doesn't get polled by cnn etc.
  13. So, we were driving down the expressway, and my Wife says, they should give Pres Trump a mute button, so he can mute the leftie hack every time they interrupt HIM ! Gotta love that. Then, an hr later, we are driving back home, and Rush said the same thing. LOL and, may I add - Pres Trump should have a lapel mic that they can't turn off. Come on, secret service, see to it. have to balance the dirty dem playingfield somehow.
  14. woodpecker translation: "I'm starting to emote and play rope a dope with myself because I don't know anything about anything...peck peck peck"
  15. some people just like their emotions stroked, doesn't matter who. Hoorta translation: "If my corrupt biden loses, I will want to just go back to talking football."
  16. say, did I see Hoorta, his woodpecker, and Tex in the background there? or here in this pic?
  17. even allow leftist mobs to destroy cities. and murder and beat up Pres Trump supporters, and any American not them. Maybe Hoorta and Tex are proud of him? https://www.theblaze.com/levintv/project-veritas-denver-democrat-video Kristopher Jacks, a prominent Democratic operative in Colorado, saying he'll do "everything morally acceptable to win," including lying, cheating, and stealing. Jacks also suggested killing "random billionaires," including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, for political ends. "I am going to do everything morally acceptable to win. I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal. Because that's morally acceptable in this political environment," said Jacks, who according to Project Veritas is the chairman of Our Revolution in Weld County, a partner of the Democratic Party coalition. "If you want to do some Antifa s**t. You really want to change this country that way, with violence, there's only one way to do it. You gotta get people that are close to billionaires and start just, random billionaires start turning up dead," Jacks added. "Doesn't matter who … I mean Bezos at the top of the list."
  18. this is who they are. Pres Trump hater puts up biden sign, shoots at Pres Trump supporters driving by. https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-supporter-reportedly-shoots-at-trump-supporters
  19. what goes around, comes back around. that's a Real America life lesson. Learn it, earn it, discern it, don't burn it. everybody who knows Hoorta's corrupt biden isn't fit to be elected to do anything good in America knows better. May as well put all of us on ignore, but that would be a chore. When Pres Trump wins, don't let the door........ but have a nice day knowing WE saved American AGAIN.
  20. so, what do you predict when Pres Trump wins? will YOU disappear? or will you stay because of your TDS bs?
  21. oh, yes joe biden IS hunter. The entire biden family IS joe biden - the entire bunch is corrupt. fine if you want to worship them. pretty poor choice of "gods" I must say.
  22. yes, he does. I honestly don't understand it, but then, I don't understand what has screwed up Tex's politics either.
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