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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Presidential Debate: Trump Won the Debate—But Won Bigly ... https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/trump-won... 5 hours ago · Trump Won the Debate—But Won Bigly the Post-Debate By Victor Davis Hanson. ... So Biden now has gone full-circle: last year bragging about banning fracking and ending fossil fuels, then in
  2. GOP pollster Frank Luntz: Trump won debate but Biden will ... https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/23/gop-pollster-frank... 6 hours ago · GOP pollster says Trump won the final debate but Biden 'won the war' Published Fri, Oct 23 2020 7:36 AM EDT Updated 2 Hours Ago Matthew J. Belvedere @Matt_Belvedere
  3. always the chicken woodparrotpecker excuse - attack the source. okay, he wets his feathers and his beak twists over the blaze and redstate... Trump Won the Final Debate; Now, He Must Win the Election ... https://dbdailyupdate.com/2020/10/23/trump-won-the... 17 hours ago · In 2016, Donald Trump basically secured the election with a win over the Pantsuit Princess in their final debate. Last night, I believe he essentially did the same thing with a clear dominance of Biden, who became increasingly confused and fatigued as the debate progressed and
  4. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Just heard it on the news. Which means, Fox News. cnn surely won't report on it. HUGE https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/israel-sudan-peace-normalization-terrorism/2020/10/23/285f53e4-1548-11eb-a258-614acf2b906d_story.html
  6. sick, twisted conflict of interest. joe is all in - the biden family is completely corrupt. https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/10/23/267736-n267736 State-Owned Bank of China is Majority Owner of Hunter Biden's Venture Capital Firm, BHR
  7. "it's the economy stupid" whatever that quip was. every...single person knows President Trump will be better for our economy, even Hoorta and his little woodpecker. they just won't admit it though. https://www.theblaze.com/news/post-debate-focus-group-trump-economy Every single hand goes up for President Trump in post-debate focus group of undecided voters on who would be better for economy 'Clearly by that Trump is the preferred candidate'
  8. if any democrat has a 401K, they should desperately want to vote for President Trump, 100%.... if they ever had a critical thought, instead of emotional knee jerking.
  9. you betcha and I don't get it. He just posted yesterday: lol. so, Hoorta is a mod, and smarts off to Gorka over on the football side.. As he says "when beaten insult", he insults Gorka. , calls him a "dipwad"......and, he smarts off about "so fu***** intellectually superior" when he goes apecrap when someone disagrees with him, and threatens to give them a warning point, etc etc etc. Proves my long-standing point - the left knee jerks automatically in tune with only their emotions. When their emotions flip, so does their stances. "When beaten insult" ? Then HE insults? that is what they do. They flip like mexican jumping beans, and maybe aren't aware of it, or don't care until they get called out on it.
  10. Hoota is having afield day. Here is some truths for Hoorta - https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/10/22/donald-trump-owned-the-debate-stage-and-joe-biden-along-with-in-the-third-presidential-debate-n267659 https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/10/22/rasmussen-says-trump-just-hit-the-holy-grail-of-reelection-numbers-n267439
  11. THANK GOD FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP ! obamao and biden never did a damn thing to help out veterans. dammit.
  12. I was very pleasantly surprised at the moderator - she really didn't step on Pres Trump like I suspected she would. She did interrupt him far more often when he was making a great point, and only did the same a few times to biden. For being a democrat, she did a fairly nice job of being fair. All in all, biden was scrambling away from the truths - he DID say he'd ban fracking. He DID lie about nobody lost their health insurance because of obamaocare. He DID lie about Pres Trump having a bank account in china. It was closed in 2015. If talking about what biden did not do during his eight years as VP, and 48 years in office....was a kick in the ass, biden would need surgery to ever sit down again. and biden had no choice but to admit his crime bill was a MISTAKE. well, he never corrected it since 1994. 26 years, eh? and, raising the minimum wage across the board - it's been PROVEN that that backfires badly. that is what biden wants to do. $15 minimum wage hike is hitting, hurting NYC restaurants https://nypost.com/2019/09/29/15-minimum-wage-hike... Sep 29, 2019 · Since the $15-an-hour minimum wage hit New York City in December, Liz and Nat Milner say, they’ve been forced to slash their full- and part-time staff to 45 people from 60. Quality has suffered ... The Unintended Consequences Of Raising Minimum Wage To $15 https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2019/07/10/... Jul 10, 2019 · A rough back-of-the-envelope calculation of a typical restaurant that employs workers at $15 an hour exemplifies the unintended consequences of the minimum wage increase. Biden also failed miserably in explaining catch and release. his evasions of answering questions is all most Americans need to know - biden is an incompetent fraud. also, biden saying that Pres Trump thinks he's Abe Lincoln... when most of the entire tv audience clearly heard Pres Trump say he's helped black communities - more than anyone SINCE Abe Lincoln. Habitual liar biden is. Habitual plagiarizer, and he is clearly corrupt and on the take with foreign governments. Fairly big win for Pres Trump.
  13. Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/weekly-standard/... According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans because of Obamacare: The U.S. individual health insurance market currently totals about...
  14. even CNN finds that biden LIED out his rear? that isn't good for biden. biden failed on money. he said HE didn't get that money from a foreign country. yeah, but he got money from his kids and brothers.... who got their money from foreign countries. Outside of the glaring lie on fracking - one of his biggest lies was: https://www.theblaze.com/news/biggest-lie-of-the-night-biden-says-no-one-lost-their-health-insurance-under-obamacare
  15. and, saw a poll - 68% of republicans are afraid to put a Trump sign in their yard, or a Trump bumper sticker on their car.... things are getting very, very dangerous.
  16. thanks for nothing obaMao commie. https://www.theblaze.com/news/threatening-letters-trump-supporters-new-hampshire 'The letter reportedly said, "Dear neighbor. You have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter. Your address has been added to our database as a target when we attack should Trump not concede the election." The letter also encouraged homeowners to ensure that their insurance policies cover fire damage. "We recommend that you check your home insurance policy and make [sic] that it is current and that it has adequate coverage for fire damage. You have been given 'Fair Warning,'" the letter warned. It concluded, "Always remember, that it was 'you' that started this Civil War. Be prepared to face the severe consequences of your pre-emptive actions against democracy." '
  17. Ten Wins for Gun Owners That Never Would Have Happened in a Hillary Administration So here are the top ten highlights that gun owners can celebrate from the past four years: Victory #1. President Trump nominated and confirmed two (soon to be three) pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court Justices and over 200 pro-Second Amendment Federal and Circuit court judges. The impact of this action cannot be overstated. Barring the Left’s plan to pack the Supreme Court, the confirmation of these judges and justices will enshrine our right to keep and bear arms as our nation’s precedent for generations to come. Victory #2. President Trump recently renewed his promise to sign Concealed Carry Reciprocity if Congress put such a bill on his desk. Victory #3. The Trump Administration worked closely with Gun Owners of America during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Responding to a letter from GOA, the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo designating the firearms industry as “essential business.” Because many states directly referenced the DHS guidelines for “essential business,” many gun stores were immediately protected. In other states, this DHS designation became an essential tool for GOA when fighting to overturn unconstitutional state shutdown orders. Victory #4. President Trump directed his administration to restore your right to keep and bear arms on over 400 lake and river projects, totaling over 11 million acres of public lands in 43 states. Victory #5. President Trump kept his campaign promise by signing House Joint Resolution 40 into law, which rejected a final rule submitted by the Social Security Administration. Without the President’s actions here, an estimated 75,000 otherwise law-abiding citizens would have had their names submitted to the NICS system as prohibited persons each year. Victory #6. President Trump unsigned the UN Arms Trade Treaty before thousands of gun owners, saying the following: Victory #7. President Trump empowered his administration officials to repeatedly attempt to allow Defense Distributed to publish 3D printed gun files. While the Obama Administration began this infringement, the Trump State Department settled the lawsuit in 2018, allowing for “unlimited release.” Unfortunately, several states’ attorneys general filed a lawsuit and won an injunction against the opposition of the Trump Department of Justice. The case is currently pending. Victory #8. President Trump’s Department of Justice filed an Amicus Brief with the Supreme Court in the case New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. New York City in support of the defendants. While the high court dropped the ball with the case, the Administration’s brief was a huge show of support for the individual right to keep arms. Victory #9. President Trump’s Administration successfully completed a modernization of export control regulations on the American arms manufacturing industry. It also removed a regressive federal registration fee of $2,250 that small gunsmiths and firearm companies were forced to pay even if they did not manufacture, or export firearms or ammunition. This was a huge win for small gun businesses and the firearms industry. Victory #10. GOA opposed the passage of the unconstitutional Fix NICS legislation from start to finish. In response to GOA’s hard-hitting criticisms of Fix NICS that gun owners with unpaid out-of-state parking tickets would be subject to a federal gun ban, President Trump moved to redefine the ATF’s interpretation of the prohibited person category, “fugitive from justice.” This resulted in the successful elimination of tens of thousands of names from the NICS background check system. Instead of facing vehement and unrelenting assault by a Hillary Administration, gun owners were handed this series of public political victories over the last four years. No, we did not get Concealed Carry Reciprocity or pass the Hearing Protection Act, but we also have not sent the majority of pro-gun elected representatives we needed to Washington D.C. This 2020 presidential election will determine if our next president will sign or veto legislation put on his desk and the congressional elections will determine whether that legislation is pro-gun or gun control. So, get out there and vote on November 3rd! Let’s vote for politicians who will fight to put Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation onto the president’s desk. In liberty, Aidan Johnston Director of Federal Affairs Follow me on Twitter at: @RealGunLobbyist P.S. Don’t forget to check out the GOA Congressional Voter Guide before you head to the polls on November 3rd!
  18. OTH, we voted early in person, the Stark County had everything very nicely set up. We were in a long line outside, but in very little time, we were inside the door, and quickly could go vote. It was no problem at all. They had a lot of machines.
  19. it's all about making money off being in our government. And they will do any kind of violence and illegal crap to keep the money coming in. which means, they MUST control the DOJ, FBI, etc. They have sold out America. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/10/22/harris-biden-china-n267226
  20. then any hunter/gun owner will be at the mercy of leftwing liars. "He didn't look at me" it's a hate crime, take his guns haha"
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