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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. so.....Hoorta...regret saying that really, really stupid thing yet? eh?
  2. why is it that the lefties think saying stupid stuff is entertaining? 1. blah blah - look at Pres Trump's rallies. you can stfu about him being so "unpopular". The country is badly divided, and that became very serious during the obaMao communist biden asswhole regime. Nothing but failure. Eight years wasted. 2. the stupidest point of your post, is the above. NO, it does not belong to LBJ. I wish you lefties would LEARN HISTORY and ADMIT REALITY. Your emotions must be twisted badly. Here is the truth: 3. President Trump most certainly HAS done more for the Black/Hispanic communities than any other president since Lincoln. LBJ's "great society" was a political ploy to get the black vote. It worked for a long time. But JUST LIKE obaMaocare - it was a political failure over time. It was never designed to be effective - it was designed to get votes in the worst, most dishonest way. the "great society" did very serious damage to black communites, so many black families. It did make many dependent though - that is what the left lives for. Learn SOMETHING Hoorta - you are too arrogant to continue your dishonest spiels. https://reason.com/podcast/why-lbjs-great-society-flopped-and-what-it-means-for-the-2020-election/ https://www.dailysignal.com/2019/10/21/why-lbjs-great-society-gets-a-failing-grade-in-improving-education/ https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/allen-west/great-society-has-failed https://www.educationviews.org/why-lbjs-great-society-gets-a-failing-grade-in-improving-education/ https://humanevents.com/2005/09/14/the-great-society-failure-of-an-idea-and-a-people/
  3. really. come ON, man. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/10/27/270338-n270338 " He was talking about himself and his running mate, Kamala Harris and his wife Jill. But confused Joe also spoke of “Doug Emhoff, Kamala’s wife.” Joe Biden calls Sen. Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, “Kamala’s wife” pic.twitter.com/xUAwd4FySw — Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) October 27, 2020 From Daily Wire: “Well, we put a major effort into Texas to begin with—eight days to go, uh, and, uh—the Lone Star State has a shot of becoming blue again,” Biden said. “You know, uh, we have 17 battleground states across the country and we’re not losing focus on securing, uh, uh, the many pathways to 270.” “But my wife Jill, as you know, and Doug Emhoff, uh, Kamala’s wife, are there,” Biden continued. Now, I get that leftists seem to have a trouble with the science of who is a man and who is a woman, but this is pretty bad. After Biden forgot President Donald Trump’s name and referred to him as “George” twice the other day when talking about serving four more years, media tried to spin it that he was talking to George Lopez, who was the interviewer. It will be interesting to see who the left claims Biden was talking about this time… Joe Biden calls Sen. Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, “Kamala’s wife”pic.twitter.com/jF2AfqiFI8 — Tommy Pigott (@TCPigott) October 27, 2020 This is dishonest. They left out that Biden was being interviewed by someone named Kamala's Wife. https://t.co/AuvSd64Rs5 — Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) October 27, 2020 Joe Biden: I'm running for the Senate because we can't have four more years of George, who is Kamala's wife. — Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) October 27, 2020 So what if Doug Emhoff *identifies* as Kamala’s wife?https://t.co/DxDJswvMU7 — Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) October 27, 2020 Just think. This is the best the Democrats could come up with…https://t.co/lpf2e2UDr4 — Simon Kent (@sunsimonkent) October 27, 2020 How can anyone elect this man to be president? No wonder so many people wanted to change their vote after the final debate, because they’re finally getting what a train wreck this guy is, both ethically with the scandal and the lying, as well as mentally with the decline."
  4. YEP. Hoorta is typical of the extreme left. He repeats his nonsense over and over, but gets po'd at other folks who keep responding and correctly him and calling him out for being a hypocrite ...and wants them to stop repeating themselves. He slurs and slurs, but gets po'd at being labeled with "TDS", which is exactly correct a term for him. He gets mad when some of us criticize his belligerence asswhole woodpecker, and he gets belligerent and asswholish in doing it. Makes no sense to me, either. Hoorta can't back up anything he posts with legit reasoning, because he is completely sold out to his emotions. and, he STILL can't name one good/great thing his hidin biden has accomplished for America during he 47 years in office. and, he hates Pres Trump because he has "orange skin" and projects biden's faults onto Pres Trump on the rebound. That is why I posted the emotional support thread for them.
  5. the left tried and failed back in the day - with McGovern - a true jane fonda beeatch traitor socialist sombeech. and Real America hammered him in the election. Anyone who regards history as important, knows the logical progression of where the communist dem party will take America. It happened in venezuela. cuba...Israel...soviet union....India....the UK............china it always has failed. But, even here in America - the ignorant base instinct for emotional knee jerk dwellers - it the utopian "grass is a whole lot greener on the other side of the fence." and, further to the point, is "if it doesn't make me angry, I take it for granted and don't care". Then, the last one hits - "My feelings are supreme, so I will not admit that there is a God, I will not respect our Flag, Anthem, history, Constitution, capitalism, Real Marriage, our borders..." The "communists" on the left hate because their emotions are conflicted by reality. So, they despise everything that does. They demand THEIR free speech, but get po'd when others who disagree exercise THEIR free speech. Their communist ideas demand that Americans are disarmed because they can't get them to be afraid any other way. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/wkd-these-3-countries-tried-socialism-heres-what-happened-89046 The lost emotional knee jerk lefties cry "conspiracy" and "nutjob" when you disagree with them. But history is the truth of matters. speaking of history, here, again, is the account of an FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen radical terrorist group. You know...Bill Ayers, friend of obaMao. and Ayer's girlfriend...Bernadine Dorn, and others. (have I mentioned recently that obaMao got his political career started in Bill Ayers' father's basement?) read it. This is who they are, but they have far too many ignorant groupies that are with them, in the mode of John Lennon's stupid song - "Imagine" https://www.foxnews.com/story/glenn-beck-chilling-warning-from-only-fbi-agent-to-infiltrate-the-weathermen
  7. Hoorta - just so you can stop treading water while swimming in Egypt. You surely must be exhausted. https://www.foxnews.com/world/new-dossier-condemns-china-for-destroying-evidence-of-covid-19-outbreak Leaked Western intel dossier reveals how China deceived the world about coronavirus "Specifically, the file notes that China began censoring news of the virus on search engines and social media beginning Dec. 31, deleting terms including “SARS variation," “Wuhan Seafood market” and “Wuhan Unknown Pneumonia.” "Three days later, on Jan. 3, China’s National Health Commission ordered virus samples to be either moved to designated testing facilities or destroyed, while simultaneously issuing a "no-publication order" related to the disease "" " The Saturday Telegraph also reported that key figures at the Wuhan Institute of Virology previously worked or trained in Australian government labs where they conducted research on pathogens in live bats as part of an ongoing partnership with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. According to the dossier, the team's work at the Wuhan lab involved discovering samples of coronavirus within a cave in Yunnan province and synthesizing a bat-derived coronavirus that could not be cured."
  8. they kept it hidden from the world. commie china did this to the world. Intentionally ? who knows. meanwhile, the scientist woman from Taiwan has escaped to America, and is in hiding. https://www.foxnews.com/world/new-dossier-condemns-china-for-destroying-evidence-of-covid-19-outbreak
  9. biden is worse than your obaMao commie. worse than mr. moochelle. but, not worse than horris. that is very,very bad.
  10. lol. what goes around, comes around, ya ! or, maybe not. Maybe we all SAVE AMERICA from becoming venezuela. You opened it early. shame, shame, shame. (liberals are so emotional they can't follow directions LOL)
  11. Hoorta can't admit obaMao SUCKED and LIED and broke all his promises, and refuses to admit biden has done NOTHING good or great for America in all his 47 years of being a crook, including 8 years of do nothing by biden. If you won't admit, you're full of ....eh...crap. I censored myself. LOL
  12. It will be tough for you later, but God love ya, I hope you will be ok emotionally. This is for you:
  13. name one, then we can name about fifty on your side. and it's iffy if you can name one. and, maybe you meant "distract" but still can't spell consistently? That is what isn't new.
  14. Our secondary needs fixed. Before the season is over. I wanted, Like Mitchell and Ward, a few pass interference calls on Green and Higgins. no call. Hard fought game - Kardiac Kids style. meaning, stressful most of the game. Baker got off to a bad start, but later went on a qb roar, setting a new franchise record for completed passes. Conklin didn't start at RT vs the bengals, I thought I saw him out there. Hubbard played in his place? had a few problems there. Gave up a rush to the inside, unless Conklin came in with his injury. And the short kickoff with the game on the line... I think that had to be a mistake - wasn't supposed to be THAT short. Harrison Bryant - rocks. Hunt had a terrific game. The Browns miss Chubb, no doubt about that. and they WON ! Mack Wilson had some great plays in coverage, Ward was a hero... and then, there is #23. Seems that most of the time, he is a day late and a dollar short as the old saying goes. On the play - where Higgins went into motion to the left, then stopped on a dime and went the other direction? I get it = HIggins is a star quality wr. But FS Sendejo loses a couple of steps on that play to a 6'4" wr? If only Delpit had stayed healthy, I was really looking forward to watching him make a huge difference in the defense. and our Browns WON AGAIN ! three more wins in a row, and we're 8-2 YOU BETCHA !
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