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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. mtv twitter somethin is your source of ... never mind. You're just going on a roll again.
  2. of course, I am not a leftwing addict, so I can back up why I say that. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2020/10/29/cvfc-kamala-harriss-close-ties-with-marxists-communists-maoists-and-socialists-n271428 CVFC: Kamala Harris’s Close Ties With Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and Socialists
  3. yep. That's Hoorta you betcha. his slurs are getting more angry, and he can't back up anything he vents. He can't name one, he's a biden one.
  4. saw just a little bit of it - those ceo's are worse than arrogant - like online darth vaders or something. sick stuff. They really don't want their power to control elections and messaging shut down. too damn bad. All three remind me of hoorta...
  5. ah, "non-discussion" is the new slur. Ok, Hopeless Hoorta. Let's discuss some stuff. Like, Bobolinski's treasure trove of emails, texts, and even audio recording of joe biden discussing bad stuff. Saying, "come on, man, you'll bury us". like sleazeball hunter's emails, which are LEGIT EVIDENCE, that of course joe and joe's brother were all in on the corruption to make millions and millions and millions from china. and russia. Hoorta won't discuss anything, he'll just fuss again. because he is completely wrong, emotionally, illogically, etc. Hey, Hopeless - I had a great career of software engineering/programmer-analysis/business analysis... that means I'm a good judge that you can't logically defend your side, so you are trying to do it emotionally. because... you can't name ONE good/great thing your heroes obaMao/biden did FOR AMERICA, ... while we can easily name hundreds of good/GREAT things Pres Trump and Pence have done FOR AMERICA. BTW, Hopeless Hoorta, you were just as WRONG about Josh Allen as you were about Josh Rosen. You called Josh Allen "garbage" and bragged that Josh Rosen was the "best pure pocket passer" and was going to be a star and I should STFU. If you weren't so freaking nasty and WRONG, you would be a lot happier person. Have a nice day. and go kiss the biden families corrupt asses if you want to. "If you won't admit, you are full of s....crap" Calfox
  6. LOL NAILED IT. Hoorta is just here to try to raise hell, and defend his little woodpecker. and yes, they want this forum shut down so they can have a far bigger audience over on the other forum.
  7. Uh Oh: Biden Chinese Business Associate Was Subject of FISA Spy Warrant Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 | Posted: Oct 28, 2020 6:00 AM
  8. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/10/28/uh-oh-biden-chinese-business-associate-was-subject-of-fisa-spy-warrant-n2578914 Uh Oh: Biden Chinese Business Associate Was Subject of FISA Spy Warrant Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 | Posted: Oct 28, 2020 6:00 AM
  9. Thousands of unwarranted, dishonest, unsupportable slurs against Pres Trump... and the left STILL can't admit anything bad about biden. pretty sad.
  10. https://pjmedia.com/election/bryan-preston/2020/10/27/bobulinski-the-bidens-are-compromised-and-lying-about-joes-knowledge-of-hunters-deals-with-china-n1099404
  11. https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/10/27/i-have-all-the-emails-and-documents-and-texts-proving-everything-tucker-carlson-interviews-tony-bobulinski/
  12. in keeping with the good intentions of the op: they will be so upset, they will cry. a lot.
  13. telling the truth about biden family sellout of America and how nasty and sleazy horris is ...is my october surprise on the forum. again, you chicken weasel woodpecker out of commenting ON THE OP SUBJECT. typical woodpecker.
  14. that is very similar to the really LONG parade I saw going through Canton.
  15. Tucker had hunter's business partner on tonight. It was explosive - and the backup emails and texts and recordings... are devasting. joe biden is a complete crook and a liar. Everyone should record it later, and listen. and, Bobulinksi's family is under Seal Team protection, and his life has seriously been threatened. and, joe biden told him on the phone - after they painted Bobolinski as a traitor etc... he said they should RETRACT or he'd go public with what he knew. and joe biden told him..."You'll bury us, man". he should be very afraid. Very, very much. The left has gone all out stalinist.
  16. the bidens are seriously dirty. they are traitors, they sold us out to russia and china. Meanwhile, this isn't a smear. What they tried to do to Pres Trump was a baseless smear. WE HAVE THE LEGIT PROOF. ************************************ Photo shows Joe Biden meeting Hunter’s alleged business ... https://nypost.com/2020/10/20/photo-biden-meets... Oct 20, 2020 · A Daily Mail report published Friday detailed Hunter Biden’s alleged work with Rakishev, claiming he dined regularly with the Kazakh businessman and attempted to … BOMBSHELL: Hunter's Former Business Partner Claims He Was ... https://clashdaily.com/2020/10/bombshell-hunters... Oct 22, 2020 · BOMBSHELL: Hunter’s Former Business Partner Claims He Was Recipient Of China Deal Email — Confirms Joe Is The ‘Big Guy’. Written by K. Walker on October 22, 2020. He said that he’s come forward because he “saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw.”. Hunter's ex-partner recounts meeting Joe Biden, claims ... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunters-ex... Oct 22, 2020 · Hunter Biden's ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski confirmed on Thursday that he met with former Vice President Joe Biden regarding his son's business dealings and alleged that someone involved... Hunter's Ex-Business Partner Says Joe Biden Lied About ... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/10/22/... Oct 23, 2020 · Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, accused former VP Joe Biden of lying about his role in his son's international dealings during a statement to the WH press corps just 90 ... Hunter Biden's ex-business partner says Joe Biden knew ... https://americanmilitarynews.com/2020/10/hunter... Oct 23, 2020 · On Thursday night, Tony Bobulinski, a retired U.S. Navy veteran and former business partner of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, said Joe Biden knew about the business venture. In a press conference held in Nashville, Tenn. before the final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Biden, Bobulinski said he would turn over electronic devices … Hunter’s business partner CONFIRMS authenticity of laptop ... https://www.rt.com/usa/504204-biden-email-china-deal-authentic Oct 22, 2020 · Hunter’s business partner CONFIRMS authenticity of laptop email, claims Joe Biden was part of Chinese deals 22 Oct, 2020 07:43 . ... But now a man claiming to be a recipient of one of the leaked emails, concerning a business partnership with a Chinese firm, has confirmed the authenticity of the message, dated May 13, 2017. Exclusive — Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden’s Flipped ... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/18/... Oct 18, 2020 · Schweizer, appearing on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel, said that former Hunter Biden business partner Bevan Cooney provided 26,000 emails to him—the first of which were published late last week in a Breitbart News exclusive investigation by Schweizer and author Seamus Bruner. Cooney is currently serving a sentence in federal prison due to his conviction … Senate probes Hunter's business partner's claim that he ... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8869401/... Oct 22, 2020 · Tony Bobulinski said he was Hunter Biden's business partner in 2017 Bobulinski said Hunter brought him into joint venture with Chinese energy firm Hunter Biden …
  17. woodpeckers only dream about being reamed so they can emotionally feel like they are "somebody super special". They don't know any better.
  18. dang. She's a nasty scumsucking Hoorta clone. I finally had to turn THAT one off too, and it's a parody !
  19. pretty sick stuff. Even Hoorta has to take pause at this. maybe.. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2020/10/27/parents-of-man-killed-by-illegal-immigrant-kicked-out-of-kamala-harris-office-n270544
  20. so.....Hoorta...regret saying that really, really stupid thing yet? eh?
  21. why is it that the lefties think saying stupid stuff is entertaining? 1. blah blah - look at Pres Trump's rallies. you can stfu about him being so "unpopular". The country is badly divided, and that became very serious during the obaMao communist biden asswhole regime. Nothing but failure. Eight years wasted. 2. the stupidest point of your post, is the above. NO, it does not belong to LBJ. I wish you lefties would LEARN HISTORY and ADMIT REALITY. Your emotions must be twisted badly. Here is the truth: 3. President Trump most certainly HAS done more for the Black/Hispanic communities than any other president since Lincoln. LBJ's "great society" was a political ploy to get the black vote. It worked for a long time. But JUST LIKE obaMaocare - it was a political failure over time. It was never designed to be effective - it was designed to get votes in the worst, most dishonest way. the "great society" did very serious damage to black communites, so many black families. It did make many dependent though - that is what the left lives for. Learn SOMETHING Hoorta - you are too arrogant to continue your dishonest spiels. https://reason.com/podcast/why-lbjs-great-society-flopped-and-what-it-means-for-the-2020-election/ https://www.dailysignal.com/2019/10/21/why-lbjs-great-society-gets-a-failing-grade-in-improving-education/ https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/allen-west/great-society-has-failed https://www.educationviews.org/why-lbjs-great-society-gets-a-failing-grade-in-improving-education/ https://humanevents.com/2005/09/14/the-great-society-failure-of-an-idea-and-a-people/
  22. really. come ON, man. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/10/27/270338-n270338 " He was talking about himself and his running mate, Kamala Harris and his wife Jill. But confused Joe also spoke of “Doug Emhoff, Kamala’s wife.” Joe Biden calls Sen. Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, “Kamala’s wife” pic.twitter.com/xUAwd4FySw — Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) October 27, 2020 From Daily Wire: “Well, we put a major effort into Texas to begin with—eight days to go, uh, and, uh—the Lone Star State has a shot of becoming blue again,” Biden said. “You know, uh, we have 17 battleground states across the country and we’re not losing focus on securing, uh, uh, the many pathways to 270.” “But my wife Jill, as you know, and Doug Emhoff, uh, Kamala’s wife, are there,” Biden continued. Now, I get that leftists seem to have a trouble with the science of who is a man and who is a woman, but this is pretty bad. After Biden forgot President Donald Trump’s name and referred to him as “George” twice the other day when talking about serving four more years, media tried to spin it that he was talking to George Lopez, who was the interviewer. It will be interesting to see who the left claims Biden was talking about this time… Joe Biden calls Sen. Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, “Kamala’s wife”pic.twitter.com/jF2AfqiFI8 — Tommy Pigott (@TCPigott) October 27, 2020 This is dishonest. They left out that Biden was being interviewed by someone named Kamala's Wife. https://t.co/AuvSd64Rs5 — Frank J. Fleming (@IMAO_) October 27, 2020 Joe Biden: I'm running for the Senate because we can't have four more years of George, who is Kamala's wife. — Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@MattWolking) October 27, 2020 So what if Doug Emhoff *identifies* as Kamala’s wife?https://t.co/DxDJswvMU7 — Adam Baldwin (@AdamBaldwin) October 27, 2020 Just think. This is the best the Democrats could come up with…https://t.co/lpf2e2UDr4 — Simon Kent (@sunsimonkent) October 27, 2020 How can anyone elect this man to be president? No wonder so many people wanted to change their vote after the final debate, because they’re finally getting what a train wreck this guy is, both ethically with the scandal and the lying, as well as mentally with the decline."
  23. YEP. Hoorta is typical of the extreme left. He repeats his nonsense over and over, but gets po'd at other folks who keep responding and correctly him and calling him out for being a hypocrite ...and wants them to stop repeating themselves. He slurs and slurs, but gets po'd at being labeled with "TDS", which is exactly correct a term for him. He gets mad when some of us criticize his belligerence asswhole woodpecker, and he gets belligerent and asswholish in doing it. Makes no sense to me, either. Hoorta can't back up anything he posts with legit reasoning, because he is completely sold out to his emotions. and, he STILL can't name one good/great thing his hidin biden has accomplished for America during he 47 years in office. and, he hates Pres Trump because he has "orange skin" and projects biden's faults onto Pres Trump on the rebound. That is why I posted the emotional support thread for them.
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