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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I just couldn't think of anything. I said I believe in all he has done. I was never a fan of his, but I am a fan of all he has done for America. The ice didn't break, I'm good. LOL
  2. 1. Pres Trump has done more than a few hundred good/great things for America. I LOVE all he has done. It's been amazing. What he will do? Make us less dependent and used by china. He will continue to fix trade deals that were giving America's wealth away to the globe. This includes the Kyoto/Paris Accord garbage. We would have paid out the NOSE in massive amounts of money, while russia, china, india, etc etc etcc paid nothing. As someone with the UN admitted - redistribution of wealth around the world will never happen without getting massive approval by affluent western nations for "man made global warming". But it was discredited so badly, that they changed the name to "climate change". He will continue to work on our economy. So many lost careers permanently when china dumped steel on us. So many companies started building elsewhere around the world because it was so much cheaper in terms of taxes. Pres Trump understands BUSINESS. He is NOT a politician. His appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court have SAVED our Constitution - so many take our freedoms for granted. Losing freedoms is a very dangerous occurrence in the world, historically. Protecting our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights is crucial to that freedom. They never had that in England, in Australia, etc.. The gov is not allowed to do that to us. That is our permanent guarantee. He will continue his great work to take care of our veterans. What he has done already is gigantic. He will continue to help minorities. He will continue to help black colleges, minority job growth (historic low unemployment for blacks and hispanics). He will continue to defend our borders, dammit. He'll continue to SUPPORT OUR POLIICE. He will continue to KICK OUT gang members/illegals/criminals who do not belong here. He will continue to STAND UP for America, STAND UP for our country's military. Peace through Strength WORKS. Being weak does NOT. He will continue to bring our jobs BACK THE HELL HOME. He will continue to put AMERICANS AND AMERICA FIRST. He will continue to NOT sell us out globally. He will continue to DRAIN the CORRUPT bASTards out of our government who have been there for decades. that is just off the top of my head. 2. What about concerns me? His tweets have alienated a lot of folks, but the msm deliberately declaring war on him, along with the swamp deliberately trying to prosecute him for nothing, the House dems impeached him for NOTHING, and the left lies about him 24x7.... so I understand it. and our national debt is sickening. I worry about our 26? trillion. Everytime I think of the Weimar Republic. that isn't all his fault. I want a damn balanced budget. But the reps don't have the House, so.... The republican party, some members, are pansies. They are in a serious, vicious war, and some of them roll over like trained otters. They are afraid. Anymore, they are afraid for their families. Afraid of being labeled with whatever the slurs are the most used against conservatives who stand in the left's way. He has delivered everything and more than I hoped for - he's been brilliant that way. Not much to go with on this question.
  3. deliberate, folks. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/10/31/hundreds-of-thousands-of-questionable-ballots-sent-to-voters-in-california-they-may-be-cast-and-turned-in-by-ballot-harvesters-n272882
  4. it was a lie. Just to put them in a bad light. Now, some wimpy woodpeckerish "dr." went to Texas to help the biden tiny campaign.... and their bus was followed all over by a bunch of Trump supporters. LOL LOL LOL so, he called 911. I hope he gets arrested for filing a false police report. Even called them like "hitler's brownshirts" because they followed them. Like, anyone back in the nazi era followed hitler's motorcade around in their cars with anti hitler flags and signs? the left rewrites history to fit their twisted emotions. Which ends up being twisted history, invented farce history. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-supporters-escort-biden-harris-tour-bus-in-texas-biden-supporter-responds-by-calling-911
  5. remember when the NY folks had to register their guns? they published the list in their newspaper to screw with them. Even policemen. and firemen. addresses. now, they could publish lists of people who go to restaurants that are publicaly pro-America. Like Mission BBQ... Chick-Fil-a .....no one would be safe if they "cross the red line" ....(chinese virologist expert reference)
  6. apparently there is no low that woodpecker won't stoop to, typical. Meanwhile, God Bless our troops - those Seal Team guys, those Spec Ops guys, are the serious real deal. Think of it - an American is rescued in Nigeria in the dead of night successfully. Those teams put their lives on the line for all of us. Amazing, just Amazing. 6,694 miles United States → Nigeria
  7. I answered that in the other thread: here's a clue: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainstream_media " Mainstream media (MSM) is a term and abbreviation used to refer collectively to the various large mass news media that influence many people, and both reflect and shape prevailing currents of thought.[1] The term is used to contrast with alternative media which may contain content with more dissenting thought at variance with the prevailing views of mainstream sources. " ******************* see, Fox has DISSENTING THOUGHTS. It is actually a large alternate media. so there ya go, you are welcome.
  8. yep. I think it's sounding like an entire made up story. the left has no low they won't go.
  9. nope. the msm HATES Fox. the left HATES Fox. and, Fox has seriously differing viewpoints all over the place. the rest? nope.
  10. because they were sent out LATE ? Yeah, me too. They have fought and fought to stop votes from counting then, but WHEN IT GIVES THEM AN ADVANTAGE... they demand in the courts to extend the acceptability of late votes further and further. yep. power by any flippity flippity means necessary. ****************************************** Flashback: Democrats Worked Hard to Disqualify Overseas ... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2012/08/06/... Aug 06, 2012 · The Democrats’ efforts to suppress the military vote weren’t confined to one county. From an Associated Press account: In some counties, half or nearly all the overseas ballots were
  11. and it isn't just a few. Even in Philadelphia, a poll showed 23?% of the blacks polled felt the same way. And it's just true, from lbj to biden - they have failed to deliver all these decades - the poor black communities have always been right where they are. Oh, they did get free obaMaophones though. Until President Trump. He KEEPS HIS PROMISES. https://www.theblaze.com/news/minorities-share-why-oppose-biden-back-trump
  12. YEP. He is also very, very smart and has inspired the Browns to a new height. They are having fun in the fight.
  13. I think "not all there" whinin biden said "if you don't want to vote for me, you ain't black enough" to him, too.
  14. a guy from Australia was on Fox yesterday. They have been locked down for.... 111 days. This is also the country that did the gun confiscation. Too bad the left takes our freedom for granted, and hates our Constitution/Bill of Rights. Australia’s 1996 Gun Confiscation Didn’t Work | National ... https://www.nationalreview.com/2015/10/australia-gun-control-obama-america Oct 03, 2015 · But the Australian 1996 National Agreement on Firearms was not a benign set of commonsense gun-control rules: It was a gun-confiscation program rushed through the Australian
  15. that would be great - we could sit around the campfire and trade stories. in the middle of the day, we could go groundhog skeeting. We do have to go visit the Fatherinlaw in Texas if they ever open up for visitation....
  16. strip searches next? "red flagged" next? "swatted next" ? information is the left's weapon. and if the owner of the restaurant is known to be patriotic and supports our military etc? bad look to the orwell leftwing sombeitch part of the gov, you betcha.
  17. so, the old wall was worthless. this one works. that is the point. "look at me!!!!! I always miss the point to say something doofus!!!!! "
  18. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2020/10/30/joe-biden-mumbles-through-yet-another-lie-about-his-son-n272130 Watch: Joe Biden's Mind Goes Berserk, Says He's Going to 'Mobilize Trunalimunumaprzure' Biden did come out today though, as he’s obviously feeling the heat of President Trump’s late barnstorming of the swing states. That’s when this happened. BIDEN: “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure.” pic.twitter.com/TAkj7bJndN — Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) October 30, 2020 Other’s on social media had some fun with this. Character is on the ballot. Dignity is on the ballot. Trunalimunumaprzure is on the ballot. https://t.co/6EkNKSjDjo — jon gabriel (@exjon) October 30, 2020 It' verbal diarrhea… I think he's yelling… "I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize true intestinal pressure" — Bill Sweet (@Billav9) October 30, 2020 Ask not what your country can do for you, but you can do for trunalimunumaprzure — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 30, 2020 He clearly said ‘George Lopez’. https://t.co/lZ1hbhynzn — Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) October 30, 2020 Do you support or oppose trunalimunumaprzure? — Jewish Deplorable 🇺🇸 (@TrumpJew) October 30, 2020 I’m sorry, what?
  19. they had no legit evidence for three-4 years... and we have a whole LOT of legit evidence. but that makes them FEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL unhappy, so they ignore it. "lalalalalalalalaal I can't hear you..."
  20. not from the msm. can never find the truth on cnn, msnbc, NY times, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc . etc.
  21. but I'm not the press. If I was, for a lefty msm media...I'd get fired and banned. but still funny.
  22. THANK GOD FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP and VP PENCE !!!!!!!! (btw, notice that china and russia did NOT sign) https://www.theblaze.com/news/nations-sign-declaration-abortion-family United States and more than 30 other nations sign declaration that 'there is no international right to abortion' and that the family is 'fundamental' to society Trump administration leads the way Who signed the declaration? According to the HHS website, these 33 countries, representing more than 1.6 billion people, signed the declaration: Bahrain Belarus Benin Brazil Burkina Faso Cameroon Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of the Congo Djibouti Egypt Eswatini The Gambia Georgia Haiti Hungary Indonesia Iraq Kenya Kuwait Libya Nauru Niger Oman Pakistan Poland Saudi Arabia Senegal South Sudan Sudan Uganda United Arab Emirates United States Zambia (H/T: The Christian Post)
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