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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. lol. this is great. For the final campaign rally before the presidential election, the Biden campaign brought in Lady Gaga to try and fire up the, uh, “crowd,” in Pennsylvania before the final day of voting begins. At the end of the final event before the election, the Democrat nominee had “one last thing” to say to the cars in the parking lot, but whoever was in charge of the music had other plans, and Joe gave up: Not even Joe Biden's supporters want to listen to him! pic.twitter.com/kKq32tZZdW — Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) November 3, 2020 LOL. Oh, Joe. the dj is a freaking legend for turning up the music as soon as sleepy was about to speak — abed (@litecoinlad) November 3, 2020
  2. Fauci is so much a dishonest tool HIS OWN FAMILY IS DONE WITH HIM. https://www.theblaze.com/news/anthony-faucis-family-says-they-can-no-longer-stand-behind-flip-flopping-family-member
  3. of course they will. They will lie out of political advantage, like they do about everything else. Gettin dangerous. Even a lie to the FBI. when is was the LEFT that was road raging BY A BIDEN STAFFER....over Trump Supporters embarrassing them by driving on the same highway. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/11/02/trump-texas-caravan-n273667
  4. while Tex has never lamented the deaths in Benghazi. None of the left will talk about it. and the deaths of our SOLDIERS who had to abide by obamao/biden restricting rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan. all political attack garbage.
  5. typical two faced subject changer/liar/personal insult starter, double beaked woodpecker. getting back to the outstanding OP: Does woodpecker have a body double? no? then STFU woodpecker. ridiculing our military's amazing success in rescuing the AMERICAN CITIZEN is stupid.
  6. so, Pres Trump was LISTENING TO THE SCIENTISTS about it fading. now, will any low information socialist/globalist hater admit it?
  7. know nothing about everything woodpecker: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deborah_Birx Critics have alleged that Birx minimized the dangers of coronavirus and downplayed equipment shortfalls. She was the White House's chief proponent for the idea in April that COVID-19 infections had peaked and the virus was fading quickly,[33]when afterward infections surged.[34] A board member at the American College of Emergency Physicians, Dr. Ryan A. Stanton, said Birx sounded like “the builders of the Titanic saying the ship can’t sink." Birx was also accused of squandering her credibility and bringing her independence into question with her public praise of Trump, whom many believed bungled the coronavirus response.[35
  8. yep. we all KNOW. IT's strange and sad. Hoorta et all refuse to condemn china. and blatantly use a covid cheap shot, as always, to blame Pres Trump for covid coming here. Hey, HOORTA, it came from COMMUNIST CHINA and WENT ALL OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD.
  9. Fauci is more and more doing the left's bidding. He is all over as a celebrity, more and more pandering to the left. and Dr. Birx is another one. The CDC's individuals donations are nearly all to dems. and Birx is a GLOBALIST. and HIV expert. and a big favorite of...obaMao commie. and... she is an expert.... but she led Pres Trump wrong - and hasn't admitted it. She's praised Pres Trump, then turned on him over Dr. Atlas. another example of demanding control. She lost control over Pres Trump. It's what the deep swamp does. I would say someone got to Birx and influenced her to lead Pres Trump into controversy over the covid thing. She's an EXPERT - how does she not know better? eh? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deborah_Birx " Critics have alleged that Birx minimized the dangers of coronavirus and downplayed equipment shortfalls. She was the White House's chief proponent for the idea in April that COVID-19 infections had peaked and the virus was fading quickly,[33] when afterward infections surged.[34]A board member at the American College of Emergency Physicians, Dr. Ryan A. Stanton, said Birx sounded like “the builders of the Titanic saying the ship can’t sink." Birx was also accused of squandering her credibility and bringing her independence into question with her public praise of Trump, whom many believed bungled the coronavirus response.[35] "
  10. good question. I think it's because they want to have biden/hoorris to win the popular vote again, so if they lose, they can say Pres Trump isn';t really the president - he stole the election away from the popular vote.
  11. and that is why the swamp bureaucrats hate him. They think THEY RUN AMERICA. not all of us Americans. they need to be GONE.
  12. then Tex would applaud woodpecker's artistic designs as proof that Pres Trump is bad.
  13. Nobody is "praying you go away". That is just you being a VICTIM like you lefties do. You hate. You demand attention. You SLUR at anything and everyone who doesn't kiss your emotions and make em all better. and you slurring contentions HAVE NO BASIS IN FACT. You just make them up. You make a fool of yourself, Tex, with all the stupid, UNSUPPORTABLE accusations. Pres Trump and Pence have been a HISTORIC SUCCESS IN DOING OVER A COUPLE HUNDRED GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICA. The incredibly gigantic, overflowing CROWDS know better than you. REAL AMERICA knows better than you. You refuse to find fault with any dem/leftist. You hate Trump. for no good reason. Your bleating is stupid. Higgardly/obaMao commie/biden/etc etc - there are a lot of HUGE reasons of what they have done in the past to despise them. President Trump has done nothing wrong. 28 million in a fake investigation over nothing found. So, when that blew up in your face, you just picked another and another and another attack to go with. And every single time it blew up in your face. and Hoorta's. All your hateful bitching is nothing. Just "look at me, I hate Pres Trump, aren't I special". Now you are mad, because you've failed for nearly four years so many times. So, whether or not these updates on a tragic situation are true, and I suspect after Pres Trump wins re-election - you will sickly laugh? and admit you made it all up. No cred on all your crap from and others, Tex. Not one reason to believe your sad story. If it's true, sorry to hear, but can't tell if you are just bs'ing to the max to save face. Not buyin what you are trying to sell.
  14. Thank you. It's sad that Tex is using a sad situation, if it's even true, for political emotional leverage against Pres Trump. "A bird pooped on my car, NOW do you see how the orange man is a murderer?"
  15. woodpecker doesn't do facts, he does twisted feeeeeeellingggs and hateful, ignorant rhetoric.
  16. It's not relevant, you twit. It's an American citizen. Not a world infamous terrorist. American citizens do not have "body doubles", asswhole. You just took the chance to try to ridicule our military. you lose. every time. You keep proving me right - all you can do is say stupid crap, disrespect what the rest of us respect, and change the subjects. the op has nothing to do with you not liking Pres Trump. But I'm sure you will run and cry/whine/chirp to Hoorta about how you are so disrespected.
  17. yep. The really mentally disabled gaffes are flooding in from biden. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/01/its-great-to-be-here-with-all-of-you-in-tampa-bay-minnesota-dementia-joe-strikes-again-n273348
  18. Not mad, just disgusted that you don't have any guts to have your own opinions on anything. You just argue with other people, ridicule other peoples' opinions and bitch, bitch, bitch and peck and peck and peck. cowardly bird.
  19. Hoorta's #1 contains an indirect reference to Trump without naming him. That actually crosses the line I didn't cross. #2 Complained about Pres Trump's nomination. ice broke, Hoorta is swimming in winter Egypt.
  20. what, woodpecker whined? lol I adhered to the rules, I simply walked near the line. Don't change the rules in the middle of the game.
  21. you are a sick sombeitch woodpecker. You are referring to the allegation that the Seal Team actually took out a bin laden body double. So you admit you are so stupid that you feeeeeelllllll that every American citizen has a body double? You said an asswhole thing, don't try to excuse it in any way.
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