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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yep. and how many counties are on this same system? I wonder - the remote connection of voting machines to dirty dangerous george soros...... Michigan County Flips from Biden to Trump After 'Glitch' Fixed https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/06/... 16 hours ago · The initial election results showing Joe Biden winning the presidential race for Antrim County, Michigan, have now been corrected to show President Trump as the county’s winner after a software glitch was fixed, according to a report by 9&10 News.. The corrected election results now show President Trump winning the county by more than 2,000 votes.
  2. https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/11/07/election-software-responsible-for-glitch-in-antrim-county-mi-used-in-every-swing-state-n276327 Election System Responsible for 'Glitch' in Antrim County, MI Used in Every Swing State
  3. "Drumming and Eating. Many novice birders and non-birders mistakenly assume that woodpecker drumming is related to feeding, and that woodpeckers may even eat the wood or sawdust they peck. " Woodpecker Food Sources Depending on the season, a woodpecker may eat several different things. The exact foods preferred by each species vary, but the most popular woodpecker foods include: Insects, especially wood-boring insects, grubs, spiders, and ants Tree sap Nuts, especially those of socialist corrupt politicians Seeds Berries and fruit, including juice from rotten fruit And for some reason, they will eat their own excrement when agitated
  4. absolutely. I wonder if john brennan or clapper will give biden some of that poison, so they can get their vp to become president...... taking over total control of the Supreme Court by packing it...getting rid of the electoral college, condoning/encouraging voter fraud... yep. That sounds like democrat socialist/communist kgb to me. You know, john brennan voted communist in college, right? You know, obaMao's top advisor, Van Jones, was an avowed communist right? We should have made communists and socialist illegal a long time ago. But no, we let them have their say. Now, they may get the power to not let US say anything they don't like. Because they control social media, and, you openly don't agree with them, they will try to destroy you with lies, just like they did to Kavanaugh, and less so, Judge Amy Burrett. and plenty of others, like Trump, his entire family, and now the entire half of our country that voted for him. Just like the nazis.
  5. Well, Hoorta said josh rosen was the best pure qb and pocket passer in that draft, and told me to STFU about responding about Josh Allen because Allen was garbage. really, really wrong. Still hasn't admitted it all this time. so, that is seriously dishonest - I don't think he really voted for Pres Trump, or he would at least admit Pres Trump has done a LONG LIST of well over two hundred GOOD/GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR AMERICA. To put it succinctly - the lefty losers troll with false narratives to try to annoy the rest of us. Kinda like all liberals are control freaks who demand to control other people.
  6. well, if Tex knows psych, he should "advise and heal his own self". the nonsense slurs "Three Marxist Fatigueos" without any factual supporting evidence, all this time, makes them look like fools to anyone who knows better. NOTE: It is irrational to vote against the hundreds of GREAT THINGS that Pres Trump has accomplished, DESPITE TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SPENT ON A FAKE INVESTIGATION OVER THREE YEARS. It's like the nazis...the kkk... if you want to be on the winning side, you turn in your friends to them, and become one of them. That is how I see it. Liberals in Europe made good nazis. The nazis just hated everyone who wasn't "pure German"... the American left hates everybody who isn't left. and so it goes.
  7. Tex hasn't made a valid point since....eh..... before he started posted on the political forum. He's like a member of the charles manson family, singing nonsense songs about hating everything.
  8. no, you miss the part where I said " Voted against repudiation of".... except I cut and pasted too quick and put it out of place. I type very, very fast, you just think slow. you voted FOR 1984.
  9. the idea that the process was rushed, was "unfair"...is historically disproven, and has been said many times. Hoorta just won't man up and admit it. Which is fine - he's a leftwing radical glacier humping, socialist-voting, almost olympic bike riding adventurer. Who may be delirious from borrowing woodpecker's binkie.
  10. nah, you two lose again - I gave legit links - you have slurs, you butt buddies are emotionally twisted. Deny the hatred on your side all you want, deny the violence coming from your side all over the country, deny the corruption of what you voted for, deny deny deny. You swim in Egypt. You lose. You voted to have the hate and fear-mongering, the sleazy liars, the dividers... to bring America back together again? You want to kiss communist china's rear? give each other great big smoochies? nobody cares. It's just stupid on your part. We've always been good about losing elections around here... but this time - the fraud was in every swing state, your corrupt nazi soros admits he spend huge, huge, huge millions to buy radicals to make America fall. congrats. you voted and say stupid stuff. whatever. My links stand, your slurs stink, and you both CAN'T NANE ONE GOOD/GREAT THING FOR AMERICA THAT OBAMAO/JOE BIDEN EVER DID IN 48 years. not one. You voted AGAINST your own country. Too bad the left isn't the only side that will suffer. asswholes. Oh, have a nice day... anyways...REAL AMERICA.
  11. 7 Leftist Threats Political Terror Is Coming Whether Trump ... https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/26/7-open-leftist-threats-that-political-terror-is... Oct 26, 2020 · Fifth, on Aug. 4, 2019, a supposed religious scholar and CNN contributor Reza Aslan announced on Twitter — a tweet still up as of Oct. 22 — that all Trump … Dems Call Trump a Mass-Murdering Racist; His Poll Numbers ... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/09... Sep 17, 2020 · According to a recent Hill-HarrisX poll of registered voters, President Donald Trump's approval rating just hit its highest mark since June. This may …
  12. Bloodthirsty Hatemonger Keith Olbermann: Trump, Supporters ... https://conservativefiringline.com/bloodthirsty... In other words, he wants tens of millions of Americans killed, just for supporting Donald Trump. He had much more to say. “Remember it, even as we dream for a return to reality and safety and the country for which our forefathers died, that the fight is not just to win the election, but to win it by enough to chase — at least for a moment — Trump and the maggots off the stage and then
  13. https://nypost.com/2020/08/30/blm-activists-celebrated-as-trump-supporter-killed-devine/ BLM ‘activists’ celebrated as Trump supporter was killed: Devine
  14. https://www.theblaze.com/news/blm-portland-vandalize-home-arson BLM rioters vandalize Portland commissioner's house after he voted against defunding police; city hall hit with arson attack
  15. yeah. They may as well have voted to make fried chicken rain to fall on every ....socialist/communist household while they are at it. just ...so stupid. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/11/06/276253-n276253 Dems Start 'Enemies List' to Go After People Who Supported Trump, Including Fed Judges He Appointed
  16. well, historically, that is what happens with the left when they get a firm hold on power permanently. https://www.facebook.com/realCandaceOwens/videos/black-latino-americans-sing-national-anthem/628791131131406/?__so__=permalink&__rv__=related_videos
  17. where is your legit link? oh, don't have one like always? yeah. go fink yourself.
  18. I believe once illegality and corruption is proven in all the swing states it happened it... Dec 2 - have a REAL ELECTION with those states. It's the only way to get it right, and to have an honest election. Otherwise, bad, bad, bad for America.
  19. oh, but Hoorta and little commie-like woodpecker voted against Pres Trump and half of America... to "bring us all together". how tragically stupid.
  20. things woodpecker voted against: (sound familiar?) 1. AMERICA 2. AMERICA FIRST 3. BLAMING CHINA FOR COVID 4. FAIR TRADE DEALS 5. THE TORTURE AND MURDER OF MILLIONS OF UNBORN AND BORN CHILDREN 6. CORRUPTION OUT OF CONTROL 7. The tragedy of venezuela becoming our tragedy. 8. Skyrocketing energy prices 9. Devastating job losses, more tainted garbage goods from communist china 10. Socialist corruption outlawing our Constitution/Bill of Rights. 11. Free elections - it's what communist birdbrains want 12. 1984 censorship 13. Goverment cancel culture of all individuality (Ayn Rand's "Anthem" 14. A great economy 15. Booming 401Ks 16. Voted against repudiation of leftwing hatred, partisan cheating, and biased media 17. Voted against him...her...self 18. Voted against Real America 19. Especially voted for HIGHER TAXES which is stupidass. Canceling Pres Trump's tax cuts will raise EVERYONE"S TAXES. 20. Logic. He doesn't know what it is, his nanny Hoorta doesn't know what it is, factcheck that, ya. 21. Our military - it will be cut to shreds again - to pay for a life of ease for illegals, especially gang members and hard core violent criminals, especially drug cartels. 22. Voted against our history, our Flag, our American way of life 23. Voted against keeping our wealth at HOME, instead of being duped by the UN and EU into giving our wealth away to be redistributed to the world. 24. Voted to do away with the chance of a balanced budget forever 25. Voted to send our national debt skyrocketing into so high inflation thousands of Americans will starve to death. 26. Voted for all the tragedy that will happen when socialist/communist reality sinks in. did I leave anything out?
  21. yep. this garbage cannot continue. like Ayn Rand's "Anthem" and Orwell's "1984" it's history repeating itself. My hope is, she runs for president in 2024. My donation is in.
  22. ‘Time to fact-check the fact-checkers’: Candace Owens vows ... https://www.rt.com/usa/505832-candace-owens-factcheck-lawsuit-facebook 14 hours ago · Conservative activist Candace Owens has announced plans to sue Facebook's third-party fact-checkers, accusing them of censorship and vowing to expose the relationship between the social media giant and fact-checker “activists.” “It is time to fact-check the fact-checkers,” Owens said in
  23. of course they did. the first step toward us becoming like venezuela. IT's history, folks. of course, they were "only...er...autographing the ballots by request" etc etc https://www.theblaze.com/news/viral-videos-show-pennsylvania-poll-workers-filling-out-ballots
  24. I thought one person could only donate so much... yeah. george soros - one of the dirtiest, most deranged and dangerous names on the planet. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/06/in-2006-george-soros-funded-a-project-to-elect-progressive-liberals-to-secretary-of-state-offices-now-you-know-why-n276082 In 2006 George Soros Funded a Project to Elect Progressive Liberals to Secretary of State Offices -- Now You Know Why
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