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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. I think they need to change it - whoever wins the most counties in a state wins the state. I mean, look at the map - it would be a landslide for Pres Trump.
  2. first up, is Jedrick Wills - LT. Moved from playing RT in college. The Great Joe Thomas worked with him a lot on his transition to the left side, THANKS JOE !!! Because Wills was worth every second of that first round, 10th overall pick. One article on him - and I keep watching the video a few times, and few more times - to see again how athletic and powerful WIlls is. At 6'4", 321 lbs, my favorite part of the short video, is him vs the bengals and leaping to get past the los and going after a block. He looks like a giant rb. and he's Bitonio strong, seems to me. https://www.brownsnation.com/a-look-at-jedrick-wills-jr-and-his-mid-season-performance/
  3. https://redstate.com/alexparker/2020/11/06/kelly-reagan-brunner-texas-voter-fraud-acting-as-agent-ken-paxton-n276337 Social Worker Hit With 134 Felony Fraud-Related Counts for Trying to Vote on Behalf of the Disabled
  4. the fix has been in for four years... https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/07/project-veritas-has-a-postal-service-worker-in-pennsylvania-on-record-regarding-backdating-postmarks-on-mail-in-ballots-n276525
  5. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2020/11/07/combat-veterans-for-congress-pac-election-theft-n276666 Combat Veterans for Congress PAC: Election Theft
  6. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-biden-170k-arizona-vote Update in Arizona vote count shows Trump gaining on Biden, with 173k ballots left to be counted
  7. I wonder how many illegals voted when they demanded no republican poll watchers...which is a flagrant VIOLATION OF THE LAW. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-eating-into-bidens-arizona-lead-by-another-7000-votes Vote counting continues, even though Biden declared winner: New Maricopa County vote dump shows Trump eating into Biden's Arizona lead by another 7,000 votes
  8. it's sad. The left hates, and they love to rub any victory, no matter how tainted with hundreds of thousands of illegal votes..., into others' faces. emotional knee jerks emote, it's how they are badly wired.
  9. research better: How Long Could It Take For Amy Coney Barrett To Be Confirmed? : Supreme Court Nomination President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett with just 38 days before the general election. Nominee: Sandra Day O’Connor Total length of time: 34 days President Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O’Connor to fill Justice Potter Stewart’s seat on Aug. 19, 1981. Stewart retired on July 3, 1981. Hearings began on Sept. 9 and the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to endorse her on Sept. 15. The full Senate confirmed O’Connor on Sept. 21. Nominee: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Total length of time: 45 days President Bill Clinton nominated Ruth Bader Ginsburg to fill Justice Byron White’s seat on June 22, 1993. White retired on June 28, 1993. Hearings began on July 20 and the full Senate confirmed Ginsburg on Aug. 5.
  10. That's a lie. I have admitted being defeated in fantasy football often.......
  11. I think Tex is projecting upon Pres Trump what he sees in his own reflection. You betcha.
  12. Thoughtful post - yes, sometimes people are one stand-yer-ground issue voters. abortion. 2nd Amendment. But perception is all too often other peoples' reality, when they are greatly mistaken. The divide was put there by obaMao. at last count, 42% of hispanics APPROVE of the wall. and THAT was Jan, last year. Poll: Trump's Support Among Hispanics Soars in Fight for ... https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/18/poll... Jan 18, 2019 · This time last year, an ABC News /Washington Post poll found that only 34 percent of voters supported a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Today, support for the wall has climbed to 42 percent overall. Most notable, about 40 percent of swing voters now say they support a border wall. Now, calling covid the chinese virus, do you really think any Chinese American doesn't know that the covid came from communist china? ***************************** It was obaMao who railed on about the race card. The Boston prof - obaMao immediately knee jerked about the policemen's actions were "stupid". Then later, he had no choice but to retract that lie. Obamao went with class warfare often during his reign. You don't think "they hold on to their guns and religion..." was divisive? 20 Reasons Why Barack Obama Was the Most Divisive ... https://www.usapoliticstoday.org/20-reasons-barack-obama Make no mistake about it – failed President Barack Obama was the most divisive president in decades. The left seems to forget the sick things he said and did. Let’s recap just a few: In a radio interview with Univision in Oct. 2010, Obama urged Latino voters to “punish [their] enemies” and “reward [their] friends who stand with [them].” Obama offers up bitter, depressing, racially divisive ... https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/05/obama... Obama’s first virtual commencement speech was a short video prepared for graduating high school seniors. It pairs a vicious partisan attack with unseemly racial whining. Congrats to the high ... Obama Calls Campaign Rhetoric ‘Divisive.’ Here Are 6 Times ... https://www.dailywire.com/news/obama-calls... Obama Calls Campaign Rhetoric ‘Divisive.’. Here Are 6 Times He Was Divisive. On Monday night, President Obama displayed the height of hypocrisy, condemning GOP presidential candidates “divisive rhetoric.”. As he gave the keynote address for the Toner Prize of Excellence in Political Reporting, Obama intoned, “The divisive and often vulgar rhetoric that’s aimed at everybody but is often focused … ************************************** More to the point - the left/dems in congress tried to destroy Kavanaugh and Judge Amy Barrett. Tried to destroy Pres Trump. Do you remember any rep trying to destroy Kagan? or Ginsburg? nope. Do you remember any rep trying to destroy obaMao with a 3 year fake investigation, coming up with NOTHING.... ? nope. Do you see blm being criticized by biden ? or hooris? nope. I see blm/antifa being defended. etc.
  13. if you are being facetious, you should put that in pink. Packing the Supreme Court means "adding about 5 new fake vacancies so the left can put five new leftwing marxist activist judges" to dominate the numbers. Pres Trump only FILLED a vacancy, and historically, it has been shown that the time frame was not uncommon at all. Research it.
  14. wait.... the swamp draining thread has 204 pages.................... this one has only one page. I ran errands, now I have farm work to do.
  15. they were different articles, different links... you betcha. and I don't think it was 25 times... go look. (okay, I deleted some of em, LOL LOL)
  16. well, Pres Trump had a landslide going, until the fraud complaints started, then the giant batches of 100% biden "votes" showed up... tainted win. Talk about illegimate....
  17. Hoorta translation: "it can't be bad to get rid of Trump, the entire communist party is delighted, so am I"
  18. invalid response, non of those were marxists-sponsored, who want to pack our Supreme Court to own it, and who want to get rid of the electoral college, and who will ban cows farting, campfires, guns, Christianity and pepperoni rolls, the latter you can buy but only from the gov, after you buy a $200 pepperoni roll license. (gotta get bucks to support socialism, then the money will run out, and we will be venezuela).
  19. ah, well, that group was a small group of sick militia nutjobs you betcha. But I'm talking many groups, many states in the U.S. the sick group you mention are not quite "blm" by the thousands, or antifa by the thousands... one was actually a Pres Trump hater, too. ‘White Supremacist’ In Kidnapping Plot Is A Trump-Hating ... https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/09/white... Oct 09, 2020 · A new video of one of the 13 men arrested and charged in an alleged kidnapping plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer shows the suspect is a Trump-hating ... Governor …
  20. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2020/11/06/nevada-gop-sends-at-least-3062-instances-of-voter-fraud-to-attorney-general-william-barr-n276129 Nevada GOP Sends ‘At Least 3,062 Instances Of Voter Fraud’ To Attorney General William Barr
  21. that is true to a minor degree. But you don't see right wing mobs burning down cities and murdering Trump supporters, burning our Flag, attacking/murdering policemen... just sayin.... but that was just the first three pages, about 60? posts....
  22. well, seriously, the slurs can go both ways. I'm going to respond in kind, ONLY to show you that the slurs go both ways, and both are just as stupid: 13 MIND BLOWING SIMILARITIES BETWEEN HITLER AND OBAMA! … https://americasfreedomfighters.com/13-mind... -Like Hitler, Obama has an obvious distaste for the Jews, and sides with the Muslims every chance he gets. -Both Hitler and Obama were able to mezmerize the people even when it was obvious that what they were saying was not true. -Both Hitler and Obama used domestic terrorists to launch their careers.
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