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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. so, you are giving to help children not go hungry, but you are addicted to the leftwing democrat party and you condone the wanton infanticide they support. That isn't called "straightforward". Indeed, it's called "asswhole" you betcha.
  2. for nine year old who got into a friend's stash of dope.
  3. YES ! https://www.brownsnation.com/nick-chubb-back-from-injury-expected-to-play-against-texans/ https://www.brownsnation.com/wyatt-teller-returns-to-practice-for-browns/ that would be awesome
  4. our country is going to get screwed up so bad, a whole lot of biden voters in the millions will realize they thought they bought a utopian change to America, but ended up dooming America. at least for four years. On the bright side, even Munchin of WV says there is no chance he would EVER vote for packing the supreme court, etc.
  5. woodpecker believes he's an expert on the entire universe. he's so..."special"
  6. so stupid - crooked joe biden gets 10% of the money that russia and china gave to schmoe's corrupt druggie on the take son, and he's going to reward them with more giveaways to russia and china. Russia and china will be DELIGHTED we will give more money to the UN in general, and the WHO in particular, pay reparations to iran, fund more terrorism, send more businesses overseas again, devastate our energy independence, send energy prices skyrocketing, more gas shortages jimmy carter style, send truckers into a nationwide gas price strike, food shortages, everything shortages, millions can lose their health insurance they WORKED FOR all their lives, inflation will skyrocket, jimmy carter style, and interest rates will go up to double digits again, putting home loans, car loans out of reach for most of the middle class, and businesses will no longer be able to borrow to invest in more capital, and R&D, a lot of jobs will be lost. But don't worry, biden will invest even more of our money into new energy companies and create more jobs... just.....like...........Solyndra. Our only hope is to have the Supreme Court, if it goes that far, order new elections in the swing states, or at least have the national guard to the recounts of ballots. Meanwhile, in Georgia, the former AG explains what Georgia did - they turned down the voting machines' signature check system....turned it DOWN to the lowest setting - 40 percent. and a ton of evidence is out there already that there was widespread corruption of the election to sway it to the dems' voting fraud. BTW, in PA - the Constitution clearly stipulates that state legislatures pick the electors. GUess who picked the electors in P'A? the democratic corrupt governor. that's who. Levin: Pa. Secretary of State Is Violating This Exact ... https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/lucy-collins/levin-pa... Nov 05, 2020 · Below is a transcript of the segment: Mark Levin: Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution provides that, quote -- ready? -- “each state shall appoint, in such manner” -- ready? -- “as the legislature thereof may direct” -- hello, hello, wow! -- “equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress.” *************************** Michigan and Pa, and Georgia - the Supreme Court needs to get the illegal ballots thrown out. https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/09/18/mark-levin-pennsylvania-michigan-legislatures-must-undo-courts-election-decisions/
  7. Except, stupid-ass woodypeckerhead - the POINT is, there is great REASON the BRILLIANT Founding Fathers invented the electoral college. Most of us are tired of trying to convince you to do your own research.. Why should the giant cities mandate control over all the folks NOT in giant cities? You really suck at trying to look smart. The Founding Fathers - none of them were perfect , but some of them had a far better education than you did, in understanding life and their world. Here's one book - "Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny" by Richard B. Morris. Here's a link you won't understand or try to understand, turdbeak - https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/the-electoral-college-why-we-use-it-why-it-matters-18331 As one of The Heritage Foundations legal experts, Hans von Spakovsky, noted in a paper on the Electoral College: “In creating the basic architecture of the American government, the Founders struggled to satisfy each state’s demand for greater representation while attempting to balance popular sovereignty against the risk posed to the minority from majoritarian rule.” Some elements of the Electoral College, such as the indirect vote through intermediaries, were hotly debated at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. It was eventually justified in part as a stopgap to potentially reverse the vote if the people elected a criminal, traitor, or similar kind of heinous person. The Founders wanted to empower democratic elements in the American system, but they feared a kind of pure, unrestrained democracy that had brought down great republics of the past. The product of the Founders’ compromise has been well balanced and enduring, and we would be wise to leave it intact. ***********************************
  8. er? I rarely think Dennis Miller is funny. Gutfield and Watters are great !
  9. Kamoola Kameltoe. and Hidin Feeble-minded biden. should make Greg Gutfeld's show all the more fun to watch...
  10. OTH, if he does become president, it will be bad when the left says he's unfit for the office. also. His nonsense will be great for conservative comedians, so that's an upside. https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2020/10/31/reboot-him-now-joe-biden-invents-another-word-to-go-with-trunalimunumaprzure-badakathcare/ Reboot him NOW’! Joe Biden invents another word to go with ‘trunalimunumaprzure’: ‘Badakathcare’ ******************** Trunalimunumaprzure syndrome. "badakathcare" - if you like your health and home, you can keep them....
  11. that was pretty bad. Profoundly uncalled for attack, especially from someone who never served....
  12. https://www.theblaze.com/news/1-year-after-calling-to-burn-down-republicans-with-no-survivors-wapos-jennifer-rubin-says-republicans-pushing-voter-fraud-should-be-forced-from-polite-society-we-have-a-list Long list of media, Democrats threaten retribution against Trump supporters, Republicans Both wildly inappropriate and unsurprising
  13. yeah, well I conveniently don't remember, so I'm good.
  14. Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy ! Things looking up on the injury front: https://www.brownsnation.com/report-nick-chubb-returning-to-practice-this-week/ "Luckily, Chubb isn’t the only player that is expected to return after the bye week. Cleveland is hopeful they will also get tight end Austin Hooper and right guard Wyatt Teller back on the field soon. #Browns are 5-3 going into the bye week. Some key players possibly returning from injury in Week 10: Nick Chubb Austin Hooper Wyatt Teller"
  15. well, worthless woodpecker, go and research WHY we have an electoral college. If they get rid of the electoral college, I suggest we go by county. That way the cities don't own the electoral process with the rest of the entire country helpless to have their votes count. Just once, you could STFU and go look at a map of how America has voted.
  16. Never once heard from Stan about that, folks. Back then, I was reporting a few folks often because crap was getting out of hand. I thought they'd want to know. they didn't, I didn't know that. Too bad a few "winners" who hated Pres Trump have come on to hate everybody else and rub their tainted victory in their faces. and, apparently, to get this forum shut down so THEY don't have to listen to complaints about the 48 year nothing done.
  17. that's how it goes - it makes them happy to cheat and win, and sad to not cheat and lose. so, they flip their opinions based on their emotions.
  18. as usual, the left would be defending a new ginsburg justice if it only took 3 days. Any complaints about how short the time was, the rush....and they would scream "RACISM"
  19. You crossed the line ridiculing DH's military service. In doing that, you ridiculed Tex's, Cysko's, mine, Canton Mike's and others who have served. That has nothing to do with Pres Trump or Biden. I know you ... didn't know you would stoop that low. The end.
  20. Wrong again. I posted about the corruption. I had to make it more than one thread because you lefties bitch that I put them all in one thread, so... I was working really hard outside, getting the garden ready to til, pulling up the old posts, etc, to brush hog. Stupid light stuff blew into the briars - I don't do that giant garden anymore - it was a LOT of fun work for my Dad and me, but...to much now. Filled up gas cans etc for the tractor and reg gas jobbies, starting completely cleaning up the barn, pulling out equipment to rearrange everything, Best friends called - in their neighborhood, someone driving past, they guys in the car were black, were yelling nasty stuff at them about them voting for Pres Trump, so they asked about ammo and guns...for that neighbor, too. This election is different - dangerously so - nobody cares that we've had close elections. America wouldn't be on the line with Gore idiot vs Bush knucklehead. But after eight years of obaMao...the racial hatred and division with the left has grown into full bore HATRED. Been encouraged by the msm insanely. The lies to the FISA court to ILLEGALLY SPY on the Pres Trump campaign, the several? tens of millions of dollars spent on the phony investigation of President Trump, the ILLEGAL changing of that CIA document to implicate Page... and the vile deliberate lies from every leftwing person in the country, the encouragement of violence and confrontation... and the hellish attempted destruction of Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Barrett.... the list is LONG. So, I fell asleep watching TV - some nice boring sweet movie about a lady who is alone in a big house and takes in some homeless people. I was tired, and it wasn't very exciting. My Wife loved it though. Chick flick. Then, I woke up as she was watching the Clemson-ND football game - a very wild affair - went into a second overtime. I started at half time. So, I was a bit wired after THAT game, and went to reading - I haven't gotten to my autographed Sean Hannity book yet. I got tired of reading and yep, it was about 3 AM... lol The disappointment is the widespread corruption, even the dems governors expedited it by sending out millions of unasked for ballots, to places where the people no longer live, to dead people - btw, it's always the dems who have fought and fought in court to NOT HAVE to clean up their registration rolls. Now, the entire country knows why. But half the country thinks it great. the left half, at least population wise. At no other time in our history, has one political party been so dangerously corrupt, as to openly say they will add a bunch of new positions to the Supreme Court, get rid of the electoral college that only makes all states, all folks, have a say in who wins. Sadly, I don't believe illegals haven't voted. Every vote is not checked for residence, signature, and citizenship. Who demands all those illegals come here ILLEGALLY by the millions? the left. That's enough to come me up tonight, too.
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