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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yep. and like in France, who activated 7-8 thousand troops to guard their schools churches etc...from terrorism. EU open borders has created a severe problem with the lack of border control, lack of sovereignty. that is what they want from us - "just give the rest of the world all your money and go to hell".
  2. that is what I call the left's "flippity-flippity". When their feelings change, their stances change. anyone with any sense knows - the lefties are *happy* when anything favors them getting power. so they are fine with it. but, let anything be NOT favoring them, they rail and rail against it. To sum it up - again, it's how they feel. they would rage if anyone ridiculed the buttock and moochelle obaMao kids, but Bush's kids, Judge Amy Barrett's kids, Pres Trump's kids, etc etc etc.... are great fun to see them ridiculed and threatened with felonious assault etc etc etc. that is why we can't get the lefties to talk about legit, relevant facts on matters. They emotionally lash out. Like......"josh rosen is the best pure pocket passer in the NFL draft - he's going to be star....a few thousand times. I kept replying that Josh Allen would be the far, far better pick - he was not perfect, but he would be successful in the NFL. The rosen side was outraged that I kept disagreeing with them, and you know who threatened with a warning point, I should shut up, stop disagreeing, etc etc. Except, I was completely correct. The point is, it made them happy to love rosen, and it made them UNHAPPY I kept disagreeing. So, that is how it goes.
  3. it's what lefties/liberals do. control the narrative. they post crap, but it's fine because THAT is how they FEEEEL. when they disagree with others, others had best stop it, or else, because, that is NOT how they feel. It's just a pattern I've noticed over the years.
  4. ben sasse is as sleazy as a young joe biden, playing both sides to get elected. he's scum.
  5. Posted 4 hours ago seriously, folks. Now fox news is going into the liberal toilet, slowly but surely. Fox News Cancels Judge Jeanine, She Immediately Goes Online! https://welovetrump.com/2020/11/07/fox-news-cancels-judge-jeanine-she-immediately-goes-online/ Nov 07, 2020 · There aren’t many good ones left at Fox News…. Tucker, Hannitizer, Laura, Maria, and most certainly Judge Jeanine! Let’s see, on the week that we have the biggest legal scandal unfolding of the entire year, I know I for one was very excited to see what Judge Jeanine had to …  https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine?ref_src=twsrc^tfw 1 Vambo reacted to this
  6. a friend says her friend heads up an assisted living place in OHio? and with about 132 residents... 100 came down with it. Not good folks. Too many people still NOT wearing masks and being careful.
  7. Pres Trump won Hawaii. Leading in North Carolina. North Carolina President Results 98 % vote counted Race Details gop gop Donald Trump 50% 2,736,881 dem dem Joe Biden 48.7% 2,663,605
  8. yep. Our America may never be the same after dementia and kamolla kameltoe screw it up....
  9. LOL gotta keep our sense of humor, even in the face of impending dramatic possibilities/probabilities of profound impending socialist dogma disasters. Have a nice day.
  10. once again, I think of all the veterans I served with, and have known all these years. WWII vets, including my Dad, neighbors, friends... they couldn't have a Veterans Day service at the local grade school - I have been invited and sponsored by the neighbor kids for years - my Wife and I have gone. and to be with all those vets in one gym...is moving. This year, they got pictures of all of us vets they sponsor, and created their own video. It's pretty moving. Happy Veterans Day to all the Veterans ! I'll miss going to the local favorite restaurant and seeing all the veterans there in one place, especially the older vets.
  11. where thousands of Pres Trump votes changed into Biden votes. we've been had, folks. America has been betrayed. https://centipedhttps://centipedenation.com/first-column/the-election-software-system-in-michigan-that-switched-6000-votes-from-trump-to-biden-is-called-dominion-it-is-used-in-30-states/ " One Michigan county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software so they hand counted votes and found the glitch caused 6,000 votes to go to Biden + Democrats that were meant for Trump and Republicans. 47 MI counties used this software. All must check now! pic.twitter.com/21AXyJZDZi — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) November 6, 2020" Small, quick dig on Dominion software below. On Thursday the Michigan’s GOP claimed that a glitch in the election software in one Michigan county gave 6,000 Republican votes to Democrats. One Michigan county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software so they hand counted votes and found the glitch caused 6,000 votes to go to Biden + Democrats that were meant for Trump and Republicans. 47 MI counties used this software. All must check now! pic.twitter.com/21AXyJZDZi — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) November 6, 2020 Smartmatic created the Dominion software. Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros. Posted by Centipede Nation Staff on November 6, 2020 9:31 pm On Thursday the Michigan’s GOP claimed that a glitch in the election software in one Michigan county gave 6,000 Republican votes to Democrats. One Michigan county clerk caught a glitch in tabulation software so they hand counted votes and found the glitch caused 6,000 votes to go to Biden + Democrats that were meant for Trump and Republicans. 47 MI counties used this software. All must check now! pic.twitter.com/21AXyJZDZi — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) November 6, 2020 Smartmatic created the Dominion software. Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros. "
  12. john brennan, traitor. voted communist? in college. dirty dangerous player deep state swamp wise. as sick on the national stage as hitler was in the pre WWII days. He is always running his big mouth about how he hates. sick dude. he IS one of those, with a nazi-ish demand to control our gov, instead of US controlling our government. He isn't alone. strzok, clapper, obaMao commie, crazy pelosi, schumer, mueller, klinesmith, hooris VP, the whole sick supremely ARROGANT socialist power mongering bunch of them. John Brennan is perhaps the most maniacal, like some nutjob out of a James Bond movie. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/john-brennan-dishonesty-long-record/
  13. I finished tilling our giant garden today, added a lot of old wet leaves, fertilizer, and a big compressed bag of peat moss. He said they loved the tomatoes I grow. I said I'm going to have my best, most productive garden next year. Enough for friends and us when the economy tanks and all socialist hell breaks loose. lol He said they started on a garden too, hopefully we can both supply the neighborhood with stuff. Our garden inspired him, and he said his parents are as worried as they are, and they have a farm out of state, too. Things don't go well when a lot of hate mongers vote against their own country's best interest. "screw America, WE ARE THE WORLD"
  14. tryin to get the forum shut down. He ain't denied it yet. Just sayin....
  15. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/11/10/report-detroit-poll-watcher-logged-suspiciously-delivered-biden-only-votes-in-the-tens-of-thousands-n277756 trucks with out of state plates delivered big load of ballots...at 4 AM. every one was for biden. yep. Michigan should go to Pres Trump, too. .
  16. trucks with out of state plates delivered big load of ballots...at 4 AM. every one was for biden. yep. Michigan should go to Pres Trump. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/11/10/report-detroit-poll-watcher-logged-suspiciously-delivered-biden-only-votes-in-the-tens-of-thousands-n277756 " For one, an entire load of ballots came in at around 4:30 a.m. on November 4. According to the poll watcher, the shift was ending around that time but one of the men in charge of counting ballots announced over the microphone that an entire load had just come in. The poll watcher was told that the vehicles these ballots were delivered in had out-of-state plates. The poll watcher logged that the ballots were brought in and placed on eight, long tables, but noted that the way they were brought in was irregular. The boxes were carried in from the rear of the room, which wasn’t typical at all. Also, somewhat irregular, is that every single vote was for Joe Biden. "
  17. once again, sissy woodpecker misses the point. Which is, he NEVER gets the point. The point is, the left has said many, many, many false, glaring accusations about Pres Trump.. and they NEVER required evidence that whatever said was true. You sure you aren't in the third grade remedial thinking class, woodpecker?
  18. Yep. Get rid of the fraudulent votes - by the left, and Trump wins in NC> https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/11/10/finally-decision-desk-projects-trump-and-tillis-win-in-nc-press-continues-brutalizing-cunningham-n277976 Finally: Decision Desk Projects Trump and Tillis Win in NC
  19. more censorship. 4 years of them not needing any evidence, but NOW, they censor opinions because they don't know if the opinion is backed up by evidence. and so it goes, The decline of Fox News...and American free speech. and the Constitution. https://freedomnewsusa.com/breaking-fox-star-decision-stuns-fans-oh-my-gosh/
  20. which has nothing to do with the OP. "Life after 75" <> end of life nothin just because of age.
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