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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. dang, you are childish when you are disagreed with, and when you are wrong. Simple facts, you don't have to get enraged and attack the source. It isn't sliming of joe, it's facts about Joe. But you, like your little woodpecker, don't thrive on facts. Just fake attacks. Trump U. didn't have ANYTHING to do with cancer - that is the serious offense to me. PEOPLE GAVE TO THE CANCER RESEARCH CHARITY and it was a fraud, like most of the demoquack fake good ideas you support. Furthermore, attacking sources is the cowardly way out. You can't dispute the facts, so you attack who posts the facts? Perhaps you should give yourself a warning point for utter foolishness eh? Meanwhile, you won't admit the rampant voter fraud? Well, tell it to the court, sport. ********************************************** https://www.theblaze.com/news/judge-rules-gavin-newsom-overstepped-authority-mail-in-ballot-mandate Judge hits Gavin Newsom with massive legal loss, rules he overstepped authority on mail-in ballots But the judge's ruling had broader implications
  2. dewine is apparently terrified that antifa/blm will show up at his home and threaten his family. it's what blackshirts/brownshirts do.
  3. disgraceful. If Pres Trump had done this, you'd be all over it every day, and the msm would be blaring it every minute. This is typical on the take - show him the money - sell American down the drain for profit candidate you support. that is how liberal emotions go: https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/15/joe-bidens-cancer-charity-turned-into-an-irs-sanctioned-grift-big-salaries-but-no-money-for-research-n280345 Joe Biden's Cancer Charity Turned Into an IRS Sanctioned Grift -- Big Salaries but No Money For Research
  4. George Soros · Net worth $8.600 billion (2020)
  5. nearly the entire "democrat nazi" party - seek unlimited dicktatorial power over people. we will be flooded with crime everywhere if biden wins the corrupt election. The recount in Georgia is a sham. A lib judge says there was a lot of fraud....but that he didn't want to be an "activist" judge and make any decisions on the election. bad times ahead, folks. My survival thread is still out there.....
  6. the spammers lied, the lawyers didn't. reality baby. btw, that is only PA. This election was RIGGED at the swing states they could make it work in. https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/12/pennsylvania-judge-sides-with-trump-campaign-throwing-out-ballots-missing-id-deadline/ "Election violations and voter fraud have been discovered in several key states including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Michigan. Some of this fraud has allegedly concerned tens of thousands of votes. "
  7. I had two friends ask me about starting a "survival garden" because they see our economy crashing, truck strikes, skyrocketing gas prices, inflation skyrocketing.....just this week. In case Pres Trump does officially get the election stolen from us. ******************************************************** A historian explains why Jimmy Carter was the last of … https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/a-historian... After Carter named Paul Volcker as Fed chairman in August 1979, the Fed restricted the money supply and interest rates rose accordingly—the prime rate reaching an all-time high of 21.5% at the end... President Jimmy Carter's Economic Policies https://www.thebalance.com/president-jimmy-carter... May 07, 2020 · In 1979, President Carter appointed Paul Volcker as the Fed chair. He raised interest rates and ended double-digit inflation. 4  The Volcker Shock caused a recession that helped destroy Carter’s reelection chances. Until the Fed got the economy under control, it suffered from the combination of high unemployment and high inflation. Carter ruined the economy; Reagan saved it www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-carterreagan.htm To battle inflation, Carter appointed Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, who defeated it by putting the nation through an intentional recession. Once the threat of inflation abated in late 1982, Volcker cut interest rates and flooded the economy with money, fueling an expansion that lasted seven years.
  8. Dr. Fauci - "you and what army? communist chinese? UN Peace Keepers? Doctors without Borders? STFU" YOU'RE FIRED!"
  9. except Hawaii WAS overturned. but it's nice you think Doocy and Rove are your favorite experts on the stuff they don't know much about. Look at the difference in Georgia. NC. It still needs to be STOPPED even if it doesn't give Pres Trump the win. The fraud needs to be COMPLETELY REVERSED and those hundreds and hundreds of fake/illegal votes deleted back out of the election Or, it's tainted, it's no biden win. Because the LEFT corrupted it badly. They have ADMITTED it on tape. The question is, can it be fixed? or are we doomed to never have a legit election again, russian kgb style?
  10. a month ago, we had 120 neighbors over for a bbq cookout around the campfire. Half of them were hard core democrats until Pres Trump put AMERICA FIRST and now they are registered republicans just like the other half. We all wore American Flag and Trump masks.... All of them are outraged at the corruption, violence, and fear-mongering by the left, and we all agreed to say mean nasty things about biden/hooris for the next four years, in case the illegal voter fraud can't be undone and dim-minded biden actually becomes our so-called fake president. We all swore that America will never be a socialist country, and we all took a solemn oath to resist them trying to cancel our American Constitution/Bill of Rights, by some of us farmers growing fields of big tomatoes, so we can throw them at "heil hooris" billboards. That oughta do it.
  11. that's so stupid. we aren't the soviet union, we can't deny people their rights, throw them into prisons with straight jackets on. We are a free country. communist china and the WHO they own and control, denied it was contagious to humans. do some research maybe some day?
  12. oh, a SIMPLE yes or no? regardless of the failure to be deleting all the illegal votes? Not recounting with the settings of accuracy (reading signatures was turned all the way down to 40% in high dem areas) then the answer it simple. NO. How's that? Why the hell should I accept the millions of illegal votes, the sabotage of the accuracy of the voting machines? do you know that they can open them up and change the settings? That a programmer/analyst with skills like I had for decades - could modify the operatiion/accuracy of the machines? They found thousands of votes in Georgia? that were automatically changed to biden from Trump actual votes, at a certain point late in the election? no freaking wonder biden "pulled ahead". without widespread, deliberate fraud, in terms of hundreds of illegal votes, 4am after the election delivery of truckloads of ballots... ALL FOR BIDEN per whistleblowers... (about a couple of hundred whistleblowers now) with OUT OF STATE LICENSE PLATES? no wonder they wanted to keep counting longer and longer... it gave them enough time to ship from out of state where needed, eh? so, IF THEY FIX ALL THE FRAUD, the winner is valid. Til then, it's a fraudulent election. You committed to "yes" because you hope the biden fraud voted win in the swing states stands. not happenin here, Tex.
  13. so, Communist China - God hating, America hating commie china... let this virus loose upon the entire earth. denied it, lied about it "not being contagious to humans"... it spiraled out of control all over the entire earth. Meanwhile, the elderly are dangerously susceptible to fatal consequences. I mentioned elsewhere, that one assisted living place here in ohio - 100 of 125? got covid. Down in Texas, the assisted living place where my Father-in-law called home for two years... didn't have one case of covid. Not one. But that is because they closed visitation, the folks there don't go down to their fancy restaurant for 10 months - it was closed - they eat in their rooms, and don't visit each other out in the hallway anymore. They did have WINDOW visits, but who can go 1300 miles for a window visit? Last Sunday, he died. He would have been 98 in Dec, was doing pretty well, still walking around with his fancy walker, talking to his friends at a distance in their rooms... but after months of being sedentary, and no visits, many became depressed, and so weak from seemingly endless sitting around, that several of them have been falling down in extreme dizziness and weakness. He fell down a week ago, was in the hospital... no visitors, and was happy to go back home to the assisted living. But he went downhill very quickly, consequences from his injuries, which included a slightly fractured vertebrae My Wife will go down there tomorrow - she just talked to him last week - only 20 people are allowed to attend the memorial service, instead of about well over a hundred - he used to pastor at that church. It has to be out in the courtyard of the church, isn't allowed to be inside. So, it was not covid. But they are dying months later - due to seclusion, depression/loss of appetite...and inactivity. and stress. He was very outgoing and social - many of them are huggers - or were, until covid hit our country. Many are giving up, losing their sense of humor...and loneliness is taking it's toll. I cleared it with my Wife before posting. She adds, that she just found out, that since her Dad was a WWII veteran, the local American Legion found that out, and contacted her - they will be there to honor him with taps, full military honors.
  14. So, Tex, do you see how freaking dangerous and illegal this election was? I'm not kidding. and guess who has ties to the dominion software company? Here is four sources: Dominion Voting Systems tied to Clintons, widely used in ... https://www.worldtribune.com/dominion-voting... Nov 07, 2020 · The Denver-based company’s Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 software was used in 69 counties in Michigan on Tuesday. SMALL DIG: SOROS tied to the election software used in ... https://centipedenation.com/first-column/the... Nov 07, 2020 · Smartmatic created the Dominion software. Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros. Other positions have included vice-chairman of George Soros’s Investment Funds, as well as his Open Society Institute, a Vice-President at the World Bank and the lead international partner at Sawyer Miller, a political consulting firm. Calls Growing For Special Investigation Into "Dominion ... https://welovetrump.com/2020/11/07/calls-growing-for-special-investigation-into... Nov 07, 2020 · Starting with a software “glitch” called Dominion. You can’t make this stuff up! Dominion? Do we really want a software system called “Dominion” and probably created or funded by Soros and his ilk running our elections? No way! This is why: 1. Dominion Voting now has ties to George Soros ... https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/election-2020/... Dominion Voting now has ties to George Soros! - Smartmatic uses Dominion software [link=(Bl@nka Shore @BlnkaShore2 · 4h The chairman of SmartMatics &the SGO Gro Glitch-Prone Dominion Voting Software Used in Georgia ... https://tennesseestar.com/2020/11/10/glitch-prone... 2 days ago · A glitch-prone voting software called Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) was used in all 159 of Georgia counties. Dominion classified their presence in Georgia as a “statewide voting system rollout.”. This past week, Dominion has caused delayed voting and reporting results in Gwinnett County, Morgan County, and Spalding County. Gwinnett County is the same location a whistleblower claimed ... Missing: soros Must include: soros
  15. Tex, I have no problem with accepting a real legit election. But this one is so corrupted it's profound. It's so corrupted, I don't see how it can be uncorrupted though. Check it out: https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/11/breaking-exclusive-analysis-of-election-night-data-from-all-states-shows-millions-of-votes-either-switched-from-president-trump-to-biden-or-were-lost-using-dominion-and-other-systems/ BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost — Using Dominion and Other Systems https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/breaking-exclusive-system-glitch-also-uncovered-wisconsin-reversal-19032-votes-removes-lead-joe-biden/ BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: System ‘Glitch’ Also Uncovered In Wisconsin – Reversal of Swapped Votes Removes Lead from Joe Biden Software that caused 6k Trump votes to go to Biden in ... https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/software-issue... Nov 07, 2020 · The race in Michigan, with 99% reporting, has Biden winning by a margin of roughly 145,000 votes, with more than 5.5 million votes cast. Help stop voter fraud: The Trump …
  16. it's turning into CNN. Here are the reasons why: https://redstate.com/bradslager/2020/11/12/fox-news-moves-left-and-their-new-pr-firm-is-only-part-of-the-reason-behind-the-shift-n278822
  17. so, Tex - if you ever admit the truth about something, I'll admit that you got it right...... https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/11/12/278973-n278973 BREAKING: PA Judge Rules in Favor of Trump in Election Decision
  18. after the illegal votes are gone, I look forward to Pres Trump winning PA, NC and Georgia....
  19. the trouble is, if the referee let your opponent in boxing have brass knuckles inside his gloves, let him land low blows without any penalty, but gave the match to your opponent because you sneezed... you'd be pretty po'd. The issue isn't sore-losing, it's fraud. "Crooked referee" The msm and democrats are the "referee", and the illegal votes are the brass knuckles. just sayin....
  20. again, when the LEFTIES do it, it's fine. When anyone ELSE does it, why, it has to stop ! controlling the narrative makes them feeeeeeeeeelllllll goooooood. (who was it that went ballistic, said no more Josh Allen responses - that Josh Allen was garbage? eh...let's see.....
  21. kamoolatoe the terrible. President Whore - The Palace Intrigue https://palaceintrigueblog.com/2019/01/27/president-whore Kamala Harris is not only an ambitious whore, but a conniving one as well. Look at what Brown had to say about how Harris treated him after she got what she wanted: “The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I ‘so much as jaywalked’ while she was D.A.,” Brown wrote.
  22. acorn. eh... who do we know about, who is famous for lies, deaths of our Soldiers, and who had no use for our Constitution or our Country? let's see. oh, yeah - https://barackobamafile.com/acorn/#:~:text=ACORN is one of far too many very,Obama%2C the Obama campaign has given them %24800%2C000 " ACORN is one of far too many very troubling Barack Obama associations. He has been closely allied with this organization for years and even though, as a non-profit group, they are not supposed to endorse political candidates, not only have they have endorsed Barack Obama, the Obama campaign has given them $800,000... " folks, obamao is right there in the mix of everything going on now.
  23. this is a brilliant amount of research results - and the truth. America First stands in the way of soros running the global economy. Remember who george soros is. George Soros Staff Exposed Bragging About Toppling Democracies https://newspunch.com/george-soros-toppling-governments Globalist activists on billionaire George Soros’ payroll have been exposed bragging about toppling democratically-elected governments at a private lunch. A former professor of sociology at the University of Kent in the UK, Frank Furedi recounted his experience with the globalist’s “ missionaries ” in an article for the Telegraph newspaper, having been prompted by the revelations about Soros’ efforts to bring … https://thewillcountynews.com/install/index.php/2020/01/11/complete-list-of-u-s-organizations-funded-by-george-soros/ Complete List Of U.S. Organizations Funded By George Soros If you take a few minutes to read the list - there are 199 orgs directly funded, and a short list of other organizations that are funded by the orgs that ARE funded. The msm has ignored soros all these years. How long ago did a few of us mention him? big, serious trouble. I'll list just one, the very last one in the entire list: Working Families Party: Created in 1998 to help push the Democratic Party toward the left, this front group for the Soros-funded ACORN functions as a political party that promotes ACORN-friendly candidates.
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