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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. oh, ye of stupidity: https://www.compellingtruth.org/abolish-fulfill-law.html https://www.compellingtruth.org/Christian-OT-Law.html
  2. the fraud is so serious - the recount in GA simply recounted illegal votes, what a farce. But it WAS noticed, and now the sec won't certify it. btw, in Michigan, the two reps who were coerced and were promised a review of the votes? they "certified" it after being harrassed and threats to their family, but the dems reneged on the "review" of course, and now the two reps have filed legal affidavits saying they have retracted their "certification". all hell has broken loose in this election, the coverup will take too long. Sidney Powell - and Giuliani have over 1000 LEGAL AFFIDAVITS legally stating observed voter fraud, vote counter fraud. President Trump won this election. WE WON this election. If we can get rid of the illegal votes, we're good. the trouble is, and that is planned by the dnc mafia, not a whole lot of time. We should have three years of LEGIT investigation before Pres Trump concedes. so, ccc, you keep making an ass of yourself. Bitch all you want, but replies all over the place, showing you to be an ignorant ass troll, is because you troll so much.
  3. OUR Constitution/Bill of RIGHTS are GOD-GIVEN and "hell no, we won't go" to 1984 *********************************** https://redstate.com/diary/heartlandinstitute/2020/11/20/resistance-is-for-now-an-appropriate-response-to-the-possible-biden-presidency-n282770 Resistance Is, For Now, an Appropriate Response to the Possible Biden Presidency
  4. and the left hasn't seen anything like what they did for the last eight years. "let's all come together since WE think we won" a whole mountain of bs. https://spectator.org/trump-challenge-election-results/ After Four Years of ‘the Resistance,’ Trump Is Right to Challenge the Election Results If denying President Trump’s legitimacy for the past five years was okay, why is taking this one to court suddenly a threat to democracy?
  5. and china..... https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/11/20/new-senate-report-confirms-hunter-bidens-biz-ties-to-ccp-raises-troubling-ties-to-kremlin-n282949 New Senate Report Confirms Hunter Biden's Biz ties to CCP, Raises Troubling Ties to Kremlin
  6. getting mores serious and more dangerous folks: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/11/20/282879-n282879 Dominion Backs Out of Hearing, 'Lawyers Up,' PA GOP Furious, 'Why Are They Hiding?'
  7. guess they weren't wearing masks in the right places.... https://redstate.com/alexparker/2020/11/20/michigan-gonorrhea-gretchen-whitmer-social-distance-pandemic-std-n283009 A Very Sociable Distance: Michigan Sees Surge in Gonorrhea
  8. may as well, the demoquack/rino swing states have been corrupted to the max https://www.theblaze.com/news/soros-bloomberg-pac-georgia-runoff-elections
  9. We have hundreds of affidavits from Americans all over the Country testifying under OATH to voting irregularities. It’s reported that vans, trash cans, and boxes full of ballots for Biden were brought in to be counted during the early morning hours without Republican poll watchers.
  10. except the maker of the voting machines is on the CISA board. so is microsoft....apple....google.....
  11. biden is desperate for it to be over before we can find out the extent of the systemic voter fraud in the swing states. doesn't matter, if he actually does take the WH, it will be invalid the next four years. biden is as corrupt as any mafia. Fraud didn't help OBaMao win twice. Didn't help Pres Trump win. but this election.... was fraudulent in the democrat nazi swing states.
  12. Deuteronomy 23:1 is OLD TESTAMENT. Not the new. Extreme ignorance is such a plague when the left can find a grain of truth on an endless beach.
  13. it is a lie - you won't man up and say anything about biden's, biden's $$$$$$$$$$$$ from russia and china, so up yers if you don't like it - it's a LIE by OMISSION. biden's never gave ONE DOLLAR to research for a charitable cause - cancer. Worse, the scam was based on his son who died. On principle of fairness, you fail. You beeatch about Trump, to defend who is far, far worse, which is biden, You just want to attack in a partisan, irrational manner. Not making any sense, that's all.
  14. same corrupt counters, same bunch of fraud. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/11/16/georgia-recount-auditor-first-checker-was-incorrectly-calling-votes-for-biden-n2580198 Three Wrong Counts In Three Minutes': Georgia Recount Auditor Says Things Aren't Adding Up
  15. bs. You've told lies about him as being true, and never took it to court. Which face would you like to use next? I thought even PRes Trump was INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY? eh?
  16. want me to post that link AGAIN? seriously? you probably never opened it. One-Hundred-Twenty-Five Amazing Accomplishments of ... https://frankreport.com/2020/04/18/one-hundred... Trump recently signed three bills to benefit Native people. One gives compensation to the Spokane … Trump finalized the creation of Space Force as our 6th Military branch. Trump signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face tougher … Violent crime has fallen every year he’s been in office after rising during the two years before he … Civil rights activist: 'Trump has done more for black ... https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/civil... Aug 27, 2020 · A civil rights activist speaking at the RNC said that President Trump has done more for black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has achieved in five decades in government.
  17. another lie, another falsehood, oh my. https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37369515
  18. 1. They are not going to release information if they do not have the freaking permission from whistleblowers. They have shown about 289? LEGAL AFFIDAVITS. Sidney Powell has said they have over 1000, new evidence is coming in every day. The reason for concern - is the death threats the witnesses have received, all sorts of threats, even some of the kids in schools..... 2. "They" ? who is "they" ? Giuliani and Powell have clearly explained - it is NOT THEM who have lost over whatever times. The PRESIDENT's LEGAL TEAM ONLY HAS THREE FEDERAL LAWSUITS. Other lawsuits were thrown out over a lack of legal standing, which may or may not be true, depending on the judge. 3. This happy jump to ridicule over falsehoods is just another sick epidemic. You haters did the exactly same for three years over the fake investigation and the fake impeachment. and the fake "dossier". and the fake "whistleblower" who didn't really exist. 4. I find it sad that so many have been programmed to ignore the well over two hundred accomplishments GOOD/GREAT for AMERICA that TEam Trump and Pence have done, and instead, mindlessly jump on the bandwagon of haters over personality. I mean, the three years millions and millions of bucks spent on the fake dirty mueller "investigation". The braggers over "Trump is doing down you wait and see" ...Where the hell was the evidence there? Oh wait, after three years of the left saying there was plenty of it, there actually was NONE. So, the haters out there...brag all you want over the false narrative of PRESIDENT TRUMP's team losing a bunch of times..... all you haters lost 1,095 times, and lost badly.
  19. no, that is another lie by you. LOOK AT THE GOOD/GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE FOR AMERICA ! You and Hoorta can NOT NAME ONE good/great thing your obaMao or biden did FOR AMERICA in your biden's 47 years or eight years with your ObaMao as "president"
  20. unforntunately, that is exactly HOW IT HAS worked with you and others for four years.
  21. and anybody wonders why I call him ObaMao commie? this is what they do. Destroy all political opposition - "re-education camps" Re-education camp may refer to: Re-education through labor (laojiao), a system of administrative detentions in the People's Republic of China Xinjiang re-education camps, internment camps for Uyghurs in Xinjiang, China Re-education camp CHECK THIS OUT: btw, who was president in 2010? https://hangthebankers.com/leaked-u-s-army-document-re-education-camps-in-america/
  22. so, same to you, so you can drop all the slurs and lies about OUR GREAT FOR AMERICA PRESIDENT.
  23. Time for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule - this organizations criminal destruction of our presidential election cannot be allowed. This is NOT the soviet union, and it is NOT venezuela.
  24. "if you have evidence that proves it isn't true, then go to the courts with it. meanwhile.... it's true. you know it is.
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