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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. you would think that someone with a medical background would grow up and smell the truth - the PRESIDENT TRUMP VACCINE is nearly a miracle - never before has a PRESIDENT TRUMP FAST TRACK been accomplished.
  2. another Hoorta Hero: https://redstate.com/alexparker/2020/11/21/joyce-carol-oates-berkeley-california-pandemic-trump-holocaust-n283464 UC Berkeley Professor Compares Trump Supporters to Germans Enabling the Holocaust
  3. if you want to give your senile mafioso biden great big smoochies, I don't want to hear about it. There is proof, but you are so arrogant you can't admit it. AGAIN - go look up what a LEGAL AFFIDAVIT is. really. go look it up. They don't have to share it with you, your highness. Doesn't surprise me you identify as a borg. I thought you simpletons loved whistleblowers, but your hypocrisy shows, eh? NOW you hate them. Well, there are hundreds and hundreds, about a thousand of LEGAL AFFIDAVITS. Really. Be quiet just a second, and go research it. " We have hundreds of affidavits from Americans all over the Country testifying under OATH to voting irregularities. It’s reported that vans, trash cans, and boxes full of ballots for Biden were brought in to be counted during the early morning hours without Republican poll watchers. " Here is one of Hoorta's Heroes: https://redstate.com/streiff/2020/11/21/new-york-magazine-art-critic-seems-to-advocate-genocide-of-republicans-n283430 New York Magazine Art Critic Seems to Advocate Genocide of Republicans
  4. said the dumbass birdbrain who doesn't know what a LEGAL AFFIDAVIT is.
  5. crap. another ignorant troll that doesn't look up anything, like... the definition of LEGAL AFFIDAVIT. and there are about a thousand of them. just once, look it up and go by the accurate definition of the world. ANY word.
  6. judge braun was appointed by your obaMao commie. so there ya go.
  7. well, I actually deleted this, there have been denials, and I haven't seen it on any well known media... don't know how it didn't get deleted. We'll see. Most of us love our country and the fraud of the voting in solid blue cities is very, very serious, and it's legally documented. I don't get why the left doesn't care. I never would have thought that so many people would be manipulated by lies, phoney claims of "social injustice", and the fraudulent man made global warming/redistribution of wealth FROM our country, and identity politics. It's concerning. They don't love our country, our God, our Flag, our Constitution/Bill of Rights, Real Marriage, our military, our economic system, our police, all conservatives.... you name it, they hate it. like a kkk/nazi/islamic terrorist kind of hatred for pretty much everything. Really sick stuff.
  8. again, stupid liberals demand facts not matter. they go by their twisted emotions. Just ONE LEGAL AFFIDAVIT - a whistleblower said that person was INSTRUCTED by the supervisor to cheat, and was TRAINED to cheat. SHE WAS INSTRUCTED TO IGNORE SIGNATURE CHECKING. another LEGAL AFFIDAVIT said in the middle hours of the morning, when they were supposedly closed but weren't (no republican poll watchers) trucks came in from out of state, with ballots in garbage cans boxes, pallets of them, many, many... ALL for BIDEN. that is just two affidavits of about a thousand. so carry on with your antagonistic swimming in Egypt, but facts are facts, they are legit.
  9. I wish woodpecker would grow up and acquire some kind of integrity and smarts. Until then, he is worthless, which is worse than Tex's irrational rants, and other trolls who just demand negative attention. sad.
  10. by a corrupt partisan activist judge - in PA, "judge braun".... nominated by....your buttock obaMao commie.
  11. the will of the American people will be SUPPORTED by the U.S. Supreme Court overruling the systemic voter fraud in this election. face it - this election was garbage corrupt in the swing states run by democrat cities.
  12. that was a stupid response. I just SAID THAT your corrupt senseless biden would have easily won californica, fool bird. Giant cities should not dominate and oppress the entire state, regardless of how they vote. This puts voting on a more local level. asswhole birdbrain, if you can't keep up, why not shut up?
  13. I still like my idea. Count the votes in each county, then the pres nominee gets one electoral vote PER COUNTY. Biden would have still won most counties in californica....
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/powell-servers-were-confiscated-from-electronic-voting-company-in-germany-and-it-was-our-forces-that-got-them/ar-BB1bdyvh?fbclid=IwAR2Wn5ExWwaDCdFAEPEbMgRubuw2W5_Yxmy8JgFc0oJVEY7_Fkj-Mt5PnrQ&ocid=uxbndlbing Powell claimed to have evidence of the “massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China, and interference with our elections." "The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software ... were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out,” Powell stated. "Trump won by a landslide, and we are going to prove it, and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom.”
  15. oh, crap it is going to hit the fan and spray the left https://drrichswier.com/2020/11/14/us-army-seizes-dominion-servers-in-germany-trump-lawyer-vows-im-going-to-release-the-kraken/ US Army seizes Dominion servers in Germany, Trump lawyer vows, ‘I’m going to release the Kraken’ https://conservativechoicecampaign.com/the-us-military-has-raided-and-seized-servers-in-germany-tied-to-the-dominion-election-system/ People on the ground in Germany report that Scytl, which hosting YOUR elections data Improperly through Spain, was raided by a large US ARMY force & their Servers were Seized in Frankfurt. The Spanish software company Scytl, which sells election manipulation software worldwide that was used in the USA, is on the verge of bankruptcy. The server for the manipulation was in Germany.
  16. So, GA has been certified. What does that mean? It sets the stage for a legitimate request by Pres Trump and co. to demand a RECOUNT.THIS TIME WITH GOP OBSERVERS. you watch - it would be a big Pres Trump win.
  17. I will not respect an activist anti-Constitutional judge/court that makes social justice/criminal judgements and declarations. See below. so, consider this, Tex who knows very little about responding legitimately: Tell me how you would respect this criminal idea of fake investigating/charging someone based on political hatred: https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2020/11/21/once-again-the-media-is-silent-jonathan-turley-weighs-in-on-michigan-ags-legal-threats-against-republican-legislators/ Once again, the media is silent’: Jonathan Turley weighs in on Michigan AG’s legal threats against Republican legislators Michigan AG Nessel and others are suggesting that Republicans who oppose certification or even meet with President Trump on the issue could be criminally investigated or charged. Once again, the media is silent on this abusive use of the criminal code. https://t.co/IlEQ3roKsE — Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) November 21,
  18. the problem this freaking early, is we don't know who will declare for the mock draft. There are always juniors that might come out a year early, and be first round picks, etc. One lb is a sleeper - 6'4' 260, and is a rising star with his team. Lost no speed. Used to be a rb and qb earlier in hs. Has already been named the Bronko Nagurski National Defensive Player of the Week this season. I think Merlin Robertson, not the guy above, is also a possible late 1st round pick at olb. It's so early though, who knows. I like him better at round 2 for right now.... Parsons and Caleb Farley will be long gone by the time the Browns pick, which I am guessing, will be in the twenties. way too early.
  19. all hell is going to break loose. Meanwile, it's a scandal that will never go away, folks. It's larger than just big. and the evidence is going to come out very soon. https://www.theblaze.com/news/sidney-powell-evidence-voter-fraud-released-online-weekend Sidney Powell: Evidence of voter fraud could be released online 'by this weekend' 'We're going to have to file several lawsuits' " "We will start putting documents online and sending them to people like you, as soon as we possibly can," Powell said. "I would hope that we could start that by this weekend." She described the volume of evidence her team has received as a "tsunami," though so far Trump's lawyers have held back most of what they claim to have. "We've unearthed a global, criminal conspiracy that is just mind-blowing. And we've only scratched a tip of the iceberg," Powell asserted. On Thursday, Powell and the other members of President Donald Trump's legal team alleged that communist Venezuela and George Soros interfered in the U.S. election through weaknesses in Dominion Voting Systems software. Trump's lawyers claim to be in possession of an affidavit from "one very strong witness" who will testify that technological insecurities in Dominion's voting machines made it possible for votes cast for Trump to be switched to former vice president Joe Biden. This witness, Powell told Beck, "was sitting at [Venezuelan communist dictator] Hugo Chavez's right hand" and personally saw how Dominion's voting machines were manipulated to change the results of elections in the communist nation. "
  20. anonymous voters. all democrat, of course. It was in the making the last four years, and the mass mailing of millions of unrequested ballots to dead people, no longer living at residence people, and people who moved out of state... this mess MUST be rectified. Pres Trump won this election, folks. But how can we get pandora's box put back the way it was? https://www.theblaze.com/good-morning-mug-club/election-results Steven Crowder says this is why more than 150-thousand Michigan votes could be suspect
  21. Don't go hungry, folks. don't wait til gas prices skyrocket before "prepping" at least a little bit on food and necessities. but binge buying in large amounts, like we've seen some selfish, stupid people do - is a very destructive behavior. It's winter - people shut in, energy use will skyrocket, and the biden mafia will skyrocket energy prices, price of gas will skyrocket, causing inflation of just about everything, especially perishables... and crime will skyrocket. Had another friend call from out of state... and ask me about buying their first gun, and the best place to order survival food that can last on a shelf for a long time. Probably should have bought that book on making your own wilderness medicine.... or, the U.S. Supreme Court negates the fraudulent corruption in the dem swing states, and orders a new one. Surely they can't manufacture that many fake ballots a second time. ObaMao commie won fair and square, Pres Trump won with a little voter fraud by the left....and now, it's systemic.
  22. Let's still expect a win. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/browns-to-use-several-players-to-replace-myles-garrett/ar-BB1bdDFr
  23. Tex still thinks the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor. The courts will not rule there wasn't serious dramatic voter/vote count fraud. There are over 1000 LEGAL AFFIDAVITS proving it. That is, under perjury conviction reality - they are telling the freaking truth. All around the country. But the swing states where they have corrupt democrats - it is worse than profound. We've never seen this amount of ballot spewing all over a dem controlled state by the millions/hundreds of thousands - to people who are dead, not living there anymore....etc etc etc etc etc. This is a presidential election fraud crisis - it's systemic to the entire democratic socialist mafia. and if it doesn't get resolved, or can't be resolved... I don't fault the courts for their decisions, unless they are appointed leftwing activist courts. Tex doesn't like trial by social media? Tex doesn't like UNSUBSTANTIATED claims? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL That is all he's done for the last almost 4 years. You really stepped in your own crap now, Tex. Hope you have rubber boots on.
  24. actually, over a thousand now, more and more coming in every day - per Sidney Powell. It's a national systemic leftwing destruction of our fair electoral system. They demand total permanent power over us by any means necessary.
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