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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. nope - most of us have lives full of joy, family, friends, but your slurs are pointless, and your life is like you have lived under a rock for years until you were old enough to go to college. you don't know anything, about anything, but you FEEL like you are superior. sounds like you are projecting - you are always bitching at someone about stupid stuff. go eat another worm and be quiet, let the intelligent people argue about politics.
  2. another one of Hoorta's, Tex's and woodpecker's heroes: https://www.theblaze.com/news/covid-man-spit-women-hikers-face-masks Man caught on video spitting at women hiking because they weren't wearing masks, tells them: 'I have COVID!'
  3. so what? lol. your arguments are all one-sided as an emotional knee jerk rule. too bad.
  4. show us a link. Then I'll post a long list of republicans who have been getting death threats... and you can whine to Hoorta that I'm spamming or something.
  5. https://www.theblaze.com/news/georgia-will-conduct-another-vote-recount SO, a REAL RECOUNT by machine, everybody watching, transparent, SIGNATURE CHECKING... with only a .05% difference in the voting.... may the best man win, which obviously, is PRes Trump, since biden isn't a man, he's a turd sellout-America sombeitch simpleton fool. which I suppose is why Tex, Hoorta and woodpecker LOVE HIM. driven to madness by their own twisted emotions, they are.
  6. hey witless woodpecker, have you figured out what a LEGAL AFFIDAVIT is yet? look it up, Hoorta and Tex cry at the thought of learning something legit. You going to cry woodpecker tears too?
  7. apparently, ccc and woodpecker are twins. They both peck it -
  8. he has no idea, he just pecks. He lives with brainshock, of his own fault.
  9. Constitutional government ruling. that is what we need. AS in, judges who rule by OUR AMERICAN ONE AND ONLY CONSTITUTION/BILL OF RIGHTS, and not like you weasel minded fools that think it should be "changed" to fit your infantile maniacal extremist sombeitch biases. At least Hoorta and Tex are intelligent. You are just a birdturd troll, woodpecker.
  10. hey birdbrain - it was democrat brownshirts who did the death threats to intimidate the two republicans into certifying. How stupid can you be while bitching at other people at the same time? you are... the woodpecker. Now, I'm guessing you are drinking, so you must be the fermented woodpecker.
  11. yep, disarm the good folks, and let their brownshirts run free to nights of breaking glass.... not good ...
  12. that is just another stupid troll ASSumption. See, if the Supreme Court lets the unConstitutional voter fraud stand, then that is UNConstitutional. Therefore, I am supporting the Constitution if the U.S. Supreme Court doesn't fix it. Therefore, STFU.
  13. Exactly, these are the same turds who want US to rejoin the stupid paris accord, want US to restart funding them, and the WHO, and the UN in far greater numbers and.... our economy is so dramatic, they all demand we give them our money as usual. like Hoorta and Tex's obaMAO gave all that cash to iran. for freaking nothing. They don't like Trump because he put US first, not them. To hell with the eu, un, who, china and russia. I'd walk out too.
  14. So, Tex, do accept that it is the PRESIDENT TRUMP VACCINE? yes or no. lol
  15. your question was answered. I'd say stop being stupid, but you are only interested in trolling garbage. If it goes to the U.S. Supreme Court, and roberts won't hear it, I don't accept that. If it goes to the U.S. Supreme Court and they let all the illegal votes stand, I don't accept it. If they rule that certain conditions have to be met, and biden still "wins", so be it. The damage is done - the election is badly flawed in hard core blue cities. Me, I expect the cities where all the fraud took place, should have an independent recount of only valid ballots. It's a complicated issue, not a simplistic one, you simpleton. So...are you an alcoholic or on some type of addiction? you don't make any sense. You cherry pick without admitting your one sided nonsense. I "demand" that the mass corruption not play a part in this election. MY concern is that like I've said already - is it possible to put all the stuff back into pandora's box back in it and close it for good? Is it possible to put the dangerously corrupt genie back into the bottle? Is it possible for you to be on principle, instead of hysterical menapausal ? crazy mushroom rage when you post??? Have a nice day.
  16. so, the defense will be just fine. I hope to keep track of the times Clayborn and Justin make plays.
  17. should also be intriguing to watch Gustin play at DE. I never heard of the guy til the Browns signed him. https://www.brownsnation.com/who-is-browns-de-porter-gustin/ Who Is Cleveland Browns DE Porter Gustin? (Where He Came From) Interesting - his workout plan back at USC
  18. LOL !!! Adrian Clayborn and Porter Gustin . Clayborn is no slouch 7th rounder - should be intriguing to watch him play a good bit at DE. Was a star in college: It's said he is only a situational guy - a serious force on pass rushes. (I love the play where he blocks a punt in college)
  19. I know, but I like the idea. it is now the PRESIDENT TRUMP VACCINE.
  20. Let us know when you man up and learn what a LEGAL AFFIDAVIT is, Hoorta. I would post the definition if you can't find it on the internet. It's called honest research. Try it.
  21. The TRUMP VACCINE. Named so because PRESIDENT TRUMP makes solutions happen, made the economy roar, made peace treaties in the Middle East, made big greedy pharma lower their prices, made china the center of their own guilt, fixed trade deals, built hundreds of miles of the GREAT WALL we desperately need... etc etc etc. Over TWO HUNDRED good/GREAT things President Trump has done for all of us. Now, his FAST TRACK led to the rapid development of a vaccine faster than ever - a miracle of PRESIDENT TRUMP's tenacity in solving problems instead of meekly waiting a few years for a vaccine to be developed, only to have big pharma say it took so long so it has to be prices so high........ bs. President Trump was the AMERICAN PEOPLE's PRESIDENT. HE did all he could in four years, for ALL OF US. https://redstate.com/alexparker/2020/11/21/geraldo-rivera-fox-and-friends-covid-19-vaccine-name-the-trump-n283386
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