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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. hopefully, all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. This leftist garbage cannot stand. htt John Solomon of Just the News did read them, however, and laid out some of the more compelling examples of voter fraud using some of the affidavits Giuliani mentioned, noting that “many Democrats and their allies in the traditional media argue there is no evidence of systemic voting irregularities in the Nov. 3 election, a mountain of evidence has been amassed in private lawsuits alleging there was, in fact, significant and widespread voting misconduct.” Here are just four of the 12 Solomon considers among the most compelling: City of Detroit worker swears she witnessed thousands of ballots being falsified Of all the sworn statements to date, career civil servant Jessy Jacob of Detroit provided the most sweeping claim of election fraud. She stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Voter File and had not arrived by the deadline. “I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots,” her sworn statement says. Jacob also described how in the weeks before Election Day she witnessed Detroit poll workers skipping voter ID checks and that she was “instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to engage in this practice.” Nearly three quarters of Detroit’s precincts had mismatched voting totals Wayne County Board of Canvassing member William Hartmann, a Republican, says in a sworn declaration that Michigan’s largest county certified results knowing there were massive discrepancies between the approved voter files and the ballots cast and counted in Detroit. “In my review of the results, I determined that approximately 71% of Detroit’s 134 absentee voter counting boards were left unbalanced and many unexplained,” his statement said. Hartmann also raised concerns that birth dates in voter ID files “were altered in the pollbooks.” Unfolded, pristine mail-in ballots flagged in Georgia At least nine observers who watched an audit last week in Georgia’s razor-thin election have signed affidavits swearing they saw suspicious mail-in ballots, almost uniformly cast for Biden. The ballots were in pristine condition and had no creases on them, meaning the ballots had not been mailed in envelopes as required, according to the affidavits. “It was pristine. There was a difference in the texture of the paper — it was as if they were intended for absentee use, but had not been used for that purpose,” Susan Voyles, a poll manager with two decades of experience, wrote in her affidavit about her time at a recount center in Fulton County. “There were no markings on the ballots to show where they had come from, or where they had been processed. I observed that the markings for the candidates on these ballots were unusually uniform, perhaps even with a ballot marking device.” Los Angeles prosecutors uncover scheme in which thousands of fraudulent ballots cast Two men were charged last week with 41 counts for allegedly submitting thousands of fraudulent voter registration applications on behalf of homeless people, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office . Marcos Raul Arevalo, 34, and 53-year-old Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro, aka Mark Anthony Gonsalves, were each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit voter fraud, eight counts of voter fraud, four counts of procuring and offering a false or forged instrument and four misdemeanor counts. As Solomon notes, there’s no telling at this point if the amount of fraud — should it be proven — is enough to flip vote tallies in individual states. And Giuliani acknowledged to Dobbs that a challenge will be getting cases before a court “that will be fair and listen to them.” Meanwhile, the clock continues to tick toward December 14 when the electors meet and cast their ballots for president and vice president. ps://redstate.com/slee/2020/11/23/284203-n284203
  2. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/23/mail-in-ballots-in-pennsylvania-were-rejected-for-technical-errors-at-a-suspiciously-low-rate-in-some-key-counties-n284157
  3. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/23/mail-in-ballots-in-pennsylvania-were-rejected-for-technical-errors-at-a-suspiciously-low-rate-in-some-key-counties-n284157
  4. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/23/mail-in-ballots-in-pennsylvania-were-rejected-for-technical-errors-at-a-suspiciously-low-rate-in-some-key-counties-n284157
  5. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/23/mail-in-ballots-in-pennsylvania-were-rejected-for-technical-errors-at-a-suspiciously-low-rate-in-some-key-counties-n284157
  6. Ward has a calf injury, but he should be ready to go Sunday..... we're still laughing over Baker's happy dance as Chubb powered down the field...
  7. well sort this: https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/23/the-trump-campaign-seems-to-be-quietly-going-about-preparing-a-meaningful-election-challenge-in-georgia-n283960
  8. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/23/the-trump-campaign-seems-to-be-quietly-going-about-preparing-a-meaningful-election-challenge-in-georgia-n283960
  9. https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2020/11/23/the-trump-campaign-seems-to-be-quietly-going-about-preparing-a-meaningful-election-challenge-in-georgia-n283960
  10. the globalists are as honorable as Chamberlain nazi butt kisser was. https://www.biography.com/political-figure/neville-chamberlain
  11. https://thepostmillennial.com/watch-kayleigh-mcenany-and-rncs-ronna-mcdaniel-reveal-hundreds-of-affidavits-alleging-voter-fraud/ WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany and RNC's Ronna McDaniel reveal hundreds of affidavits alleging voter fraud
  12. he could lose but they have legal affidavits. did you learn what those are yet? https://thepostmillennial.com/watch-kayleigh-mcenany-and-rncs-ronna-mcdaniel-reveal-hundreds-of-affidavits-alleging-voter-fraud/ WATCH: Kayleigh McEnany and RNC's Ronna McDaniel reveal hundreds of affidavits alleging voter fraud
  13. ....or in a nest eating worms like woodpecker.
  14. WARNING: there are crocodiles in the river Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker tread water in. I still think they want to raise hell on this board so they can get it canned so they don't have to listen to the truth the next four years of more nothing being done for AMERICA.
  15. furthermore the sec of state has certified now, which means: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/20/georgia-biden-victory-election-438718 "Earlier today, Secretary Raffensperger presented the certified results of the 2020 general election to my office," Kemp said in a brief announcement Friday evening, after which a spokesperson confirmed to the Associated Press that Kemp certified the presidential electors. "State law now requires the governor's office to formalize the certification, which paves the way for the Trump campaign to peruse other legal options and a separate recount if they choose."
  16. wow. you are THAT stupid? they did a worthless RECOUNT, still not transparent, not with rep observers, but now it has been certified, which helps the Pres Trump campaign to go ahead and formally ask for a legit recount. Apparently, you don't understand what you posted.... " The Certificate of Ascertainment identifies the winning candidates and electors in each state in the United States and lists the number of votes all electors received. The certificate represents a crucial link between the popular vote and votes cast by electors. " so, what you stupidly posted was the certification of the electors, not the election results as counted. Georgia governor calls for audit after state certifies ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brian-kemp-georgia... 2 days ago · Mr. Trump tweeted. Since the results of the hand recount were still within the 0.5% margin, the Trump campaign may request another recount within two business days. If the Trump campaign
  17. Because he is a typical infantile leftie - demands to be a victim. Victimhood is their way of having an identity.
  18. well, the worst that can happen, is we go through four destructive years of hell. That should get republicans taking over the House, the Senate and the WH all at the same time. Silver lining.
  19. you don't know the definition of the words you use. Are you still in grade school? that would explain a LOT. Sure, I believe if all the mass election fraud was deleted out of the count, Pres Trump actually won GA and a few other states easily. You are so stupid in all your belligerent attacks on what other people say - typical woodpecker - you have nothing else to offer. I should be nicer to you - maybe you are autistic in real life. That would also explain a lot.
  20. OTH, other posters are just trying to communicate with your on your level. mooron woodpecker.
  21. Roberts has done it in the past, only that was with Ginsburg liberal activist on the Court. Thank GOD for Justice Barrett!
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