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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. this election was a gigantic clusterfook. rigged. and the left won't admit it. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/11/25/285354-n285354 More Troubling Testimony in PA Senate Hearing: 100,000 Ballots In Question, According to Witness
  2. how about you ban yourself. You don't add anything good to this forum. Stick to football maybe. Even then, you were totally WRONG about Josh Rosen. and you can't name one good/Great thing your obaMao did for America in eight years, and your biden did NOTHING good/great for America in 47 years. You can't name one, the truth is staring at you.
  3. Absolutely true. They are on the verge of having to go to war - they are failing. Their activity so far is just a prelude to war. Of course, biden would bend over and let china come after our troops with the usual obaMao/biden stupidass sissy rules of engagement.....
  4. I don't... I would give bigfoot a contract before I would have clapperdick on my team.... https://www.wideopenspaces.com/did-these-elk-hunters-have-a-close-encounter-with-bigfoot/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=20201124&utm_campaign=WOS&tp=i-1NHD-Il-56-1n1f-1c-2up-1c-iN-1Gmr-l5NfXKelap-166w6w&submeta=WOMSPACES
  5. Hoota, how are you going to get this forum shut down when you keep making a TDS Taz out of yourself with your ignorant crap?
  6. united front? how bout we send biden and hooris to the front? (like...syria....iran...)
  7. Tex, you can't name ONE good/great thing your demented biden accomplished in 47 years. Not one. Until you can think of one, you're done. At least try to be honest and answer Gorka's question, instead of playing hiden biden and go weepsies about President Trump. you and Hoorta voted against great things done for AMERICA FIRST. that is worse than sad.
  8. There are....the one I referred to earlier on the first page.... " One lb is a sleeper - 6'4' 260, and is a rising star with his team. Lost no speed. Used to be a rb and qb earlier in hs. Has already been named the Bronko Nagurski National Defensive Player of the Week this season. " "In five games, including three against top-25 opponents (Oklahoma State, UCF and SMU), he has 33 tackles, including 10 for lost yardage and four sacks. He has been named the American’s Defensive Player of the Week three times this season. " He's a secret. I haven't started my mock draft yet. Middle LInebacker.
  9. he won't answer legitimately - he'll just do another enraged "blow the forum up" illegal mexican hat dance (his favorite?) and change the subject and curse, like he's po'd he has never been able to name ONE good/great thing his obaMao commie/biden have ever accomplished. Then, he did a Tax impression when I listed over two hundred goodGREAT things PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS DONE. When he can't name one, he'll run. This is Hoorta when he doesn't own the narrative:
  10. remember when the left cried about how terrible it was that our national debt was going to burden the next generation forever? yeah. now, they don't care if it doubles or triples. weimar republic.
  11. yes, it can be repealed, and yes, it's extremely difficult. However, the only time it has ever been done Constitutionally,... was In the history of the United States, only one constitutional amendment has been repealed. In 1933, the 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment—better known as “prohibition”—banning the manufacture and sale of alcohol in the United States. "prohibition" was unConstitutional, therefore, it needed to have been repealed. There is no leeway in the Constitution to repeal a legitimate right. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2018/03/30/you_can_try_to_repeal_the_second_amendment_but_you_cant_repeal_history_136666.html#! SO, if a GOD-GIVEN PERMANENT RIGHT was "repealed" it would violate the Constituion. That would be part and parcel of a government that oppresses the American people. Rights are permanent - repealing to CONFORM to the Constitution is valid, meaning, the Constitution provides the right of the American people to throw off a dictatorship that openly throws out our Constitution, and "repealing" a right is in violation of the absolute guarantee of rights provided by the Constitution. Odd, they don't talk about the 1st Amendment being repealed, do they?
  12. coming from one of the whiniest, sissiest losers the last four years, that is kinda stupid, don't ya ... feel? corrupted election. research it. Stop being stupidass, for once.
  13. which, legally cannot be done. The God-Given rights are permanent, as such, it would be a violation of our Constitution/Bill of Rights to try to negate a permanent right. It will never happen to get that far. Eight years of obaMao never came within a million miles of a beginning of that kind of oppression. But, if it ever did happen, that a government took permanent control and threw out our Constitution/Bill of Rights? It's foolish for anyone to think the Founding Fathers, in all their brilliance, would allow for the negation of our 2nd Amendment, when they also included this: https://www.learnliberty.org/blog/the-declaration-of-independence-says-we-have-the-right-to-overthrow-the-government/
  14. he won't be anyone's president, he'll be a swamp rat maintaining the swamp. MORE serious voter fraud in Wisconsin. We should order the swing states with this much fraud to have another OBSERVED ELECTION. Otherwise, it's tainted worse than history will ever see again. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/11/24/conservative-organization-files-a-swing-state-lawsuit-over-150-000-allegedly-frau-n2580632 Swing State Woes: Conservative Group Says They Discovered 150,000 Fraudulent Ballots
  15. any leftie hear of joe biden? a definition of "legal affidavit" ??? nope. any leftie - I'll open it up to any leftwing extremist on the forum : name ONE THING that was good/great for America that obamao and biden accomplished in eight years, and demented communist joe biden accomplished in forty seven years. They hate the question, because they hate the truth.
  16. "Build Back to Nothing Good in 47 years" why anyone voted for that... egad. cnn/msnbc did America a serious disservice
  17. well, that explains Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker.....and folks I know who voted for Biden. I saw a sign in a few yards - before the election - "biden - end racism". and one exfriend... messaged that the only people who would vote for Pres Trump are either racists or idiots... just really nasty. Viewpoint shaped by....msm. big tech. too bad for America.
  18. too bad, Hoorta, his little woodpecker, and Tex won't like the truth, but it would set them free if they could just slow down with the contrariness and belligerent trolling crap. https://www.theblaze.com/news/peer-reviewed-hydroxychloroquine-study-hospitalizations Peer-reviewed hydroxychloroquine study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations among early treated outpatients 'What differentiates this study is that patients were diagnosed very early with COVID-19 in an outpatient setting, and only high-risk patients were treated early on
  19. and it's going to get a LOT WORSE if? biden/hooris take over. man made goober warning taxes on... cows, campfires, auto emissions, miles driven, going out of state, farmer's tractors and equipment, mmgw tax on building a home, tax on food, giant taxes on ammo and guns, outlawing hunting and fishing, mmgw on campers, trailers, any purchase, mmgw on flights, owning property, electricity.... you name it. They will have to squeeze money to pay for their third world voting base, and to pay the rest of the world for kickbacks like the corrupt biden family got. and, of course, they will need a hell of a lot of money for ... keeping the peace, meaning, keeping conservatives from protesting against the new socialist age.
  20. "ok, biden, give us AMerica, the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan, or else" biden: "ok, but that will cost you another 1.5 billion to my sleazy son Hunter so I can get 10 percent..."
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