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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. It's worse than that...again...this is a blockbuster story. https://ugetube.com/watch/georgia-slammed-by-powell-039-s-104-page-lawsuit-exposed-the-hands-behind-dominion-front-page_Mvlz833fYPEzpaa.html
  2. Chinese collusion with Serbian hackers that biden MET WITH, dirty dangerous george soros....... big serious trouble. The cheating democrats must have a new FAIR election in every swing state that the election fraud happened in. https://ugetube.com/watch/georgia-slammed-by-powell-039-s-104-page-lawsuit-exposed-the-hands-behind-dominion-front-page_Mvlz833fYPEzpaa.html
  3. and you are having serious problems with the truth, Hoorta. get this: https://ugetube.com/watch/georgia-slammed-by-powell-039-s-104-page-lawsuit-exposed-the-hands-behind-dominion-front-page_Mvlz833fYPEzpaa.html
  4. Just listen to this video when you have time. Make the time. This is why they have fought an all out war to destroy Pres Trump, anyone associated with his campaign... and to destroy all of us.....our American culture, our belief in America, Real Marriage, and our Freedom, our Flag, our Constitution... and America's AMERICAN children. They have declared war on us, before they end up ruined by their own actions. https://ugetube.com/watch/georgia-slammed-by-powell-039-s-104-page-lawsuit-exposed-the-hands-behind-dominion-front-page_Mvlz833fYPEzpaa.html
  5. more egg on the face of the incessant, infantile rantings of the Pres Trump haters. after all the hundreds of good and GREAT things he and Pence did FOR AMERICA. Why, btw, would anyone in America want us to be last in our own country, instead of us FIRST, fix US, then we can help the rest of the world.? Does anybody think anywhere in the world gives US billions of dollars in foreign aid???? I reckon too many schools are too busy teaching math and social injustice/engineering/perversion of everything. https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-legal-adviser-sidney-powell-lawsuit
  6. so has the rest of America. The demosocialist/communist party still owns the HOUSE, where the budget starts from. See the green new deal. that isn't the reps. See the paying of full support to millions of illegals... not the reps....
  7. don't bother. You belong to the socialist dems. That is you. and Ben Sasse is just a rino two-faced attention whore, bitterly criticized by real republicans for saying stupid stuff to get support from the left.
  8. My point is, Hoorta's dangerously divisive and failing loudmouth presidency didn't get that happening. It's the left that demands control or else. But the dems are no longer - it's the new Socialist/Communist deep state party - and they are all in on anything goes. I mean, look at Portland. and Chicago. Ever hear of a city being burned down, and destroyed by conservatives? Historically, marxist movements are always about death threats etc. It's what they have always done.
  9. legit point - except that is ONE sick sombeitch on the "right". Now, The entire Trump family has been inundated with death threats. Sarah Huckabee Sanders entire family, Judge Barrett's entire family, the list is long. https://thefederalist.com/2018/07/10/14-times-republican-officials-viciously-harassed-threatened-death/ The Secret Service says ...Pres Trump and Trump Jr. are #1 in receiving death threats.. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/secret-service-president-trump-son-don-jr-no-1-no-2-highest-death-threats the number of conservatives/republicans getting death threats is profound. Never been seen before. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/05/21/republicans-face-violence-death-threats-left-wing-activists/ https://dailycaller.com/2017/06/16/this-list-of-attacks-against-conservatives-is-mind-blowing/ You're good at math, then you should calc up some real numbers and conclude some better.......feelings about death threats.
  10. deficit spending was always supposed to be an adjustment, but it turned out to be a cancer on our budget process. It blew up, and kept blowing up. It's a runaway freight train now. It will get to the point where we can not pay the interest on the debt. My opinion - several of the crazy-ass emotional knee jerk ideas that the left has... will skyrocket inflation. Inflation that we've never seen before. The whole balance will be tilted crazy.....we've been kicking the can down the road for decades... eventually, it's going to go down a sewer. Out of balance...like in venezuela. then complete failure hits. So, stock up on stuff - we have time, but not enough time if we keep taking everything for granted. We could fail too, just like other countries have in the past, with the implementation of leftwing utopian crazyass ideas.
  11. Warped history. "torn apart" means "I got mad and bitched about the link instead of the source, then bitched at Cal, so it made me feel good, but not much, because I never feel good, even when tears fall off my beak onto Hoorta's shoulder, and then I pretend that I completely fact checked and lied about man made global warming being true. I lied, but I won't admit it."
  12. the deficit has always mattered to reps. We want a balanced budget. You all want the dollar to be worthless. Green new deal. blech. mmgw fraud/paris acccord/giveourwealthaway... just so the left can feel like "we are the world" because they don't feel good about themselves any other way.
  13. well, the Pres Trump America haters may as well hate Israel and the Jews too. Maybe they even secretly hate themselves.
  14. actually, all the death threats are terrifying a lot of republican officials - death threats from the people that Hoorta voted for. Hoorta can't name one, he isn't alone. I wonder if TDS is a little ? bit like rabies.
  15. yep: fantasy football email alert: Ravens/Steelers - Moved to Tuesday, December 1 (remains in Week 12) Week 13 schedule changes: Cowboys/Ravens - Moved to Monday, December 7 (remains in Week 13) Here’s how we will proceed with transaction/waiver processing and other weekly items following the completion of Week 12. This info will also apply to future weeks that have a Tuesday game added to the schedule.
  16. are you EVER going to start being serious? Learn the definition, then consider we still do a lot of foreign aid around the world. We still have troops in many countries in Europe etc. Pres Trump and Pence still arranged peace deals that are profoundly important. Bolstered the UN with more appropriate contributions from other countries. Ignorance is NOT BLISS to regular Real Americans. You should be able to do your own research on the internet before you use big words. isolationist [ˌīsəˈlāSHənəst] NOUN a person favoring a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.
  17. what a stink hole. Just wait til every major city gets the same riots without consequences. crime will skyrocket, no one will be safe. 5 MILLION first time purchasers of guns in 2020 so far.
  18. well, if they get away with it, we should have headed it off.. except we didn't control the House. dammit. what a tainted corrupt election where it really counted - democrat leftwing corrupt swing state big cities.
  19. It's still way early, but I have my eye on Bryce Crosby, Ball State, S. Don't know where, but.....he's on my list of early possibilities. as to wide receivers.... I think I'm looking at Frank Darby, Arizona State, explosive, about 6'1", great hands.... in a later pick. and Jason Oweh, edge...Penn State. but it is really way too early to get much of a legit idea about a mock draft.
  20. lol. I suppose so. I think if the Browns go 10-6, say, they would draft somewhere around 20-25 maybe...? The top lb's will be gone. Who knows how he will do at the combine, top speed, etc. But he will be pretty well known about then. Zaven Collins. https://withthefirstpick.com/2020/11/25/2021-nfl-draft-zaven-collins-report/ htt NFL Draft Stock Report: Week 12 Risers Zaven Collins, LB, Tulsa How do you top making the game-sealing interception against SMU a week ago? Simple — intercept another pass and bring it back for the game-winning score in overtime. That’s been the scenario for Zaven Collins the past two weeks, and the junior is flying up draft boards — further boosting his NFL Draft stock in Week 12. Collins is a large, athletic linebacker who plays tough, physical, and instinctive football. He’s a three-down defender who forces the action behind the line of scrimmage, makes plays in space, and effectively covers the pass. Collins amassed 15 tackles against Tulane and returned an interception 96 yards for the game-winning score. As I mentioned during last week’s live stream of The Draft Insiders podcast, Collins will enter the draft and is presently receiving first-round consideration around the league. ps://www.profootballnetwork.com/nfl-draft-stock-week-12-risers-rondale-moore-zaven-collins/
  21. I don't how he can do that. Just an empty promise again to get the student vote out. If you could just cancel them, the banks take a gigantic hit, and interest rates will skyrocket to compensate. If you paid with printed money from the fed, it would save the banks, but our national debt would skyrocket. There's about 20 million college students.... per the dem left socialists, up to 10,000 bucks per student... 10,000 x 20 million.... eh...that is 200 billion? and the green new deal could cost as much as 93 TRILLION.....and putting coal miners and frackers and oil companies out of work...... there will have to be taxes on every single thing that exists in people's lives.... and we are in debt about 27 trillion NOW? and welfare/social security/free health care/free ride to all illegals........... let's see, 93 trillion plus 27 trillion plus.... https://newswithviews.com/the-american-taxpayers-cost-of-dacas-illegal-immigrants/ " Steven A. Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies, crunched the numbers and found that the number of illegal immigrants will drain nearly $750 billion from taxpayers over their lifetimes — amounting to six times the deportation costs, and that’s only for 11 million. We all know it’s up to 50 or 60 million illegals. Multiply $750 billion by 5.5 more million and see what it’s costing us. " which would be...eh............................4.1.....quadrillion? megatrillion? yeah. big, serious trouble you betcha.
  22. not true. The fact that there are plenty of serious witnesses who are testifying - those legal affidavits are under penalty of perjury. Remember all the joy you had, with the false testimonies at the fake impeachment in the House? those were not legal affidavits, either. Not first person witness, just second hand, and invented for political purpose. those were "valid" ? ??????? but legal affidavits are not? egad. The flippity-flippity gets amazing at times.
  23. https://www.promiseskept.com/ Promises Made, Promises Kept! President Donald J. Trump Accomplishments https://frankreport.com/2020/04/18/one-hundred-twenty-five-amazing-accomplishments-of-president-donald-j-trump/ One-Hundred-Twenty-Five Amazing Accomplishments of President Donald J. Trump
  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to EVREYBODY!!! unless they don't want one....... We could have gone to NC to have a Thanksgiving, then have another one here...lol... but we decided to stay home. I made my pumpkin pies, going to deliver a few to friends. A lot of food exchanges going on. But it's OUR decision, because we are a FREE COUNTRY. I'm going to go out back and squirrel hunt a while a bit later... squirrel season closes when whitetail gun season opens.... only cooking up turkey legs. All that white mean from a whole turkey gets really tough after it's frozen, so... So much to be THANKFUL FOR. Not a day to take life, freedom, family, friends and country, ...and God...for granted.
  25. so, any pretend outraged leftie on this forum can open that link and READ the evidence that is being testified to. This election was STOLEN folks.
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