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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. we need to demand fair uncorrupted elections. A complete redo - in every state/city that this garbage happened. TRUCKS FROM NY TO PA? Middle of the morning? I don't care - they get away with this massive premeditated fraud...... we cannot recognize biden as any president of our country. This is unacceptable. This is venezuela marxist garbage. Be very afraid, Americans. Our country may be lost if this travesty isn't corrected. When I said "they will get power by any means necessary"..... who knew they would dare manufacture millions of fake ballots? Our entire nation should be frightened if this stands.
  2. TDS swimming in Egypt - guess what? you all swooned over your fake whistleblowers, we have REAL WHISTLEBLOWERS testifying in Congress, and they have LEGAL AFFIDAVITS signed. Pres Trump won the election, WE WON the election - the fraud was overwhelming, millions of votes.... frankly, I don't give a crap that you deny it, Hoorta. You won't even admit you were wrong about Josh Allen vs Josh Rosen. sad.
  3. I've said all along , when their emotions/self-interest changes, so too their stances and fake "principles" flip.
  4. gets worse and worse, folks: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/12/01/287744-n287744 Witnesses Give Damning Testimony at Michigan Hearing About Funny Business with Military Ballots, All for Biden
  5. The serious evidence is flooding in: all this fraud cannot stand. The U.S. Supreme Court has to step in. This has to be fixed. In every single state significant fraud happened in. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/12/01/287829-n287829 Maricopa County Chair Describes Trump Votes Defaulting to Biden on Dominion System, Complete Breakdown of Signature Verification,
  6. Liberal commie mmgw wonks be like: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/501206/how-freud’s-only-visit-america-made-him-hate-us-rest-his-life
  7. the "democrat party" is now the antifa/blm/nazi brownshirts. get in their way, don't join up with them, don't be intimidated by them.... they will destroy you one way or another. Thank GOD for our 2nd Amendment !
  8. Hoorta, you have an "I'M A DEMOQUACK" invisibly tatooed on your forehead. own it, don't groan it.
  9. not fake like Hoorta, Tex and woodpecker... but REALLY FAKE. https://www.theblaze.com/news/twitter-suspends-data-analyst-testified-arizona-election Twitter suspends data analyst who testified that up to 300,000 fake people voted in Arizona election
  10. yep. Except this investigation is real. https://www.theblaze.com/news/barr-special-counsel-durham-obama AG Bill Barr appoints John Durham as special counsel in order to protect investigation into Crossfire Hurricane from Joe Biden Durham is looking into the alleged FISA abuses during the Russian investigation
  11. The testimony in front of the Senate is deavastating. Heard some of it on the radio today. blockbuster testimony by REAL WHISTLEBLOWERS, not the fake whistleblowers the lefties around here worshipped.
  12. U.S. Federal Budget The U.S. federal budget is the amount of spending and revenue for the next fiscal year of the U.S. government. It runs from October 1 through September 30. The U.S. federal budget has two categories of spending that are unusual.
  13. SHOULD PRESIDENT TRUMP CONCEDE TO JOE BIDEN? NO: 190,593 (98.9%) YES: 2,181 (1.1%)
  14. Tex, stop emotionally knee JERKING for a few seconds. The dems control the House. All budget bills come from the House. It cannot be a republican bill = it's a DEMOCRAT BILL, with the Rep Senate held hostage - approve it, shut the country down, or work to try to compromise. not a republican bill. not.........................................a......................................republican............................................bill..............................................STFU. lol
  15. the U.S. Supreme Court should order a second vote to stop this garbage from stealing the election away from us. The evidence is overwhelming. But leftie judges and yellow bellied judges aren't going to decide on a lower court level. that is just a side effect of the left dems letting antifa and blm etc running amok and threatening republicans' families at their homes.
  16. Real Americans know what that means. https://www.theblaze.com/news/covid-in-us-december-2019 CDC testing shows COVID was in the US as early as December 2019 Weeks before initially reported
  17. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/11/24/f-e-l-o-n-y-lin-wood-implicates-georgia-secretary-of-state-in-vote-fraud-allegation-999228/ ‘F-E-L-O-N-Y’: Lin Wood implicates Georgia secretary of state in vote fraud allegation
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