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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. if they do take the WH America is screwed, we are all scewed..and eventually... so many who voted against Pres Trump will realize what damage they did. Meanwhile...... a list of famous? nazi sympathizers in history - who would current day hard core democrat socialists today: Some people are fascinated by extreme power and control. Liberals. You betcha: https://listverse.com/2019/07/24/10-famous-people-who-were-nazi-sympathizers/
  2. so, I don't understand why people don't be careful. No masks...a friend said she was in a grocery store, and two employees were talking ...they said they had two employees who came down with covid, but they weren't going to post it on the door because.... they'd lose sales.....I wish all these crazy people would stay home so I can safely go somewhere....lol
  3. slime, these slimes are disgusting. That is what she is. https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/12/04/there-it-is-pelosi-snaps-at-reporters-makes-stunning-admission-about-why-she-stalled-virus-relief-bill-n289353 here It Is: Pelosi Snaps at Reporters, Makes Stunning Admission About Why She Stalled Virus Relief Bill
  4. you dish it out, why is that? oh, yeah. never mind. It's how you all roll.
  5. Yep, violate their emotional outbursts that make no sense to other people, and they become enraged. They have to always control narratives because that's how they feel. FACTS, LEGAL AFFIDAVITS....don't matter. Only their emotions do - it's the only thing that drives them. They are happy to ridicule other people, but they do NOT like to be ridiculed. That is how they roll.
  6. ahem .... TESTIMONY. LEGAL AFFIDAVITS by the HUNDREDS. WHISTLEBLOWERS. oh, yeah - you lefties love whistleblowers even when they are FAKE, as long as they justify your knee jerk emotions. But, when you choose, you HATE REAL WHISTLEBLOWERS. It's how leftwing extremists roll.
  7. I don't appreciate hypocrites. Other people don't appreciate being ridiculed by you, either. and you said Josh Allen was garbage. Bad, Hoorta. Nobody is allowed to hate biden...but they are fine to hate PRESIDENT TRUMP the last four years. yeah. That is how they roll, you betcha.
  8. The testimony is DEVASTATING to the leftist deniers. Just wait til he reads the hundreds of legal affidavits. https://www.theblaze.com/news/kemp-calls-for-signature-audit calls for a signature audit of the 2020 election results, calls oversight committee testimony 'concerning'
  9. and take your eyepatch with you for swimming in Egypt...wait... that isn't an eyepatch? I don't want to know...
  10. maybe Hoorta needs hearing AND seeing aids. and critical thinking aids. and a little kids float tube for swimming in Egypt. and a binkie.Let's face it - Hoorta's whinesies needs helpsies. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/12/03/288993-n288993 'Smoking Gun' Video Produced During State Senate Election Fraud Hearing in Georgia Has People Talking
  11. I see Hoorta is discrediting himself again like a belligerent fool. If Hoorta wants evidence, listen to the testimony - SEan Hannity's show.... Laura Ingraham, the SENATE, I believe Hoorta is desperately trying to start a lot of trouble around here ...we all know why. How about STFU long enough to READ what you pretend you want to know about? https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/featured/1919094/read-the-fraud-allegations-team-trump-releases-items-from-sworn-affidavits.html All types of allegations of fraud are mentioned. Here is just a sampling of the allegations: EYEWITNESS saw batch of ballots, 60% had SAME signature EYEWITNESS saw ballot batch scanned 5 times EYEWITNESS saw 50 ballots fed many times into scanner EYEWITNESSES say Jan 1, 1900 was recorded in poll book as DOB for many not in book so they could count ballots EYEWITNESS saw 35 ballots counted even though not connected to voter record EYEWITNESS saw poll workers marking ballot with no mark for candidates EYEWITNESSES saw ballots counted with no signature or postmark VOTER said deceased son was recorded as voting twice EYEWITNESS saw provisional ballots placed in tabulation box PASSENGERS dropped off more ballots than people in car WITNESS told ballots received after election were being pre-dated, counted FAILED software that caused error in Antrim County used in Wayne County GOP challengers not readmitted but Dems admitted GOP challengers forced to stay away while Dems were not GOP challengers physically pushed from counting tables by officials GOP challengers subjected to racial harassment DEM challengers gave out packet: “Tactics to Distract GOP Challengers” Election officials covered windows so challengers couldn’t observe counting Election officials cheered when GOP challenger ejected GOP challenges to suspect ballots ignored Challengers barred from observing ballot duplication process https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8938507/Donald-Trumps-234-pages-fraud-affidavits-include-unusual-claims.html https://townhall.com/columnists/gavinwax/2020/11/14/the-whistleblowers-against-electoral-fraud-are-emerging-n2580084
  12. the lefties around here gloated over a few FAKE whistleblowers... now it's blowing up in their faces - WE have hundreds of GENUINE WHISTLEBLOWERS who have signed LEGAL AFFIDAVITS !!!! all hell is going to break loose.
  13. liberals never learn the meaning of words, they just use words the way their emotions knee jerk. today's word is ILLEGITIMATE.
  14. The UCMJ actually protects the soldier in this situation as he/she has a moral and legal obligation to the Constitution and not to obey unlawful orders and the people who issue them. These have to be strong examples of a direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ and not the military member’s own opinion. ******************************************************* in a tainted, corrupt election, joe biden is an illegitimate president-elect, plan and simple. It's actually according to the Constitution to oppose the violators illegal dictates. or, per ccc, biden dicktastes.
  15. I figure triple c has been crying like a baby all along, for negative attention.
  16. I've been wondering about that. Notice Hoorta never says anything about JAF's gigantic nonsense long thread? but if you disagree with his belligerent crap, he talks about warning points and banning? yeah. Kinda like maybe... a plant from somewhere. or nuts... or maybe trolling to catch another nut....
  17. If you watch this video, can anyone not see the similarities ?
  18. Woodpecker Habitat After the Fire - US Forest Service https://www.fs.fed.us/.../docs/birds-burns/woodpecker-habitat-after-fire.pdf Fire Science Brief Issue 143 October 2011 Page 2 www.fi rescience.gov Fire and woodpeckers Fire can create dense stands of standing dead trees that provide habitat for a variety of wildlife, notably black-
  19. redo the election in the states/cities, with National Guard troops counting. get the dirty sleazy cheaters out of there. Fix it, then whoever won, won. But a rigged election? not in America, dammit. Tough to see Tex and Hoorta applaud a rigged election, though. Applauding that it was successful. Had Pres Trump still come out ahead, they would be bitching about the fraud. it's what hypocrite TDS liberals do.
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