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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Biden deputy chief of staff touted 'mandatory buybacks' of ... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-deputy... BIDEN'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER HEADED TO WHITE HOUSE AS DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF A few weeks later, O’Malley Dillon appeared in a video, posted on O’Rourke’s YouTube channel, touting the campaign's plan for...
  2. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=biden+beto+yes+we+are+coming+for+your+guns+youtube&docid=608028053683177381&mid=312D0CE8ED34C20BBAB0312D0CE8ED34C20BBAB0&view=detail&FORM=VIRE Both Joe Biden & Beto O'Rourke Say YES They Will Come Fpr Your Guns
  3. sassy but illogical. paying off a blackmail attempt is not the same thing as being sexually compromised as a national security leak. and dirty bigmouth swallowell is deserving of serious condemnation over it.
  4. this garbage can't continue. MadMax Waters has said similar stuff, Hoorta's ObaMao commie has said similar stuff...it's getting more and more dangerous. They have declared a political war on America and all of us who love our country. Not a surprise that they want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment............... https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2020/12/09/cynthia-johnson-n291559 "Make Them Pay": Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson Instructs "Soldiers" to Go After Trump Supporters
  5. Generally can't stand Jim Rome, but.... https://www.brownsnation.com/jim-rome-ive-had-the-back-of-americas-qb-the-whole-time/
  6. still waiting for you to get something/anything CORRECT. How many times now have you said you were leaving, only to disappoint several of us that you nonsense is still being spewed over here? I suppose you are trying in the worst way to get me to post a whole bunch of stuff about the LEGAL AFFIDAVITS of CORRUPTION so you can ban me for making you look fooliish? nah. done that plenty of times already - with your help bigtime. Regarding AG Barr's comment - he was saying what a bunch of investigators told him in a letter. https://www.thedailybeast.com/16-federal-prosecutors-tell-ag-william-barr-theres-no-evidence-of-election-stealing-wapo-reports the swamp is THAT DEEP. as in, they don't see anything wrong with a fraudulent investigation of Pres Trump, they don't see anything wrong with your higgardly destroying 33,000 emails AFTER they were subpoenaed, they don't see the machines being investigated, blah blah blah. Partisan prosecutors - not good for our country. Well, you don't care about our country, you just care about trying to ridicule other people into saying something you can get them for as a mucho modo and get the forum shut down. Have a nice day in frustrationland.
  7. 1. "perennial losers" Coming a ratbird fan, this is smack, and deserves to be treated as such. *************************************************************************** 2. "recently rebranded" "Often, this involves radical changes to a brand's logo, name, legal names, image, marketing strategy, and advertising themes. Such changes typically aim to reposition the brand/company, occasionally to distance itself from negative connotations of the previous branding, or to move the brand upmarket; they may also communicate a new message a new board of directors wishes to communicate." We KEPT our logo, we KEPT our name, we KEPT our history. and marketing and advertising isn't all that different across the NFL I don't think. Don't misuse words, that is what I think. It helps dramatically in communication with other people. *************************************************************************** So, you're a senior, cool. You aren't a child then. Don't use the "child" victim card. When you graduate, here's my advice, btw, don't go to Ft. Lauderdale - we decided to go take a two week trip to central Ontario, to the end of the highway, to the end of a 6 mile jeep trail, and camped for two weeks on the other side of a remote wilderness lake. You can talk about it in your later years, and be very proud you didn't get in trouble partying in Florida.
  8. Wherever he watches the game from, I hope OBJ doesn't hurt his surgery fix cheering the Browns on like crazy lol
  9. recounts with ZERO SIGNATURE VERIFICATION yields the same results? gosh, Hoorta, say it ain't so ! Even the GA governor is CALLING FOR A LEGIT SIGNATURE VERIFICATION RECOUNT> and the ag refuses. because that would show the difference - Pres Trump would WIN. BTW, have you seen the EVIDENCE of the alleged death threats? NO, YOU JUST TAKE HIS WORD FOR IT. The word of liars is what floats your boat? Too bad for you. I haven't seen the evidence either, but go ahead and suck up any fake claim by the failure to have a fair election official. I would think that after three years of being humiliated by NO EVIDENCE against Pres Trump despite your claims and hippy hopping about getting Pres Trump out of office would teach you something.
  10. except no, not when she is a communist spy. I wonder if he got in on getting millions from the chinese communist gov like hunter and joe biden. (actually, the entire corrupt biden family)
  11. and your biden is not? how can Pres Trump be crazy trying to fight the corruption in our election? It's pretty sane to fight against the corruption in attacks on him for four years. Crazy is fighting windmills as if they are "dragons". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Quixote#Tilting_at_windmills
  12. and yes, he actually said that. any leftie can go look up the video.
  13. Wrong. PLENTY of evidence, but it's a nasty bog to step into to try to fix it. The soros/chinese antifa and blm would show up at any judge's door and threaten their families. But I look for some major changes in the election numbers. This widespread corruption in our elections can NOT STAND or we are sunk as a country. which is what the left wants you know. chicoms have been trying to buy us out for years, and until Pres Trump, we've been helping them to afford it.
  14. these wannabe fascists must be sick in the head, that's what I think. "mmgw" "controlling other people" "power" Yep, I'd put up MORE LIGHTS.
  15. yes, you are childish and insulting. In the past, we've met a few ratbird fans at a tailgate - a few years ago - and they were great guys. You, not so much. I kick squealer and ratbird players off my fantasy football teams, if the computer picked them for me when I was out of town, don't care about your survey...but don't you have 9th grade homework to do?
  16. Thanks, Bob. Absolutely correct - I was never worried the eight years of obaMao, but this...biden says if he and hooris have a major disagreement, he'll "get a disease and leave office" ? really worried. A lot of friends are more worried, for the first time. That is NOT good.
  17. You were right on about Allen, Bob... but a vote against Pres Trump was a vote against America. Our country. The despair that follows, if we do have to have biden and hooris the tramp in our WH.... will be proof. Sad but it will come to that. Far, far worse than a "malaise" under jimmy carter.
  18. https://redstate.com/streiff/2020/12/08/update-eight-more-states-join-the-texas-scotus-case-n291313 BREAKING. Eight More States Join the Texas SCOTUS Case [Taking A Deep Breath]
  19. not practicing what you preach, to set up a user who disagrees with you is pretty low for a mod.
  20. Interesting - Browns pick up a WR - with speed ...to stretch the field a good bit. https://www.brownsnation.com/browns-claim-wr-marvin-hall-off-waivers-from-lions/
  21. deeply moving, solemn, stunning long visit to the Arizona Memorial - if you ever make it to Hawaii, don't miss it.
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