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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. you know who can't name one. It's a lie pro communist sleazebag biden... or one thing bad one of the best presidents in American history did - President Trump !
  2. which is why Americans will never be disarmed. Our Constitution says so. And our Constitution says - if they try to get rid of our Constitution......
  3. like I said - the left will NEVER stop - they will attack every single thing about America they can possibly come across.
  4. this garbage illegal voting can NOT STAND. 74 millions REAL AMERICANS will not shut up. They can't make us shut up. They can't make us afraid to speak up, afraid of their brownshirts and blackshirts, nor afraid of their fake lawsuits and fake investigations. Although, the weathermen did talk about exterminating many millions of Americans .....
  5. as well as other bad diseases- I've brought it up several times. nothing but more power matters emotionally speaking - to the left. Intimidate and subjugate the American people who do not vote for them. Which is, Real America.
  6. the truth is going to come out - this election in huge democrat cites....was an illegal set up just like the three years of fake investigation. Except the sec says it won't affect the election....so hang on..this should be strange https://www.theblaze.com/news/georgia-statewide-signature-match-review Update: Lin Wood Puts Evidence Against Justice Roberts In Protective Custody Of Third Parties
  7. waved. Anyways, I didn't know peters spit on landry. still waiting to see if the NFL suspends him for a game, especially given covid stuff. https://www.brownsnation.com/video-shows-marcus-peters-spitting-on-jarvis-landry/
  8. https://www.brownsnation.com/2-browns-who-could-have-big-games-against-giants/
  9. different is better, utopia is their goal, and throwing God and America and what is good for Real America under the bus.... is their emotional knee jerk recourse for not loving anything, especially themselves. this is their utopia:
  10. Chief Justice Roberts' Lesbian Cousin: He'll Rule in Favor ... https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/chief-justice... Roberts’ mother is Podrasky’s godmother, the L.A. Times reported. Podrasky told the Times that Roberts knows she is gay. She hoped to introduce her partner Grace Fasano to him in Washington, the https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3856843/posts Chief Justice Roberts Unusual Adoptions Investigated Voat ^ | OregonAngel2 Posted on 6/18/2020, 12:20:58 PM by Oregon Valkyrie Multiple media sources have said the Roberts had trouble adopting their children. They had made multiple attempts to adopt without success. Married in their 40’s natural birth at that time was virtually impossible. "Lisa Tucker McElroy’s John G. Roberts Jr.: Chief Justice reveals that their adoption experience was “long and difficult.” In the summer of 2000, a birth mother chose the Roberts to adopt her baby. … Another adoption agency had called them. They called back, and the agency offered another baby. Jack and Josie were born just four months apart. The exact circumstances of Roberts’ adoption remain a private matter. The New York Times denied rumors that it was investigating Roberts’ adoptions.” https. ://heavy. com/news/2017/01/jack-josie-roberts-john-roberts-children-family-adopted-inauguration-supreme-court-chief-justice-jane-ages/ (Note: My submission was blocked because of banned domains. Not being able to tell which ones of many, I added spaces in the urls.) It is relatively easy to adopt children who are from disadvantaged groups, or who have medical issues. It is a lot harder to adopt a child who is healthy and white. They wanted children who looked like them - from Irish genetics. Irish law 1) generally prohibits the adoption of Children to non-residents, and 2) also does not permit private adoptions, but rather has all adoptions go through a public agency with a public review board. http ://adopt.com/ireland/ “Almost no children are ever approved for intercountry adoption. Thus if the child is born there they are subject to these laws. On the other hand Brazil has lax laws and is a largely corrupt country still where money talks and gets things done. It's much easier to fly a pregnant woman to give birth in an "adoption friendly" country like Brazil. “ https ://www.quora. com/Why-did-John-Roberts-involve-a-third-country-in-the-adoption-of-his-children Evidently Roberts arranged for this adoption through some sort of trafficking agency, that got the children out of Ireland and into that Latin American country, from which they were adopted, thereby circumventing two Irish laws. In fact the secretive adoption was admitted to have been from a country in Latin America: “… there is some confusion about where they were adopted from. According to the Underneath Their Robes blog, an Associated Press report claimed that they were “adopted from Latin America.””
  11. of course not - they know weasel face 1 and 2 will bend over and let iran have their way with them. for more $$$$$$ under the table. and they will sell out our soldiers over in that part of the world for even more $$$$$. After a terrific America First four years, the other direction will be bigger, serious trouble.
  12. Here's two: Stock up on barley grain. Not only can you eat barley as you would oatmeal, you can use it to make bread with barley flour. Might need a grinder... maybe only a coffee grinder would work small scale. Here's a secret: you can actually take barley - and roast it in the oven, and use it to make coffee ! My other idea is, for those who need to avoid sugar, here is an outstanding product you can find in some stores... and online. Skinny Syrup. I learned about this from our friends like family in NC. And our friends up here buy more of it than I do. Zero calorie, no sugar. All sorts of flavors - (if you order it, won't get there before Christmas, sorry) but it is really great. I use it in my tea - mango, peach, and dragonfruit. I use the vanilla in my coffee. It's really sweet. I want to try the mocha... my favorites are mango and dragonfruit for tea, and the vanilla for coffee. I just think this is an excellent quality product - should sweeten up even the most vicious, hate-raged, traitorous leftwing sourpuss somebeitch you know. Skinny Syrups 0 Calories. 0 Sugar. 0 Carbs 50 guilt-free flavors for your coffee, tea, protein shakes, baking or just about anything.
  13. President Trump ranks right up there with Pres JFK and Pres Ronald Reagan. This should be shown on all networks on TV.
  14. Well I think the Calfox Farm could use it to feed the entire neighborhood, and restock pheasants in NE Ohio like they used to be everywhere. But back in about 76/77, they froze out because of fake man made global warming. Anymore, folks from Ohio to out to S. Dakota to hunt pheasant. They used to be all over here in Ohio. Maybe I'll get a license and raise pheasants.....
  15. how weird is it that Tex has NO COMMENT so far? the left cares about power and the power to KEEP the power, no matter what. that is why the illegal millions ? of votes, the crapped up special machines/soros, china... everyone who gets in the way - they just HATE. with a vengence.
  16. something beats nothing to activists who want validated emotionally. If they don't get emotionally validated, they squawk, get enraged, and try to annoy everyone else who isn't a scum bucket birdbrain enthusiast.
  17. typical brainless personal attack by the woodpecker that doesn't know anything about anything, just blabbers and squawks
  18. and you know who still won't grow some nads and admit that he can't name one thing biden has done good or great for AMERICA. worse than sad. just nasty un-American.
  19. nope. It would offend their emotions and make them knee jerk hate even more.
  20. the reason for the hypocrisy, is that they psychologically are addicted to power and corrupt wealth.
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