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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yep, in truth, THEY are the conspiracy theorists = they project the term on everything they don't want believed. False emotionally supporting narratives is their ""god".
  2. 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled - Stone Cold Truth https://stonecoldtruth.com/2020-election-fraud-evidence-compiled Nov 12, 2020 · 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled Despite numerous first-hand reports and video evidence all over social media, the fake news networks keep repeating that there is no proof whatsoever of voter fraud! Below you will find a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Unprecedented Fraud Occurred in the 2020 Election - It's ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/... Dec 05, 2020 · There was much fraud in the 2020 election but in six states the President and his team have provided more than enough information to overturn the current leads stolen by senile Joe Biden and the corrupt Democrats: Author: Joe Hoft Jenna Ellis: Legislatures Will Reject 'Corrupt' Election https://pjmedia.com/election/tyler-o-neil/2020/12/07/jenna-ellis-swing-state... Dec 08, 2020 · On Monday, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Jenna Ellis predicted that legislatures in four key swing states would reverse their certifications of 2020 election results showing ..
  3. Strzok’s Declassified Messages Reveal How FBI Handled ... https://www.kboi.com/news/strzoks-declassified... Dec 17, 2020 · The Justice Department declassified the records on Dec. 1. The outlet reports it received the documents prior to their release. The messages show Strzok, who was fired from the FBI in August 2018, and other officials strategizing ways to handle the
  4. the darkest days, because biden is a total SCREW UP in doing anything good or great for America. it's all about blowing smoke up self-centered, easily emotionally swayed knee jerk sombeitches. because the radicals - including obMao, hooris, all of em, blm, antifa, soros backed "voting groups", etc etc... are sick in the head with dangerous and violent twisted emotions. Remember, obaMar started his political career in bill ayers' father's basement. in chicago.
  5. Baker has grown with experience, and it's really showing up in big games. Good article on how he is really getting serious respect now: https://www.brownsnation.com/logan-ryan-if-we-didnt-respect-mayfield-before-we-do-now/
  6. I figure to draft a WR later than round two... what about: Amon-Ra St. Brown, WR, USC Seth Williams, WR, Auburn Merlin Robertson, ILB Arizona State
  7. It was time well wasted. You denied it, you swim in Egypt, and you are losing cred more and more on this forum. It didn't take me any longer than it does to check on my homemade sauerkraut. The comparison of rosen vs Allen was the point. Did woodpecker get his inability to get points from you or what ? LOL.
  8. Wow. To watch that history being made in person...very cool !
  9. "DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES" lol really great to watch the Bengals force the squealer offense to implode. I didn't know Finley would fool them and run like that. That should drop tomlin out of the head coach of the year running. steeler wr's ...when a game is on the line, they always create incidental contact, and try to get the pi. Then when they don't... they are not happy. This officiating crew didn't fall for it.
  10. The trouble is, Real America have jobs and families and are not doped up soros sleazeball rioters off the welfare/street people/illegals rolls. Most of us don't go places and raise hell.
  11. darth vader demanded a lot. Ghengis Khan demanded a lot. hitler demanded a lot.... obaMao demanded a lot.... the left must be possessed by satan.
  12. well, so far the first round is very confusing. Players on my temporary way too early list for the Browns (about 21 to 25, somewhere maybe? FIRST ROUND zaven collins lb joseph ossai lb Trevon Moehrig s something like that, pretty much. ***EDIT: If the discussion were to lean toward BPA.... that is different. I just figure, btw, that Caleb Farley is long gone - at worst a top 15 pick. That is the challenge I always throw at myself in my stupid mock drafts. If Farley falls to the Browns that far? lol Sure, that is a no-brainer probably. BPA? at about 25? If he's there - and he may very well be... I would switch gears and with Terrence Marshall Jr, 6'3" wr out of LSU. He's so excellent he gave Jacee? Horn fits in a game. But then I'd have to spend the rest of the draft on defense.... it's complicated.
  13. "yeah those damn republicans sure roasted the planet Venus with their suv's, factories, cows farting, owning their own homes and land, and thermostats set to where they are happy.................." I don't believe they had wealth redistribution on the planet Venus, but, that is just me ? LOL LOL LOL
  14. so, basically, you didn't read the article at all as always then........
  15. Hoorta defending josh rosen AGAIN: Should we draft a quarterback 1st overall? hoorta replied to Louisville Slugger's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD Cal is behind the times- he's also using preseason evaluations ofRosen . Probably didn't watch JR play USC or Cal either. FWIW, I've seenRosen make passes Kizer can only dream about making. From nobody to the top of the first round of the draft -Josh Allen hoorta replied to calfoxwc's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD ...My order now is Darnold- Mayfield-Rosen , and hell no to Allen or Jackson. Should Dorsey take Allen he'll have a lot shorter honeymoon in Cleveland if Allen busts. Have to admit in my book- John has done little wrong since he's taken over. Started off on the right foot sending Kenny Britt packin... Inside Info about a Divided Browns Org on our QB? Interesting stuff from a guy who (says he) knows a guy... hoorta replied to Tour2ma's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD ...and prayRosen or Mayfield will be there at #4? Darnold at #1? hoorta replied to Babernakle's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD ...Rosen , and Barkley's respective pro days speaks volumes which direction we're headed.
  16. Baker Mayfield Thread hoorta replied to BobPOUND!'s topic in THE BROWNS BOARD I can live withRosen if that's the choice. Just no to Allen- & I hope Lamar Jackson isn't in the discussion. From nobody to the top of the first round of the draft -Josh Allen hoorta replied to calfoxwc's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD ...(Bret Hundley) ThatRosen was solely responsible for getting his coach fired is complete BS. The bar changes in favor ofRosen every time, um because he's a better prospect. Your broken record is something that can't be quantified- intangibles, which have largely been debunked. That is Hoorta defending his josh rosen,
  17. Here's Hoorta saying he ALWAYS HAD ROSEN in his TOP THREE hoorta replied to Flugel's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD I've always hadRosen in my top 3. To have him as our #1 in the draft? It's going to seriously depend how much weight Dorsey & March 12, 2018 62 replies Company put on his injury history. Here's Hoorta saying Rosen was MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE. Bruins bowl eligible. BIG WHOOPEE hoorta replied to Louisville Slugger's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD I agree aboutRosen . Mighty impressive. Bruins bowl eligible.
  18. but you have nothing to say to a leftie poster who threatened Axe and his family? FREAKING SERIOUSLY? and, you had rosen rated above allen. The Combine - a few days away... hoorta replied to Orion's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD How many times do I have to say my QB rankings are 1A Mayfield, 1B Darnold, 3Rosen , Josh Allen mechanics are very good. hoorta replied to calfoxwc's topic in THE BROWNS BOARD ...Allen was facing defenses that weren't anywhere near as good as whatRosen and Darnold were facing in the Pac 12 either. Darnold made as many pretty throws to guys being defended by NFL caliber talent as Allen was to guys who will be raising cattle (New Mexico) or growing cabbage (Fresno State) whe...
  19. he uses what he doesn't like, name calling and slurs, to goad conservatives into responding. really, really, really low.
  20. it's a giant STUPID contest. but, they will go for it - it means more power for them. more free ride. https://www.theblaze.com/news/black-votes-count-twice-professor
  21. this is getting out of hand. Hoorta's heroes strike again https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2020/12/20/obamas-latest-autobiography-rewrites-israeli-history-to-make-you-hate-the-jewish-state-n1221172 Obama’s Latest Autobiography Rewrites Israeli History to Make You Hate the Jewish State " The weighty 768-page tome not only tells you more about His Wonderfulness than you ever thought you wanted to know; it also provides a potted Leftist history of Israel that abundantly illustrates how Leftists see our most reliable ally in the Middle East, and why they hate it with such focused laser-beam intensity. Obama portrays Britain and then Israel as occupying powers in Palestine, without ever explaining who actually owned the land they were and are supposedly occupying. He makes no mention of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine. As The Palestinian Delusion explains in detail, the Mandate directed the British to encourage “close settlement by Jews on the land” for “the establishment of the Jewish national home.” What gave the League the right to do such a thing? The dying Ottoman Empire had ceded Palestine to the League in 1918. Jews had lived in that land from time immemorial, and it was otherwise sparsely populated. It was a perfect place for the Jews who faced discrimination, harassment and worse in Europe and elsewhere to settle. Thus the common assumption, which Obama fosters, that the Israelis are illegitimate occupiers of a land that belongs rightly to the Palestinians, founders on the facts. There never was a Palestinian state. No Palestinian king, or emperor, or president. There never was a Palestinian nationality or ethnicity distinct from the nationality and ethnicity of the Arabs of the region. Palestine, like Staten Island or Georgetown, was always the name of a region, not a nation-state or ethnonational home. Obama also claims that the Jews “organized highly trained armed forces to defend their settlements,” without mentioning that in 1919, a Muslim leader, Amin al-Husseini, a member of a prominent Arab clan in Jerusalem, orchestrated a series of attacks on Jews all over Palestine. The following year, he instigated riots in Jerusalem during Passover. Amid mass looting and rapes, six Jews were murdered and over two hundred more injured. A court of inquiry found that “the Jews were the victims of a peculiarly brutal and cowardly attack, the majority of the casualties being old men, women and children.” This violence was ongoing. In August 1929 in Jerusalem, rioting Arabs murdered 133 Jews and injured over two hundred more, many in their homes. In Hebron, they murdered another sixty-seven Jews, and in Safed, twenty more. The British government-appointed Shaw Commission found that the riots “took the form, in the most part, of a vicious attack by Arabs on Jews accompanied by wanton destruction of Jewish property.” Obama mentions none of this. His description of the birth of the State of Israel is no more fair or accurate: “As Britain withdrew, the two sides quickly fell into war. And with Jewish militias claiming victory in 1948, the state of Israel was officially born.” The “two sides” were actually tiny Israel against the giant massed forces of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. They didn’t “fall into war”; the Arab League declared war immediately after Israel declared its independence. Obama’s use of the term “militias” to describe the Israel Defense Forces is doubtless chosen for its resonance with the right-wing, racist, white supremacist militias that American Leftists hysterically imagine to be stalking the land. Even worse, Obama claims that “for the next three decades, Israel would engage in a succession of conflicts with its Arab neighbors.” One would get no hint from his account of the fact that Israel “would engage” in all these conflicts not out of some imperialist or supremacist impulse, but because each and every time, Arab forces carried out an unprovoked attack against the Jewish state. But Obama appears determined to portray Israel as the aggressor, trusting in the general ignorance of his readership. Obama’s animus toward Israel is so great that he even calls the Temple Mount “one of Islam’s holiest sites,” without ever mentioning its central importance in Judaism. A Promised Land thus includes a concise primer for Leftists to remind them of why they must hate Israel. As Obama’s dotty old puppet prepares to enter the Oval Office, this is not a good sign for America’s alliance with Israel, or for peace in the Middle East. Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here."
  22. more and more hypocrisy, violating their own edicts. sounds a lot like ulterior motives when they don't practice what they demand of others. say, that sounds familiar around here... https://www.theblaze.com/news/dr-birx-family-trip-thanksgiving Dr. Birx took family trip to Delaware vacation home, flouting her own coronavirus guidance Three generations of her family from two households ate a meal together
  23. I gave you more than one link. Over time I've llsted hundreds. YOu pick one that you can diss, and that means the other hundreds are null and void? the 99 scientists from Italy - you didn't read the link again. You just run your beak in sissy bird defiance. Did your nanny forget to fix your breakfast this morning or what? Seriously - the entire board can see you have legit trouble spelling simple words. Mentally perhaps you are still in the third grade. "parot" sad.
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