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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. crap - your posts are so IGNORANT. Your stupidass blather just rambles like you don't care that you make no sense. Sorry I opened another worthless one up. IGNORE again.
  2. but getting back to the offensive line..... When Harris went in for Hubbard, I didn't expect him to play terrific. I figured things would go wrong. I was wrong. He's very, very smart - and can PLAY: https://www.brownsnation.com/who-is-nick-harris/
  3. nope. Not at all. There are serious, glaring scandals and bad stuff obaMao said and did - to legitimately blame him for. List of Public Scandals: Obama Presidency https://www.thoughtco.com/list-of-obama-scandals-and-controversies-3367635 The Biggest Controversies of Barack Obama's Presidency Benghazi Controversy. Questions about how the Obama administration handled the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in... IRS Scandal. IRS Commissioner Steven Miller. The IRS scandal of 2013 refers to the Internal Revenue Service's ... 10 Biggest Scandals Of The Obama Presidency - Listverse https://listverse.com/2019/11/07/obama-presidency-scandals 10 Biggest Scandals Of The Obama Presidency 10 IRS Targeting Controversy. Just a couple of the words or phrases the IRS was looking for when they were deciding... 9 “You Can Keep It”. Rated the “Lie of the Year” by Politifact, Obama claimed in 2013 that “if you like your health care... 8 Solyndra. ... 14 Real Obama Scandals That Have Nothing to do with His ... https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt... 14 Real Obama Scandals That Have Nothing to do with His Wearing a Tan Suit 1. The Trump spying /FISA abuse scandal 2. The IRS scandal Amazingly, liberals still pretend the IRS improperly targeting conservative and Tea Party groups... 3. The Iran Ransom scandal A few short months after Obama had
  4. Losers and traitors refuse to learn what a legal affidavit is. HUNDREDS of them. **************************************************** Here is the evidence of election fraud https://noqreport.com/2020/11/24/here-is-the-evidence-of-election-fraud Nov 24, 2020 · Here is the evidence of election fraud. The current 2020 Presidential Election is in a state of crisis. Not only have Big Tech and Big Media ignored vast evidence of election fraud, but these institutions have conspired to promote one candidate as the winner, long before the conclusion of all election software audits, statistical analysis, recounts and court proceedings (which will include witness testimony of election interference and coercion). 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled - Stone Cold Truth https://stonecoldtruth.com/2020-election-fraud-evidence-compiled Nov 12, 2020 · 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled Despite numerous first-hand reports and video evidence all over social media, the fake news networks keep repeating that there is no proof whatsoever of voter fraud! Below you will find a mountain of evidence to the contrary.
  5. Campana, I think that was him. Blazing fast. The Boykins were a succession of terrific hs players.
  6. I didn't know that - but Nancy was a sweetheart - in hs. Larry was some years ahead of me, he was well liked.
  7. the roosevelt and ravenna teams back then - I remember one of them had some super star guy who could return kicks, wr? and nobody could ever catch him. Everybody knew his name back then. I don't remember it now. lol
  8. Larry Csonka was 6'3" - I knew his sister Nancy. Don Nottingham - no highlight video of him - but he was "the Bowling Ball" but was only 5'10", harder to get a hold of, and was only 210 lbs. But he was stocky, and powerful, no fear, like a rocky mountain goat violently headbashing with another rocky mountain goat. He caught passes out of the backfield, and also -returned kicks-. https://www.nfl.com/players/don-nottingham/stats/career I did find this video of him, though - he ended up with hearing loss from all the collisions....
  9. Larry was a big charging angry buffalo.
  10. yep, in truth, THEY are the conspiracy theorists = they project the term on everything they don't want believed. False emotionally supporting narratives is their ""god".
  11. 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled - Stone Cold Truth https://stonecoldtruth.com/2020-election-fraud-evidence-compiled Nov 12, 2020 · 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled 2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled Despite numerous first-hand reports and video evidence all over social media, the fake news networks keep repeating that there is no proof whatsoever of voter fraud! Below you will find a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Unprecedented Fraud Occurred in the 2020 Election - It's ... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/... Dec 05, 2020 · There was much fraud in the 2020 election but in six states the President and his team have provided more than enough information to overturn the current leads stolen by senile Joe Biden and the corrupt Democrats: Author: Joe Hoft Jenna Ellis: Legislatures Will Reject 'Corrupt' Election https://pjmedia.com/election/tyler-o-neil/2020/12/07/jenna-ellis-swing-state... Dec 08, 2020 · On Monday, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Jenna Ellis predicted that legislatures in four key swing states would reverse their certifications of 2020 election results showing ..
  12. Strzok’s Declassified Messages Reveal How FBI Handled ... https://www.kboi.com/news/strzoks-declassified... Dec 17, 2020 · The Justice Department declassified the records on Dec. 1. The outlet reports it received the documents prior to their release. The messages show Strzok, who was fired from the FBI in August 2018, and other officials strategizing ways to handle the
  13. the darkest days, because biden is a total SCREW UP in doing anything good or great for America. it's all about blowing smoke up self-centered, easily emotionally swayed knee jerk sombeitches. because the radicals - including obMao, hooris, all of em, blm, antifa, soros backed "voting groups", etc etc... are sick in the head with dangerous and violent twisted emotions. Remember, obaMar started his political career in bill ayers' father's basement. in chicago.
  14. Baker has grown with experience, and it's really showing up in big games. Good article on how he is really getting serious respect now: https://www.brownsnation.com/logan-ryan-if-we-didnt-respect-mayfield-before-we-do-now/
  15. I figure to draft a WR later than round two... what about: Amon-Ra St. Brown, WR, USC Seth Williams, WR, Auburn Merlin Robertson, ILB Arizona State
  16. It was time well wasted. You denied it, you swim in Egypt, and you are losing cred more and more on this forum. It didn't take me any longer than it does to check on my homemade sauerkraut. The comparison of rosen vs Allen was the point. Did woodpecker get his inability to get points from you or what ? LOL.
  17. Wow. To watch that history being made in person...very cool !
  18. "DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES" lol really great to watch the Bengals force the squealer offense to implode. I didn't know Finley would fool them and run like that. That should drop tomlin out of the head coach of the year running. steeler wr's ...when a game is on the line, they always create incidental contact, and try to get the pi. Then when they don't... they are not happy. This officiating crew didn't fall for it.
  19. The trouble is, Real America have jobs and families and are not doped up soros sleazeball rioters off the welfare/street people/illegals rolls. Most of us don't go places and raise hell.
  20. darth vader demanded a lot. Ghengis Khan demanded a lot. hitler demanded a lot.... obaMao demanded a lot.... the left must be possessed by satan.
  21. well, so far the first round is very confusing. Players on my temporary way too early list for the Browns (about 21 to 25, somewhere maybe? FIRST ROUND zaven collins lb joseph ossai lb Trevon Moehrig s something like that, pretty much. ***EDIT: If the discussion were to lean toward BPA.... that is different. I just figure, btw, that Caleb Farley is long gone - at worst a top 15 pick. That is the challenge I always throw at myself in my stupid mock drafts. If Farley falls to the Browns that far? lol Sure, that is a no-brainer probably. BPA? at about 25? If he's there - and he may very well be... I would switch gears and with Terrence Marshall Jr, 6'3" wr out of LSU. He's so excellent he gave Jacee? Horn fits in a game. But then I'd have to spend the rest of the draft on defense.... it's complicated.
  22. "yeah those damn republicans sure roasted the planet Venus with their suv's, factories, cows farting, owning their own homes and land, and thermostats set to where they are happy.................." I don't believe they had wealth redistribution on the planet Venus, but, that is just me ? LOL LOL LOL
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