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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. the truth is, if the dems had the wh the last four years, they would refuse to talk about the deaths - that is just a whiny cheapshot - you see it on the corrupt likes of cnn, msnbc, etc etc etc etc etc etc.
  2. It's true - the Browns have won every single time after a loss - at 11-5... first year, covid...etc.... We should all be proud of them. Stefanski...this entire coaching staff have been brilliant. There wasn't much time, with no practice etc, to change their game plan - no chance to judge how much the game plan should have been changed, if at all, but with different players - as coaches, I figure it's tough to know the strengths and what works best, with all the starters that missed the game not playing. What is really impressive, to me, is that our Browns have come so far - with a secondary with injuries. Baker's timing was way off for good reason - and Lamm isn't any answer at LT, Harris had a tough time against a bigtime dl. With Wills and Teller in the the game, the Browns would have had a win. It is what it is this year. I see the Browns winning the game next week if their players are back.
  3. triple c - spews just mean nasty stupid words. Doesn't make sense to human beings, talks like a rabid sewer rat.
  4. so great to have an UPBEAT REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT ! ANOTHER PROMISE KEPT FOR AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!! https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/12/25/truly-a-christmas-miracle-president-trump-and-first-lady-thank-first-responders-praise-vaccine-in-christmas-video-n299823
  5. owners are good friends of goodhell? actually, the NFL position is, if the covid only affects one position on the team. Or some maybe dishonest rationalization. We'll see. https://chicago.suntimes.com/2020/12/2/22089379/nfl-commissioner-roger-goodell-ravens-steelers-broncos-saints-postponement-wednesday-quarterbacks
  6. total out of context belligerent comments are out of control. No critical thinking abilities by the left.
  7. just..... unbelievable. Postpone the game for ...3 days. WE are a playoff caliber team now, so....
  8. yep. getting more and more stupid. but he knows science. "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer".... is "misgendered". https://www.theblaze.com/news/neil-degrasse-tyson-rudolph-reindeer-misgendered
  9. yep. no more stupid swimming in Egypt "conspiracy slurs" bs.,....maybe
  10. and.... we'll see if the NFL delays the game if need be
  11. sick stuff. Like the serial killer in "Silence of the Lambs" trying to smile
  12. Corruption doesn't fall far from the tree in biden's criminal family Biden’s niece Caroline has also committed quite a few crimes over the years, the Post reported, including hitting a police officer (2013, while Biden was then-President Barack Obama’s No. 2 man) and spending more than $100,000 on a stolen credit card (2017, the year after Biden left the vice presidency). In 2019, according to the Post, she was arrested for driving under the influence and driving without a license.
  13. Biden's Family Members Have a Long History of Crime, But ... https://www.westernjournal.com/bidens-family... Jul 19, 2020 · That includes Joe Biden’s relatives. As long as members of the Biden family continue to face no jail time for crimes that would result in prison sentences for anyone not related to Joe Biden, Americans will have a hard time taking the Democrats seriously … Biden’s daughter Ashley has had multiple run-ins with the law over the years. In 1999, when Ashley was a college student (and Biden an influential senator), she was arrested for marijuana possession. As the Post reported, “no conviction was recorded in court records.” Ashley Biden was arrested again in 2002 “after she allegedly attempted to obstruct a police officer–making ‘intimidating statements’–after a bottle-throwing brawl outside a Chicago bar.” Once again, she faced no legal consequences for her actions. Biden’s niece Caroline has also committed quite a few crimes over the years, the Post reported, including hitting a police officer (2013, while Biden was then-President Barack Obama’s No. 2 man) and spending more than $100,000 on a stolen credit card (2017, the year after Biden left the vice presidency). In 2019, according to the Post, she was arrested for driving under the influence and driving without a license. So far, she has not been sentenced to any time behind bars. Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Biden’s brother Frank was arrested in a Pompano Beach, Florida, Blockbuster video store in 2003 after trying to leave with two DVDs stuffed down his pants, according to Miami New Times. He also has been charged with driving drunk and driving with a suspended license, the Post reported. While he did face some consequences for his crimes, jail time was not one of them. Last and certainly not least is Biden’s son Hunter. The younger Biden has made headlines for refusing to pay child support for a child he fathered out of wedlock, citing bankruptcy. Hunter’s shady past dates goes at least as far back as 1988, when he was arrested for drug possession in Stone Harbor, New Jersey, the Washington Examiner reported. Now 50, Biden was 18 at the time. As Hunter Biden explained on a 2006 application to serve on the Amtrak Reform Board, “There was a pre-trial intervention and the record was expunged.” Hunter Biden has continued to struggle with drug abuse over the years. He was kicked out of the Navy in 2014 for using cocaine and is suspected of smoking crack in 2018 at a strip club in the nation’s capital.
  14. Fear of the deep swamp. The likes of brennan, clapper, etc the list is long - they will go after Durham's family, set him up like they tried to set PRes Trump up. Like they tried to set up all American gun owners with ObaMao commie's "Fast and Furious" scandal. LIke they set up the ambassador to die and covered it up in Benghazi. They are playing dirty global wealth politics and if they have to, they will invent fake evidence to imprison anyone who gets in their way, blackmail to control even a supreme court justice (Roberts), or, if all else won't work... have them involuntarily die. https://pjmedia.com/election/victoria-taft/2020/11/15/what-the-hell-report-claims-durham-investigation-into-spy-gate-is-dropped-n1148534
  15. nonsense. Let me know how many of these obaMao lies are republicans' fault. I'll wait. https://www.westernjournal.com/ten-of-barack-obamas-worst-lies/
  16. wrong. IT's dishonest to establish a different criteria for judging. the same goes for last minute leftwing changes to benefit the democrats in the last election. The GDP fluctuates. https://www.crfb.org/blogs/president-trumps-tax-cut-largest-history "In nominal dollars, it would almost certainly be the largest in history. "
  17. Except where were you during eight years of obaMao/biden/higgardly/brennan/clapper/mueller/etc lies? and obaMao and biden BROKE all of their promises. They lied. Pres Trump KEPT HIS PROMISES. Go look it up. I have posted about it a lot.
  18. blah, blah, silly blah. Pres Trump and his entire family and friends were the object of false charges, false illegal contrived fake investigation with fake evidence paid for by your higgardly. Your obaMao/biden - the whole deep swamp is going to make a huge comeback. It's ok to be sassy here (with permission from you know who), but obaMao corrupted our FBI, CIA, DOJ, EPA, etc etc.... and that was before Pres Trump ran for president. Just think about that.
  19. LOL. no, it came up in an article. I thought Steve liked that song, don't remember why I thought that.
  20. oops, you like the song. It's pretty, interesting.... but stupid. Christianity is a spiritual belief - communism is a political system of violent tyranny and despair. Knowing God is there and Jesus died for our sins is not "unrealistic". Christianity has nothing to do with being "equal". It has everything to do with free will.
  21. more nonsense. Mexico has been paying for it, indirectly, with mobilizing their "army" to stop the influx. and, repealing obaMAOcare, you need to look up the DEFINITION of "lie", instead of emotionally knee jerking and twerking bs. What is the definition of the word lie? Lie(noun) a falsehood uttered or acted for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth; an untruth spoken with the intention to deceive. Lie(noun) a fiction; a fable; an untruth. Lie(noun) anything which misleads or disappoints. ************************************************************************ SO, MY INTENT, many of us - is to build the wall and make mexico pay for it. That isn't a lie - it's just hard to do directly. And MY INTENT in voting for PRES TRUMP, was also to repeal obaMaocare. That was not a lie, Pres Trump didn't lie - but the repeal must be accomplished by the House, which is infested with the contaminated brains of democrats. A goal not achieved is not a "lie". Having ZERO cooperation from the hater KKK/Nazi democrats in Congress.... causes problems with accomplishments. Saying your goal is a bill to send payments to Americans - and the House pads it with stupidass garbage, and refuses to vote on it until after the election? Corruption in the House - by dems - doesn't mean Pres Trump lied. Buy a dictionary. or, just type in a wood, and get a definition before you use it. But, emotional knee jerk wise - it makes you happy to slur with words in error, si?
  22. It's all about fake utopia garbage. https://laviasco.com/john-lennon-imagine-lyrics-meaning/
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