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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. just another example of leftwing corrupt sombeitches just wanting POWER over OTHER people, they get to do whatever the hell they want to. They are woodpecker special.
  2. Trump MOST ADMIRED MAN. I think I saw where Biden came in at 9%. how the hell you win an election at that? yep. massive swing state democrat election fraud
  3. the losers are everywhere. Power and control - it's what they do. Even on this forum if they can/
  4. why can't we get Gorka back to counter act the crap that ccc spews? it's okay for a leftwing sombeitch to spew, but if you are a conservative, why, you had better no. yeah, that is how lefties roll.
  5. she's a hard core liberal - liberal CRAVE so desperatelly, the power to screw with people who don't make them FEEL like they are important. Say, that sounds familiar around here......
  6. This article says back in the day, it was 10, but this game the Browns are favored by seven.... but not much difference... https://www.brownsnation.com/browns-have-largest-point-spread-against-steelers-since-1989/ "In the early odds, the Browns have opened as a seven-point favorite. The Week 17 Sunday game between the Steelers and Browns could mark the first time since 1989 that Cleveland has been a favorite of seven or more points since Oct 15, 1989. The Browns were 10-point favorites over the Steelers in that game in Cleveland. The #Steelers won 17-7."
  7. It's amazing folks. and it was Pres Trump and VP Pence that dramatically enabled it. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2020/12/28/graph-shows-just-how-amazing-the-trump-admin-achievement-on-virus-vaccine-is-n301013 Graph Shows Just How Amazing the Trump Admin Achievement on Virus Vaccine Is
  8. that is so excellent. So many people are alienated by the obaMao common core progressive push in public schools. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2020/12/28/european-nations-following-americas-lead-in-pushing-back-on-chinese-dominance-n301051
  9. now, that is leadership by our terrific for America Pres Trump https://redstate.com/jeffc/2020/12/28/european-nations-following-americas-lead-in-pushing-back-on-chinese-dominance-n301051
  10. https://fox8.com/news/washington-dc-bureau/house-passes-plan-to-increase-stimulus-checks-to-2k/
  11. and...... woodpecker FEEEEELLLSSS it's scientific ! Farting cows, asthma patients… and now fat people are ... https://www.rt.com/usa/476526-obesity-study-global-warming Dec 20, 2019 · First it was farting cows, and now yet another study into the causes of too much carbon dioxide says obese people are producing more than the average person, helping to harm the planet. Obesity, the flagship journal of The Obesity Society, has published new research that suggests the increased body mass of people will make it more and more difficult to decrease man-made carbon …
  12. too many thank you emails. Makes me want to go start a fire in the fireplace and microwave up some green tea.... https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2020/12/27/not-crazy-at-all-cbs-pretty-sure-too-many-thank-you-emails-contribute-to-wait-for-it-global-warming-watch-n300652
  13. yep. since she? doesn't understand the meaning of words but emotionally knee jerks them anyways.... What does wackadoodle mean? Wackadoodle describes someone or something as eccentric, wrongheaded, bizarre, or foolish, generally in an amusing way and with a mildly dismissive tone.
  14. EXACTLY. what is it about the naysayers who refuse to believe the evidence? The supreme court WOULD NOT HEAR IT BECAUSE OF "STANDING" which is bogus in this case.... roberts feared riots. did not mean no evidence. yeesh.
  15. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/coronavirus-vaccine-covid-19-cure-doctor-moderna-novavax-oxford-a9523091.html
  16. true, I wouldn't know - but a smoke particle is still a particle that isn't a virus that doesn't exist in the air without being in a water droplet. just my opinion - the corrupt WHO said the covid could also spread as an aerosol, then backed away from it..... https://abcnews.go.com/Health/aerosol-airborne-droplets-amid-covid-19/story?id=73250018
  17. the lefties LOVE corruption. Their emotions are corrupted, so they feel vindicated.
  18. https://www.brownsnation.com/baker-mayfield-walks-off-postgame-interview-after-jets-loss/ Yes, The Mainstream Media Are Really This Corrupt "...My Montana respite permitted me to complete a close reading of Tim Groseclose’s stunning book, “Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind.” He was the featured guest on the June 22, 2020 edition of Mark Levin’s “Life, Liberty and Levin” show back in July. Groseclose boldly states, then backs up with strong empirical data the fact that journalists fail to give us a representative sample of viewpoints in day-to-day their reporting. Because of their own leftist beliefs and the corrupt industry in which they ply their trade, journalists are more likely to report facts and statistics that liberals want you to learn and less likely to report facts and statistics that conservatives want you to learn. This is his “distortion theory of media bias” wherein a typical presidential election, only about 7 percent of D.C. news correspondents vote for Republicans. We have seen prima facia evidence of this progressive media step too far with the recent resignation of New Yawk Times opinion editor James Bennet and the subsequent resignation of the Times’ Bari Weiss, where she stated, “But the lessons that ought to have followed the [2016] election—lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society—have not been learned. Instead, a new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially in this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else.” The sad state of journalism today is that they don’t give Putz-litzer Prizes to writers of stories that represent anything with a whiff of conservativism. Instead, radical excrement like the Times’ 1619 Project is elevated to journalism’s lofty pinnacle for every newsroom and news jerk to emulate. It is not unlike awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Barack Obama. Will the last conservative journalist kindly turn off the lights when (s)he is finally given the boot out the newsroom door? Even well-respected former news executives abhor journalism’s hard left turn. As Van Gordon Sauter, president of CBS News back in 1982-83 and 1986, opined recently in the Wall Street Journal, “The highly influential daily newspapers in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and Boston are now decidedly liberal. On the home screen, the three broadcast network divisions still have their liberal tilt. Two of the three leading cable news sources are unrelentingly liberal in their fear and loathing of President Trump.” I suspect Sauter was being somewhat politic with his remarks."
  19. obaMao's chicago. He would like all of America to have that kind of crime.
  20. No, no, no. Woods has proven himself to be a very, very good defensive coordinator. He doesn't have the talent in the secondary except for Ward...., but they are going? to be 11-5 ?
  21. Legit question. https://welovetrump.com/2020/10/10/promises-kept-the-certified-master-list-of-trumps-historic-accomplishments-in-just-two-years-2/ I don't consider the affordable care act replacement a promise - it was a stance that he couldn't get cooperation with. Building the wall was a promise - that he did as much as the stupid courts, lawsuits would allow him to get done. Lowering taxes, yes, getting out of the expensive mistake of the paris accord, renegotiating the bad give America away trade deals. Which, btw, I wonder if a lot of the money that went to the corrupt bidens was to encourage those bad for us trade deals.... He did say mexico would pay - but that isn't up to him to MAKE happen, it was his goal - and mexico DID end up putting their troops at the border to stop the gigantic flows of illegals swarming into our country unchecked, unvetted.... he did promise to drain the swamp - but the swamp fought back with a fake dossier, a fake investigation for three years of nothing, lies to the FISA court, etc etc etc etc. Like most things, understandings defies a simple emotional outburst, or simple answer. During the obaMao presidency, the DOW did go up that 10,000. But it is far more complicated than that - https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/capital-commerce/2009/10/15/is-the-dow-at-10000-the-result-of-an-obama-bubble This article explains some of the complications. Companies moving plants overseas is mostly a matter of high corporate taxes here in America. I worked for several years for a company that built a plant in England - over there, the cost of living and wages were so much lower it was sad. But the company benefitted, sure. There is also this: Dow gains 10,000th point since Trump's election | Fox Business https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/dow-gains... Dec 16, 2019 · The Dow Jones Industrial Average crossed 28,332.74 on Monday, meaning it has rallied 10,000 points, or more than 54 percent, since Trump’s election victory on November 8, 2016. The benchmark S&P ... Like I said, it is very complicated. Globalism in corp America has it's merits. But that is a two edged sword, unfortunately. Lower employment, less money in taxes to the fed and states and cities. Low fuel prices - Pres Trump. High energy costs skyrocketing in the next few years, I believe. Putting America First was desperately needed. We're closing in on 30 trillion in debt. No president seems able to stop it - and the leftwing policies of the squad, etc, will skyrocket out debt. That is very serious thin ice to our existence as a nation. It may never be able to be repaid already.
  22. sad, but sure seems that information went as the bigoted politics went. Fauci admits he lied, so many politicians, and Dr. Birk was it? that defied their own dictums as to what people needed to do.
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