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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. M. J. Stewart Jr. is listed behind Ward and Johnson, both out. Tae Davis is listed as the backup to Goodson at Mike lb. I think Redwine will start in place of Sendejo. Joseph and Harrison are back at safety.... I think Jacob Phillips is back.... no worries here.... kick squealer arse anyways.
  2. VP Pence knows it happened. and he doesn't swim in Egypt, neither does Pres Trump - one of America's greatest PRESIDENTS.
  3. even by VP Pence. It's legal and so what if the left keeps trying to ignore it. The fraud was massive. It must never happen again, and it's only happened by the left. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/03/vp-mike-pence-weighs-in-with-an-official-statement-on-the-electoral-count-challenge-n303545 "Some had thought that Pence might not be on board a challenge after he didn’t seem to be on board with the effort of Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) to sue him to give him the power to decided on the dueling slates of electors in the disputed states. So he may not have wanted to go out on a limb with Gohmert, but he’s willing to look at a completely constitutional move that the Congress is proposing. The problem of course is it’s still a long shot but it will put focus on the questions that people have been bringing up and require everyone to go on the record. Now if they can then lay out the case, with simple to understand evidence that I wrote about last night, such as where data scientists testified before a Senate panel in Georgia that Trump’s vote count in various counties impossible decreased as the vote continued and there being a seeming switch of votes, then Americans can see the case past the media fog that this is all ‘debunked.’"
  4. https://onenewsnow.com/science-tech/2020/09/02/covid-death-stats-inaccurate-or-just-misleading "New information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says 94% of reported coronavirus-related deaths had underlying medical conditions – meaning that for the other 6%, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned " ' "I'm not surprised," says Merrill Matthews, Ph.D. of the Institute for Policy Innovation. "That's been the case for some time. When the CDC tracks out the group that has only COVID-19, it's been a much, much smaller number than the broader attribute of the deaths, people with comorbidities." That, says Matthews, is one of the interesting things about this information. "When you're comparing death rates with the United States versus other countries, not every country uses the same method," he explains. "Some of them may be using much more stringent guidelines for whether they call it a COVID-19 death. If we were using much more stringent guidelines, our numbers would be much lower." ************************************************* but he doesn't want to go as far as saying "overblown". They are inaccurate because we use a far less stringent criteria - even politics can play a role in it.
  5. Johns Hopkins Finally Tells the Truth About Covid – It Is ... https://iotwreport.com/johns-hopkins-finally-tell-the-truth-about-covid-it-is-wildly... Nov 26, 2020 · Johns Hopkins Finally Tells the Truth About Covid – It Is Wildly Overblown …the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data.
  6. legal affidavits says it happened, go look it up. You'll find the definition of "legal affidavits" if you just try. Don't be stuck in ignorance land like woodpecker. You're far higher in the perception dept.
  7. Sure, but Woody Hayes was just as intense about football. and he was a great speaker - really inspiring. Just crazy intense about football. It's just an analogy...
  8. Spain DRIVES on the RIGHT side of the road. Check. But they use Celsius? Instead of Fahrenheit? One right out of two...oh well. One more time - every single freaking time, these Cleveland Browns have WON at least one game after a loss. I think it was four games won after a loss - twice. Isn't a matter of hoping - we KNOW the Browns are going to leave it all out on the field - and kick squealers arse every minute of the entire game. Oh, man - and I have root beer in the fridge!!!!!!! Except I have cowboy coffee steaming until it boils for three minutes... Kick. Pittsburg's ARSE dammit! I hope the Browns sack you know who til he cries and takes himself out of the game. Win. Win big. I heard Woody Hayes talk about how football is war, in person. "Wayne Woodrow Hayes saw combat duty in the Pacific during World War II and coached football like he was MacArthur storming the islands. " Storm the Squealers til the clock hit's 00:00. Let's ROCK.
  9. so vag played football and yet is completely wrong and says he's trolling to cya. It doesn't take someone who played the game to give him the NCAA DEFINITION on the targeting. Fields spinning has nothing to do with the call. egad. Did you headbutt goalposts the entire time you played football, vag? totally wrong, you are.
  10. liberal bigotry on display. With the lost souls of the left - one bad example of a group means the entire group is also bad. when it SUITS them emotional knee jerk-wise. woodpecker would have voted for charles manson instead of Pres Trump. it's a destructive emotional anomaly. and they swim in egypt.
  11. Voter fraud? Not a problem in Ohio - News - The Columbus ... https://www.dispatch.com/news/20200531/voter-fraud-not-problem-in-ohio May 31, 2020 · In Ohio, elections officials from Trump’s own party and other experts said that election fraud is exceedingly rare and reassured voters that the state has multiple layers of checks to prevent it ... Author: Rick Rouan
  12. massive. Seriously massive electoral fraud. btw, 27 countries on the planet outlaw mail in voting. want to know why? https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/02/data-scientists-testify-to-ga-senate-panel-that-thousands-of-votes-removed-from-trump-some-switched-to-biden-n303442
  13. pretty good - wish I had written it.. https://redstate.com/stu-in-sd/2021/01/02/how-to-break-through-the-media-fog-on-the-massive-election-fraud-n302875 What is to be Done? What is desperately needed: A serious person, seen as sober and “above the fray” (a Michael Mukasey, Ken Starr, or Ted Olson-type figure, or possibly the Acting Attorney General or his Deputy), is needed to do what AG Barr should have done: present the facts and the context below, using DoJ, the White House, or the U.S. Senate as a venue. A 30-minute presser, dignified and certain. No Q&A – speak with command of the facts and the room, and then leave the stunned in silence. Here is what must be included: Lay out directly to the American people, with concision and clarity, the main facts: e.g., voter roll imbalances in Blue City precincts, exceeding total population; 144-288k missing mail truck ballots; illegally destroyed vote data and missing chain of custody proof; out of state, underage, duplicate, and otherwise ineligible voters; machines connected to the Internet; unprecedented massive injection of ~$500,000,000 in private funds to pay highly-selected poll workers of, and for, one political party (in an opaque manner). Include reference to the precise number of sworn affidavits from technical, legal, and forensic experts, eye-witnesses, and election officials. This probably is best done using a few broad headings, and then 1-2 egregious and factually-established examples under each (the rest to be referenced as being contained in the available charging/documentation). Lay out the federal charges attaching to each, referencing the sentences, fines, etc. To the extent that there are concomitant state charges, allude to the fact. To the extent there is predicate/reasonable suspicion of a conspiracy, so indicate (RICO, or otherwise; sedition). To the extent there is reasonable suspicion/evidence of foreign influence (whether related to any conspiracy, or otherwise), so state. Have Director of National Intelligence present on stage and speaking when appropriate. Briefly outline the Constitutional issues. Mainly, for this public purpose/announcement, these include: The plenary role of the state legislatures to set the laws regarding elections; the role of Congress in making the relevant determinations regarding electors; and constitutional protections under the Equal protection clause. Only/only after these fact- and law-based issues are explained, there should be a brief hortatory and lofty statement regarding the principles and dangers that are at issue, including: Reprise the critical sanctity of the vote and the vital need in our democratic constitutional Republic for citizens to have complete faith in the process and outcome, and in the fairness of the law and its administration, and the courts. It is a defining trait of our national existence. Note the several polls showing that a majority do not have such faith. Some ~70-80% of Republicans, 30% of Democrats, and around 50% of Independents amounting to nearly half of the country think the election was rigged and in favor of Biden; this is a material harm. Never have we faced such a situation. (Gore v. Bush was 1 county in 1 state.) Acting today is burdened with costs, but the costs of doing nothing are unacceptably high and will rapidly multiply beyond normal remedy in short order. Hence, immediate action is required. Being agnostic or indifferent as to the law, and specifically to the violations implicated in the several states, does not equate to fairness or to equal protection and justice under the law. Nor is it, under our Constitution, the role of the courts, or of the nation’s top law enforcement official (ultimately the President) to be indifferent to the law. Rather, it is to enforce the Constitution and laws impartially and swiftly and to thereby uphold the integrity of, and respect for, the law. Actions taken by state and local officials to establish new election rules, procedures, timelines, verification standards, and the like­­ (or to refuse to enforce selected laws), however arbitrarily or considered­­­­­­­­ – which actions have the intent, or the effect, of circumventing the laws enacted by the state legislatures, and their assigned sole plenary authority in this regard under the U.S. Constitution – cannot be allowed, by practice, prevalence, administrative or judicial fiat, nor by consent or acclaim, to substitute, as by stealth, for the writ and will of the legislatures. To allow such a practice to now establish itself, as if constituting imagined new precedent and fact, and, being more, to then be perceived as fact – or be, by force of this very same political fiat, given legal dressing (g., after the Democrats have gotten rid of the Senate filibuster, added two states to the Union, packed the Supreme Court, changed the way states vote, and gotten rid of the Electoral College) – would do grievous harm to the Constitution, to the rights of the several states thereunder in respect to their election law prerogatives, and to the people of the United States. Such fundamental alterations of our constitutional order and national life were nowhere raised in either major Party’s platform, ballot, or referenda, nor were they proposed for submission to the constitutionally established process for considering and acting on Amendments, at any time during this election cycle. In fact, when questions arose about altering the Supreme Court, or adding states, there were dodges and deferrals. To suddenly discover such changes seeded through the miasma of a most contested election outcome is unacceptable. "
  14. will the woodpecker finally admit there is craziness on the leftwing side too?
  15. 88 Charlie Kolar TE 6-6 257 Jr NFL Draft Diamonds Scouting Notes: Charlie Kolar is one of the best pass catching tight ends in the country. He has great hands, and runs great routes. He is a little lanky, but I would expect him to gain some weight this year. He has a Jimmy Graham type of body frame, and he plays a lot of like Jimmy Graham. I am a fan of his, I think he will blow up this season for the Cyclones, and I would not be surprised if he leaves early. – Damond Talbot, Owner, NFL Draft Diamonds
  16. Democrats aghast at outing as communists - Washington Times https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/feb/20/... In Case You Missed It: The latest Democratic debate involved a bit of back-and-forth between Mike Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders about the perils of politicking in America on a communist platform —... 2019 list of socialists and communists in Congress | The ... https://federalobserver.com/2019/10/2019-list-of... Contrary to popular belief, being a Democratic Socialist is NOT the same thing as being a Communist. Of course, there are similarities, but there are differences too. As the name indicates, the DSs believe in instituting Socialist policies through the democratic process, in other words, through elections.
  17. Former Obama Doctor Says Joe Biden Isn’t Mentally Fit To ... https://defconnews.com/2020/07/05/former-obama... After a year of Joe Biden’s absent minded presidential campaign, the liberal media is still pretending like he’s lucid, coherent, and fit to be president. Obama’s former White House physician, AKA someone whose opinion matters, says Biden’s mind is shot and that he is completely incapable of handling the
  18. If You Take Him At His Word, Obama Is Insane https://personalliberty.com/take-word-obama-insane The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. If you take him at his word, Obama is clearly insane. Changes Coming. Our staff of designers and technical experts is hard at work behind the scenes making an all-new Personal Liberty Digest™ for you.
  19. DOCTORS SAY: OBAMA IS INSANE! | Globe Magazine https://www.globemagazine.com/content/doctors-say-obama-insane DOCTORS SAY: OBAMA IS INSANE! President Barack Obama is mentally ill! That’s the bombshell diagnosis of mental health experts including one who says the leader displays classic signs of two severe personality disorders. They also point to a recent video where Obama makes strange faces and acts bizarrely. Plus, learn why Vice President Joe Biden is accused of being a serial groper.
  20. then don't defend the call, one who played football, but criticize the rules about it. Would you like a definition of your rationalization?
  21. https://www.si.com/college/2018/08/21/college-football-helmet-targeting-rule-explained The official 2018 Football Code of the NCAA Football Rules Committee stresses that "players and coaches should emphasize the elimination of targeting and initiating contact against a defenseless opponent and/or with the crown of the helmet." Get SPORTS ILLUSTRATED's best stories every weekday. Sign up now. Targeting does not solely occur when players initiate helmet-to-helmet contact. It's defined as occurring when a player "takes aim at an opponent for purposes of attacking with forcible contact that goes beyond making a legal tackle or a legal block or playing the ball." Instances include, but are not limited to: Launch--a player leaving his feet to attack an opponent by an upward and forward thrust of the body to make forcible contact in the head or neck area. A crouch followed by an upward and forward thrust to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area, even though one or both feet are still on the ground. Leading with helmet, shoulder forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area. Lowering the head before attacking by initiating forcible contact with the crown of his helmet. Since 2008, the committee has implemented rules to prohibit forcible contact using the helmet and target defenseless opponents. In 2013, it became an ejectionable offense, in addition to incurring a 15-yard penalty.
  22. oh, why not shut up and look it up? You are completely wrong. In college football, targeting is defined as, “making forcible contact with the crown of the helmet,” or “making forcible contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless player”. Under current strictures, a targeting call leads to a 15-yard penalty and automatic ejection of the player that committed the targeting foul.
  23. https://www.oregonlive.com/collegefootball/2020/04/ncaa-panels-approves-tweak-to-targeting-penalty-replay-time-limits-players-can-wear-0-as-jersey-number.html College football players penalized for targeting and disqualified from games will be allowed to remain on the sideline following the calls rather than having to leave the field and go to the locker room. The modification to the targeting rule, which called for players to be ejected since 2013, was among a series of rules changes approved by the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel on Monday and announced Tuesday.
  24. oh, bs. It WAS a dangerous hit, and those are AGAINST the rules, and it calls for an immediate ejection. It doesn't matter that you played football - in this case, you are completely wrong. He intentionally led with his helmet as a weapon. That is wrong no matter what team did it. Did you lose money on a clemson would win bet or what?
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