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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. More Republicans say they will object to US election ... Nearly A Dozen Republican Senators Will Object To ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/... Jan 02, 2021 · A group of eleven Republican senators on Saturday announced plans to object to certification of the Electoral College if a 10-day “emergency audit” of election results in key states is …
  2. would give time to have a chance to get out HC and players back. **************************** As for when players can return to the team, it depends. Below is the NFL's wording on its rules for players returning from COVID-19 cases. Following a positive test, if the player is asymptomatic, he can return once: 10 days have passed since the initial positive test; OR Five days have passed since the initial positive test and the player receives two consecutive negative PCR virus tests at least 24 hours apart within that five-day period Following a positive test, if the player demonstrates symptoms, he can return once: At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared; AND At least 72 hours have passed since he last experienced symptoms In either case, a player who tests positive must be cleared by his team's head physician before returning.
  3. from the looks of it, they can find one in the third round. Maybe the fourth... need blue chip S, CB, or LB the first two rounds.
  4. Michael Dunn may end up being Sunday's hero on the oline. Meanwhile, the game will go on, apparently. Just like the NFL made the ratbirds and squealers go ahead and pla... oh, wait. They had their games delayed....
  5. those relevant elections were dirty. Everybody now knows it. Those states that allowed it to happen - do not deserve to benefit from their large scale electoral fraud. This must never happen again. 27 countries have outlawed mail in ballots for the very reason that it enables massive fraud.
  6. Fauci would have been a happy volunteer dr. for the nazis during WWII....
  7. but he crossed the "red line". the "democrat" communist red line. "do what you are told or your life and family's lives will go to hell because we say so." it's what democrat leftists/socialists/communists do. and they are doing it here. Right along with taking power by mass election fraud. that...is....what...they....do. Bigger, far more serious trouble. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/05/304485-n304485
  8. dammit. dammit. dammit. Well, good thing Bitonio has Michael Dunn as a backup. " Dunn is 6-5, 315-pounds and is officially in his first NFL season out of Maryland. Originally signed by the Rams as an undrafted free agent in 2017, Dunn has spent time on the Rams (2017) and Jaguars (2018) practice squads. Dunn has spent the entire season on the Browns' practice squad and has appeared in three games as a reserve. He was also member of the Birmingham Iron (AAF) in 2019 and Seattle Dragons (XFL) in 2020. He is a native of Bethesda, Md. and will wear No. 68. " Maybe Stefanski can call plays remotely lol
  9. PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH. except when/if biden becomes pres, we will end up in a war. he is a corrupt wimp. No wonder the sissy woodpecker loves him.
  10. The fix was in.Not a word from Chrissy Wray. https://pjmedia.com/election/tyler-o-neil/2020/12/01/whistleblower-i-drove-thousands-of-ballots-from-new-york-to-pennsylvania-n1184008 Election 2020 WHISTLEBLOWER: I Drove 'Thousands of Ballots' From New York to Pennsylvania
  11. do you need your nanny to give you an enema? cause you are full of it.
  12. attacking the reporting source is a fool's errand. Just be careful - swimming in egypt has it's danger: The Nile crocodile or Crocodylus niloticus, famous for its integral association with Ancient Egyptian culture, and feared for its highly aggressive disposition, is a crocodilian found in freshwater habitats in 26 African countries. An apex predator and a generalist, the Nile crocodile does not shy away from attacking a human for a meal.
  13. more radical madness - D.C. madmax mayor has called out the national guard to help keep peace with the protest ..... on Jan. 6th. Worse than STUPID. like the woodpecker.
  14. This is a huge deal. I'm so glad we don't live in California, illinois, NY, etc. We would have moved out pretty quickly.
  15. are you an alcoholic or something? This isn't guidance anything. It isn't Trump anything. Start your own threads if you can't keep to a subject.
  16. then, there are the FACTS, which emotional knee jerkers refuse to consider: (from someone who ACTUALLY STUDIED THE RECORDED TEXT) https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/01/04/the-presidents-call-with-the-georgia-sec-of-state-a-case-study-in-media-duplicity-and-what-pres-trump-has-had-to-battle-from-day-one-n303854 The President's Call With the Georgia Sec. of State -- a Case Study in the Media Duplicity That Pres. Trump Has Battled From Day One "The context presented was so juvenile and cartoonishly improper from an objective point of view, there had to be more to the call than was being reported. " "The Trump Campaign’s complaint identifies numerous categories of such votes and Pres. Trump was pressing the Secretary of State to do his job and confirm the same facts that the Campaign has found. Every idiot journalist, legal pundit, and Democrat Party propagandist trotted out by the mainstream media now to claiming the President was doing anything else is lying about the substance and context of the call."
  17. yep. That was to mock the infantile haters' emotional knee jerking !
  18. This is absolutely the right thing to do. He has been losing credibility with voters for a good while. ********************************************** Governor DeWine Signs Duty to Retreat Bill As a candidate for governor, then Attorney General Mike DeWine promised Ohio's 4 million gun owners that he would sign legislation to repeal the state's unjust duty to retreat law. On Monday, January 4th, 2021,Governor DeWine fulfilled that commitment by signing Senate Bill 175. During the last days of session in late December 2020, the Ohio General Assembly voted to include this Second Amendment priority in Senate Bill 175, which also grants immunity to non-profit organizations from litigation in the event an act of gun violence takes place on their premises. DeWine's signature on the bill enacts one of Buckeye Firearms Association's top legislative priorities. "We're very pleased the Governor kept his promise to sign the repeal of Ohio's duty to retreat law that forces victims of violent crime to retreat before they're legally able to defend themselves," said Buckeye Firearms Association Executive Director, Dean Rieck. "Our organization worked relentlessly down the stretch to see this bill become law." Although speculation ran high that the Governor might veto the bill, his signature on SB 175 keeps a promise he made multiple times in writing, in public and in private meetings with Buckeye Firearms Association and other gun rights advocates. This bill brings Ohio into line with as many as 25 other states that have no duty to retreat for those who face imminent and deadly harm as long as they are in a place they are legally permitted to be. While this bill changes one technicality in Ohio law, it does not change the near universal and well-established standard for use of lethal force, nor does it give criminals a free pass to commit violent crime. Governor DeWine has said that he thinks it's important for the legislature to make changes to the NICS reporting system that is meant to prevent criminals from purchasing firearms. Unfortunately, the system has been hampered sometimes when courts or government agencies fail to update the system in a timely fashion. "From the beginning, BFA has been open to changes that would ensure more timely reporting," said Rieck. "However, we must protect the rights of the law abiding by making sure that reporting is done properly, and that people have a quick process to make corrections when the government makes mistakes. The National Shooting Sports Foundation's Fix NICS initiative is intended to do just that." Buckeye Firearms Association looks forward to the beginning of the new legislative session and the opportunity to further improve Ohio law.
  19. just like the whistleblower said. https://www.theblaze.com/news/coronavirus-leaked-chinese-lab-wuhan US official: 'Growing body of evidence' coronavirus came from Wuhan lab Either by 'leak or accident'
  20. whatever. the left would investigate him for having oatmeal for breakfast. It's asinine.
  21. It's complicated, not just about wearing masks, but wearing a mask, then GOING OUT to stores, gas pump handles with no protection, door handles, on clothes walking through the air, other stupid people wearing the mask only on their mouths and leaving their noses out, etc etc etc. I believe we've never seen a virus that has spread like this. When I brought up my concern that the virus could mutate ... somebody nixed that idea. Except it most certainly has developed different strains, which would be one of my criteria for developing a bio weapon - an economic oriented one, not so much a deadly one. Anyways, from the article - an interesting comment: Laura January 4, 2021 at 5:38 am | # Could the upswing in new cases possibly be because China has been re-releasing a fresh supply of covid virus to keep numbers sufficiently high, which will continue to spread fear and make it appear that nothing we do can mitigate this virus? How else to explain all of these upswings after improvements in case numbers? And how else to explain the decline in cases in China? Never underestimate their potential for evil.
  22. it's just anything goes in their culture war against America. and we haven't been fighting it too, until we elected our great American President Trump.
  23. of course. They must have big money to give to china and the losers on the left who want a free ride, especially all the "new voters" who don't speak English, but will be taught to vote for "D" every time.
  24. I agree - S/CB/LB.... and it's a nicer deeper draft for DE's than I thought at first - NOTE - Tyreke Smith, Ohio State. I think that would be a fine pick, Hopefully about the 4th round https://www.walterfootball.com/draft2021DE.php
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