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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Sorry, Tex, but it seems to fit. and I was in a rambling mood. We have friends to want us to go to Yellowstone with them, they love to hike. They don't camp though, and it was to be this year. right. Two more people we know, one a close friend in NC have tested positive for covid. No time to get careless yet. Our other friends want us to go several places out west, etc and go camping, they have a cool small trailer, we love tent camping. Every so often, I watch some show or read a story about how some family, person, friends go into the outdoors for a day hike, or a drive through mountain road in winter, and have tragedy, near tragedy strike. And I keep remembering how it took only maybe one second to two seconds of carelessness that caused me to have slipped into that spring in dangerous winter conditions. So, for years I've studied wilderness survival. Funny though, I never get to go out into the wild and practice all the stuff I know. I really could go out into our woods and "survive" for three days, but I know our woods, all 18 acres. We have a Nesco American Heritage dehydrator and jerky maker. Although, I've never used it to make jerky - always used the oven at the lowest setting for that, I might try it though eventually. I bought a dozen extra trays - I can really stack it up. The dehydrated onion rings were really good, too. A little sweeter than the sweet onion itself. I will watch the video later, maybe try it. But I try to make jerky without the sodium nitrate crap. Not good for ya. So I end up keeping it frozen or in the fridge for a few months. I don't care much for the raisins in the stores. I do at first, but the taste starts to get to me. But the dehydrated grapes are fantastic - no weird taste. I don't know yet how they make them, but mine are outstanding, I could munch on them all day. Back in the depression days, I've often been told about it in my life - my parents lived on farms - they did fine. They pretty much had anything they needed. So many stories. But obviously- those in towns/cities were devastated. Sometimes families on the move would stop in and ask if they could work for a little food to get them further on their way - they always helped them. For years I've just wanted to learn to be self-sufficient in case something country wide caused serious grief supply wise/health wise... in the past, we have bailed out other countries. What would happen if we had to go through a devastating crop/economic crash/whatever? What would happen if 4 or six of us went on a car day trip while on vacation, and hiked 5 miles to a great fishing lake? and late in the day, hike back to the car, but the car is gone? Fifteen miles back? Weather goes bad? What would we do with no way to start a fire or build a shelter or filter water? What would happen if we go canoeing and a big storm comes in and blows us to the far side of a big wilderness lake and we're stuck on some shore? It's like the family who took a wrong turn on a winter trip, and ended up stranded in a blizzard, miles from being found, and nobody knows they are there...that actually did happen to us, four of us in a big rowboat when I was a kid...we were drenched, badly chilled, but luckily the storm passed after while, and we got back to our car before dark. Anyways, we've already had store shelves be empty due ti the rush of panic ? buying from the covid shutdown. A good friend moved to Colorado they want us to come visit. My ccw instructor friend says he will lend me the perfect rifle for big game hunting. That would be awesome. You can bet I would ship steaks etc back home.
  2. when you have the best engine, you can win races. Stephanski and the coaches are the pit crew. biggest game of the year, I expect the squealers to play their dirtiest game of the year. going to be memorable, I think.
  3. so... been studying plant medicine. It's fascinating. Been studying foraging. Starting to work on a new book. We've been doing crossword puzzles - I'm getting better at it. Been dehydrating foods. did a few packages of carrots. and another big carton of the nice bigger blueberries. Did more cabbage. and for the first time, I did a whole three pounds of large green grapes. They were kinda "eh" - so I took all of them, washed them all, and cut each one in half. They turned out to be the biggest, most outstanding tasting raisins? I've ever tried. They put raisins you buy in the store on the "eh" list. I checked out my dried mango slices from the summer last year. They are EXCELLENT. Btw, I blanched the grapes for about 30 secs, because they take so long to dry. I didn't log the hrs, I will next time. But it's over two days. I also dehydrated some sweet potato and red potato slices. Now, generally, you have to blanch vegetables. I tried blanching the blueberries, it isn't necessary, and kinda dumb because they get so soft in only a few seconds. Won't do that again - not necessary. American Indian tribes knew a LOT about how to use plants. Reading the science behind why they do work - is amazing. I'm worried about our country. I have some liberal friends who are, too - they've asked me for advice on buying a bunch of seed and how to start a garden. That's a very bad sign. globalism devastated the EU - Britain bailed. China is failing/flailing, giant storms have wiped out a huge amount of wheat and corn crops (and soybean...) from floods and tornadoes. The new age utopian globalist green deal will skyrocket electricity and gas prices - and all hell will break loose economically. I say, it WILL HAPPEN if they actually persist. Does anybody think they won't? Every long once in a while, I try to get the old farmer friend across the way...to start raising buffalo, moose or elk so we can buy meat from him. I do it just to make him laugh. a lot of folks are going to be out of work. I hope not, but I fear so. The leftwing socialist/globalists/communists want to sell out America to the global economy - they will get big money in return. They have been doing ANYTHING to get all the power. It looks like they will have done it - only a fool will refuse to think they won't do whatever is necessary to never lose total power. Or they would have to start all over again, trying to take over permanently again. It's just a recipe for disaster that has been proven to happen historically in other countries for centuries. and the left is going to try to bake America into their globalist poison cake. Agenda 21/30. Look it up, folks. And check out dehydrators - they don't cost all that much.
  4. My suggestion - invest in food. Learn some survival techniques. all hell could break loose. and the democrats will turn fascist. Hard Times - America has never seen before. Check out my survival thread if you need to. Remember. Agenda 21/ (30) https://redstate.com/diary/setonmotley/2021/01/06/biden-set-to-eviscerate-us-farmers-with-cabinet-picks-and-their-policies-n305320
  5. Good for Vernon Jones. I believe there will be more and more of this. https://www.theblaze.com/news/georgia-democrat-vernon-jones-joins-gop--
  6. your heroes are slimeball cowards. Want to quit worshipping them now?
  7. that's BS, Axe. lol. just kidding. See, the truth has to come out from SOMEWHERE, or we truly are headed into more than soft civil war territory. Of course, that is ridiculous - we would never fall apart like other countries have from socialism/marxism/communism. confiscation of income and property. Agenda 21 (renamed agenda 30). It's a socialist plan for making the entire globe one system. Listen to the video. The UN WARGAMED what could work/happen - if a global virus hit. yeah. think about that for a second. LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-tv/agenda-21-pandemic
  8. or counseling. or at least ONE freaking AMERICAN HISTORY lesson. but lefties hate history. It makes them wet their pants because their emotions don't like it.
  9. that stupid last post bounces right back at you. and, the violence in the capitol? is a gift to anti-Pres Trump, anti-Constitution/Bill of Rights/anti-government, and a disgrace to the intentions of thousands of peaceful protesters. We've seen it before - legit reason to suspect that it was antifa/blm discrediting the Pro-America/Pro-Pres Trump PEACEFUL protesters. Which, I suspect, really was a plan by the left.
  10. I for one will wait and SEE who IS responsible. If it's right wing nutjobs, prosecute them. But as JAF posted - the same antifa nutjobs were clearly shown in the Congressional building. If it's leftwing anarchists/blm hellraisers? then why the hell weren't they prosecuted during the burning down of major cities? the looting and destruction? The videos of DC today look EXACTLY like the videos of the antifa/blm riots. But the latter were called "patriots" and these rioters are called what they are - criminals. So, either the nutjobs who broke into the Congressional buildings were rightwing and HURT the cause of the huge peaceful protests, or, they are antifa/blm/anarchists who HURT the cause ofthe peaceful protests. Either way, whoever it was, and it's cowardly and really ignorant and belligerent to assume one way or another, til the evidence comes in....they should be prosecuted. Obamao and the left started this strife. We saw it come to a head the last four years. Let's just see who it actually was.
  11. He is your hero now? he is just a politician player/coward. A lot of republicans are afraid now. Look at Sen. Howley. even sissy roberts of the SUpreme Court is afraid. that is the point of the dems supporting the blm and antifa. Look it up = go to the BLM website. all donations go to act blue. what is act blue? ActBlue — Billions raised online since 2004 https://secure.actblue.com Meet ActBlue Express Lane. 13,562,091 Democratic donors have saved their payment information with us via an ActBlue Express account.. The best part? Express users can use their account to give to any candidate or organization on ActBlue. And with our ActBlue Express Lane toolset, you can build single-click automatic payment links for your fundraising emails. ******************************************************** Guess who is hugely connected to ACTBLUE??? Take a guess. No? The ActBlue-Soros Complex | Human Events https://humanevents.com/2009/07/07/the-actbluesoros-complex Jul 07, 2009 · Soros directly donated $6,900 to ActBlue on May 11, 2008 and Andy and Debby Rappaport gave $70,000. A closer look at non-federal 527 contributions yields similar results. Adam Freed, a Director at Google, donated $18,000. The American Association for Justice, a civil justice activist group, donated $20,000.
  12. I don't doubt that the Trump rallies were infiltrated to undermine their credibility and give the corrupt left a field day to criticize the Trump rallies. Meanwhile, the cowards wouldn't criticize the blm/antifa burning down of entire cities' downtowns, the violent assaults on anybody not them, etc etc etc. Obamao stoked this divide for eight years. Now they have run massive electoral fraud and that genie can't be put back into the bottle. Big, serious trouble - it's been here, and exploding. How long have I been saying "big serious trouble" ?
  13. yep, the usual chickencrap change of subject. meanwhile, same corrupt vote counters, same corrupt election The one republican had a big lead...then a few hours later, the dem had a small lead. yeah. that is how it goes. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/06/weird-funny-numbers-went-down-in-georgia-last-night-including-on-live-tv-on-multiple-networks-n305285
  14. typical twisted tex - turning anything upside down, inside out, and bass ackwards instead of intelligently replying. "twist and shout trolling" is all you have tex. which is stupid nothing. You can't name one thing your obaMao commie and biden did good or great for America, while we can easily name over two hundreds things PRESIDENT TRUMP has done for America that are good or GREAT for America. anything else is ignorant trolling and uncivilized. Name one, or you are done - you have nothing intelligent to add to any conversation. Have a nice silly day.
  15. they are just out of control working on the power to control America. at every little crack of our existence. and I think they laugh their twisted emotional knee jerk asses off every time they get away with it.
  16. I wish a couple of arrogant, asinine you-know-who's would man? up and answer that.
  17. figures. Kreimer is a toad: "Interesting class, but I wouldn't advise taking it if you think you may need to ask a question during office hours. The couple of times I went to office hours, Prof. Kreimer's reaction was essentially, "you're an idiot, get lost." Thank goodness for hand-me-down outlines. "
  18. Electoral fraud is condoned in the Constitution? Please tell us where that is, troll Tex.
  19. However, the ratbirds said they needed time to practice for "safety reasons" and the NFL complied. https://www.nj.com/giants/2020/11/nfl-coronavirus-outbreak-ravens-steelers-game-postponed-to-wednesday-amid-covid-19-cases.html From the #Ravens players-only meeting, two main points: — They want to play. — Health and safety has to come first. Once source in the meeting asked, “Can’t we have at least two days of negative tests after this outbreak before we are expected to get back on the field?” Earlier today, Schefter reported that the “NFL canceled (the) Ravens practice scheduled for this morning, per league source. Ravens last practiced the Saturday before the Titans’ game.” The Ravens hosted the Tennessee Titans on Nov. 22, some eight days ago. **************************************************** just doesn't sound right - the NFL did that back then. so......
  20. research it - so many of the judges were democrats, since they tend to come from democrat strongholds.
  21. for instance, from the above link: " Nevada With Trump narrowly trailing Biden in the state, the Trump campaign has backed two cases to impact the counting of ballots: 1. To impose an injunction on the automated signature-verification machines used in Clark County as ballots continue to be counted. A federal judge rejected the request on Nov. 6, ruling that federal judges should not be involved in state election administration and there is no evidence Clark County is doing anything unlawful. The backstory: The Trump campaign held a press conference on Nov. 5 introducing Jill Stokey, a Nevada voter who claimed that when she tried to cast a ballot, she was told someone had already cast a mail-in ballot in her name. She alleged that the signature verification technology used in Clark County, the most populous county in the state, enabled someone to cast a mail-in ballot in her name. Her lawsuit asserted, without evidence, that “lax procedures for authenticating mail ballots” had resulted in “over 3,000 instances of ineligible individuals casting ballots.” Aaron Ford, Nevada’s Attorney General, called Stokey’s allegations “absurd.” “While the Attorney General’s Office normally does not comment on pending litigation, I feel compelled to dispel the misinformation being circulated to undermine the public’s trust in our election,” he said in a statement. " ********************************** NOTE: this is Nevada's AG: Aaron D. Ford Nevada Attorney General Aaron Darnell Ford is an American lawyer and politician serving as the 34th Attorney General of Nevada, since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as a Nevada State Senator for the 11th district from 2013 to 2018, which encompasses parts of the Las Vegas Valley including portions of the communities of Spring Valley and Enterprise.
  22. not all did. The major ones in the news, including the supreme court did. here's a list of them - keep in mind, a lot of the judges were democrats, including Josh Shapiro, the sleazy judge in PA. https://time.com/5908505/trump-lawsuits-biden-wins/
  23. it's history. the ignorant though, will ignore it and repeat it. Dangerous times ahead. The Trump haters have been conditioned to join in the hate. Either by enjoying said hate, or out of fear. https://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2021/01/05/i-now-better-understand-the-good-german-n2582563
  24. again, the courts chickened out to hear the cases. It doesn't mean they didn't have merit. They said the filers of the suit "did not have standing". that does not mean "has no merit". Stupid is as stupid does.
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