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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. this last election will go down in history as the most tainted, illegally voted election ever. Like in GA, one of the reps had a huge lead, with a majority of the votes in. Later, at 99%, she was losing. again and again and again and again? big, serious trouble. I think the entire republican group of congresspeople should not go. But they will, they won't stand up to the new nazis. but they won't sing along to the new biden/hooris/pelosi rock and roll celebratory songs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_songs
  2. at least for a few years - despair will hit. I'm going to print this list out, and ignoramus loudmouths will need to answer for the bad stuff that happens. but they won't care. They FEEL they are "gods", nothing else matters.
  3. it's what communists/marxists do. They will do everything legal and illegal to keep power.
  4. democrats control the purse strings. Pres Trump either shuts the gov down and gets dishonestly hammered for it, and our country is in big trouble, or the DEMOCRATS win and they get their pork. The dems have two years to get millions and billions from bribery payments from other countries. Then Real America will vote them out. Unless they have to put up with more semi trailers of fake votes across state lines- like they do in countries like russia, venezuela, cuba, and the like.
  5. it's wanting power. brownshirts and blackshirts were the nazis tool, Mussolini's tool, respectively. I wish we had some leftwing troublemakers around here that knew anything about history. It's history, folks. History repeats itself. "but it could never happen here, haha" has gone out the window.
  6. on a positive note: " Browns Activate B.J. Goodson, Sign Anthony Fabiano "
  7. blah blah blah. all those who broke the law should be prosecuted. Not one of you lefties wanted antifa/blm prosecuted. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/01/07/utah-man-with-a-history-of-organizing-blm-protests-was-inside-the-capitol-n2582766 Utah Man With a History of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM Protests, Was Inside the Capitol Katie Pavlich | @KatiePavlich | Posted: Jan 07, 2021 3:10 PM
  8. not a conspiracy - which is the hiding place of dishonest haters - it's true. deny it they will. Don't care. He worked to set up the break in. It's what he does - make helter skelter, and in this case, dramatically disgrace, with the dishonest left's help - all the PEACEFUL PRO-President Trump protesters. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/01/07/utah-man-with-a-history-of-organizing-blm-protests-was-inside-the-capitol-n2582766 Utah Man With a History of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM Protests, Was Inside the Capitol Katie Pavlich | @KatiePavlich | Posted: Jan 07, 2021 3:10 PM
  9. more from the other corrupt obaMao commie - Moochelle full of divisive hatred...she has a mouth big enough to eat a giant sequoia tree. She just won't shut up. like Oprah, Buttock and all the rest of the nazi-=like haters. https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2021/01/07/michelle-obama-goes-full-orwellian-urges-big-tech-to-permanently-ban-infantile-and-unpatriotic-trump-n306328 Michelle Obama Goes Full Metal Orwellian: Urges Big Tech to Permanently Ban 'Infantile and Unpatriotic' Trump
  10. and,....27 TRILLION in debt.
  11. fair enough. btw, Trump peaceful protesters stopped and tried to stop the nutjobs from breaking windows and getting inside the building.
  12. Oh, man. There are so many gorgeous parts of America we want to see....
  13. i Trump puts a stake through Marxism - American Thinker https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/02/trump... Marx destroyed trust, and the state stepped in to compel unity by the threat of force. The Rule of Law will be restored, and all citizens should speak English and be educated to respect the ... https://townhall.com/columnists/marinamedvin/2020/02/06/marxism-sugarcoated-and-forcefed-to-schoolchildren-as-equity-n2560892 Marxism Sugarcoated And Forcefed To Schoolchildren As 'Equity' https://townhall.com/columnists/marinamedvin/2020/... Marxism is the philosophy that has led to the darkest levels of poverty for the Soviets, East Germans, Venezuelans, and all others who tried it. But the neoliberals of the United States have ...
  14. but it's ok for lefties to do the same, even threaten Axe and his family... ? yes, antifa/blm were INSIDE THE CONGRESSIONAL BUILDING https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/07/was-antifa-at-the-capitol-protest-here-are-the-facts-and-the-guy-who-threatened-to-rip-trump-out-of-the-white-house-n306039
  15. some nutjobs, including some antifa/blm activists..... prosecute em. ObaaMao commie started all this division and strife - this is just more of it. Don't miss where antifa/blm guy said he would "rip Trump from the WH" https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/07/was-antifa-at-the-capitol-protest-here-are-the-facts-and-the-guy-who-threatened-to-rip-trump-out-of-the-white-house-n306039
  16. https://usa-memes.com/2020/10/04/six-misleading-claims-from-corrupt-biden/
  17. seriously bigoted, you are. For the actions of a few, all 20,000 are labeled out of political/emotional knee jerk ass expediency. what, the sicko lord vader asked you to come over to help raise hell over here? shove it somewhere, your post is worse than dumbass.
  18. ou want results only for obamao fanned the flames of hatre? Heather Mac Donald: Obama is responsible for fanning ... https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2016/... Heather Mac Donald: Obama is responsible for fanning flames of racial discord Even after officers were slain in Dallas and Baton Rouge, the president is helping spread the dangerously false... Shame on Oprah and Michelle Obama for Fanning Racial Flames https://nationalcenter.org/ncppr/2020/08/07/shame... The National Center for Public Policy Research is a communications and research foundation supportive of a strong national defense and dedicated to providing free market solutions to today's public policy problems. We believe that the principles of a free market, individual liberty and personal responsibility provide the greatest hope for meeting the challenges facing America in the 21st century.
  19. Sorry to hear, so tragic - exposure is so dangerous - hypo and hyper thermia. That is sad. Back in the day, we bought a lake erie boat, a bayliner cabin cruiser, twin inboard v-6's. Very cool. One day, we had great weather, and went with my Dad up to the lake, and the stupid lake had 1-2 whitecaps. They said it was because of a big storm over in Canada..... we were out a good ways, ' We didn't go out all that far... on the way out, we saw a rowboat. Yes, a rowboat going off in a different direction. We were fishing, caught a few smallmouth, it got windier and the white caps started to grow, we decided to go in.........and I saw a distress flare go up, and with my binoculars, well further out on the lake...sometimes I could see that same rowboat, swamped. I got on the radio as we headed out to rescue them, and just before I got to call the Coast Guard, I saw a Coast Guard vessel high speeding their direction. A rowboat. Well out on Lake Erie. what in the......... they were lucky. Looked like three teenage guys when we saw them early on. Over the years, we've taught kids how to shoot, ride a four wheeler, took kids camping for the first time, and there have been times when I took friends' kids hiking in our woods, and taught them some small stuff about outdoor stuff. That is great fun. I may volunteer to teach a survival class to kids at an activity farm. It's a ways away, but it would be fun to do. So many kids don't know about the outdoors. Our friends' kids - their family never, ever went outdoors camping, fishing, nothing. So, they loved going with us. And their son is a serious avid outdoorsman - winter camping, hunting/fishing, hiking.....
  20. Ward could do it alone, but our safeties will have to play their best game of the year.
  21. what's really amazing - the Bengals have a udfa and late round pick at cb, late round picks at lb, and not one first or second round pick on the dline, I think that's right. But their two safeties are both 2nd rounders. Cincy played one hell of a game. Gives me a better idea about the Browns chances at winning this big game coming up.
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