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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. au contraire, mon ami Toursies. There is more to the story. AP fact check? LOL LOL LOL LOL. Counter balanced with a molecule of helium? wrongo, bongo. You see, nearly? every single thing the left does - it for political power benefit. Like "fast and furious". "common core". "obamao phones". all the way back to the "Great Society". The bill did little to solve the horrible problems veterans have faced. See, I'm a veteran. I know better. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/06/us/veterans-health-care.html Did Obama’s Bill Fix Veterans’ Health Care? Still Waiting. By Dave Philipps Aug. 5, 2016 When President Obama signed a sweeping $15 billion bill to end delays at Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals two years ago, lawmakers standing with him applauded the legislation as a bold response that would finally break the logjam. It has not quite worked out that way. Although veterans say they have seen improvement under the bill, it has often fallen short of expectations. Nowhere is the shortfall more clear than in the wait for appointments: Veterans are waiting longer to see doctors than they were two years ago, and more are languishing with extreme waiting times. According to the agency’s most recent data, 526,000 veterans are waiting more than a month for care. And about 88,000 of them are waiting more than three months. “We’re making progress, yes,” Senator Johnny Isakson, the Georgia Republican who is the chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, said in an interview. “Whether it is enough is another question.” " But lawmakers and veterans groups say the program was hastily constructed. “Long story short: It has major problems, not the least of which is the pure confusion that veterans and even V.A. employees have in working the program,” said Garry Augustine, director of Disabled American Veterans. Veterans are required to call a private contractor to authorize and schedule appointments with private doctors, a process that veterans have said can take weeks. By the time a veteran sees a doctor, Mr. Augustine said, waits can be the same or longer than they would have been at a veterans hospital. If a private doctor decides a patient needs an additional scan or test that was not authorized for the visit, paperwork must go back to the department; that can add several more weeks. “The bottleneck is still back in the V.A.,” said Dr. Sam Foote, a retired physician who was one of the primary whistle-blowers in the scandal. "
  2. I know. The lefties know they are wrong about America and who should run it - but the subculture of hate gets them trolling. And, I just saw that mess up of the title. I cut and pasted erroneously, unless it was hacked by a mod. Like likely the former.
  3. sorry, you have to earn it. Once in a while, I give woody the benefit of the doubt, and then he screws it up again. You are only "Toursies" when you are insufferable, which isn't very often....
  4. well, it's a trend. Actually, it's a rule - it's what "they" do. I've been around a long time - the switch flips, and the emotions flip. But the rule isn't absolute - it's just that the "askers" are deliberately extremely dishonest and trolling. Except for woodpecker - he isn't smart enough to do it on purpose. So, sorry if you fell into being lumped in - honest questions are appreciated. I just wish we could get one from tex, but that is just a fleeting moment. I know not to expect it.
  5. Communists/fascists RULE. and they change the rules as soon as they get power by getting others to follow the rules. weird.
  6. it's sad. Their political attack culture has never ended. Who would have guessed that stupid hateful trolling would become such a huge fad?
  7. It's like he's always trying to catch up, but he's too much a frail birdbrain to really try. hey woodpecker, we're over here.
  8. Maybe? https://www.brownsnation.com/ronnie-harrison-montrel-meander-could-play-against-steelers-sunday/ Getting Harrison back would be great today. Waiting til 8:00 for the game.... dammit.
  9. Brennan is the power hungry dirtbag that voted COMMUNIST in college. and still got into the CIA... go figure.
  10. crap. it's somebody on this forum, I think. Still on the tip of my brain...let's see...........
  11. You're just a troll. You have no real stance on anything. If you were born decades later you could have been a Youtuber that does pranks or something. I don't really hold anything you say here with any weight because you're clearly only looking to get a reaction out of people.
  12. Way back in my AF days, back at Keesler AFB, we marched to class. Well, we had this kid, just one of us, who was appointed as our floor "yellow rope". That is where they have a yellow rope hanging off their shoulder, and this kid thought he was ghenghis khan. He joined for six years, so he had two stripes instead of one, a whining sissy voice, and often acted like he was a TI back in basic. He was from a military family - a very spoiled brat. I remember it was said that his Father was a higher up officer. He kept being a jerk and got worse. It didn't take long til one of us coughed while we were marching. He stopped us, and found out who was the culprit. It was just a guy with a bit of a cold. But this so-called leader got in his face and gave him hell for coughing while he was marching us to class. Actually threatened to make the guy do fifty, and threatened to put him on report. lol That was the last straw. As a group, we had ZERO RESPECT for this loser - so we finally declared war on him. We probably made him cry at night - but the belligerent two faced asswhole deserved it. We did stuff like ignore him off duty - none of us would talk to him. Somebody stuck his pillow in the commode.... We'd be marching...and would cough, and when he had his back turned trying to demand to know who coughed, somebody else coughed. We kept it up til he finally got quiet and started us marching again. We'd start marching against his cadence on purpose, all at the same time. One morning, and he got po'd to the max, and went off screaming at us like a raged daffy duck. And... we laughed at him. See, he was a hypocrite, belligerently drunk on his "power and authority", and made an ass of himself again and again. One day, he was pretty quiet, and one of us coughed on purpose and he ignored it. The next morning, he apologized - he realized his mistake, and wanted to have a chance to EARN our respect. and he did. He grew into a really good guy, had a sense of humor and humility about his previous troubles. The difference was, he finally realized he lost us completely, and went and had a long talk with one of my close friends - who was also the RED rope student leader of the entire squadron. I can't place who reminds me of him... it will come to me eventually.......
  13. he will be - but he will do a good job. Despite it all, I believe the Browns will play one of their best games of the year.
  14. it seems to be ok for woodpecker to do it... but he is you-know-who's little friend. and threats to hurt/kill someone are okay...if you are a liberal. NEVER OK.
  15. you're right. Another part of it is: they know they have attacked for four years, ridiculed/mocked for four years.... and now they don't want it bouncing back on them - their desperate warped emotions won't allow it. It's just another example of serious emotional knee jerking. They flip the switch - it's being done by the msm, big tech.... freedom of speech is DEMANDED..... until they have the power to deny it to the rest of us. They do not think. They feel, that is ALL they do.
  16. ow Obama Left Us More Racially Divided Than Ever https://thefederalist.com/2016/07/13/how-obama... Under President Obama, many black folks think racial division has increased, not decreased. A family friend, who is a Democrat and an Obama supporter, recently curiously remarked, “I’ll be glad... Obama’s Legacy Is a Weaker and More Divided America | The ... https://www.heritage.org/political-process/commentary/obamas-legacy-weaker-and-more-divided-america Obama rekindled a racial divide that had been steadily disappearing in American society. In fostering group identity politics for political advantage, the Obama administration only divided the... Deep Racial Divide Remains Under Obama - NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/barack-obama/deep-racial-divide-remains-under-obama-n186211 Obama of course never claimed he would heal America’s racial divide, and it would be impossible to expect one person to do so. He has acknowledged the inspiring speech he gave in 2004 about...
  17. e this- obamao/moochelle/pelosi/max max waters, all of them are responsible, right? https://www.theblaze.com/news/portland-riot-protest-tigard-mcduff Riot declared in Portland suburb – Black bloc vandals attack police precinct and businesses 
  18. they started the intentional racial divide and irrational hatred between groups. now they will have to live with it. https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2021/01/08/like-obama-like-biden-let-the-seeds-of-racial-division-be-sewn-at-every-concocted-opportunity-n306581 Like Obama, Like Biden: Let the Seeds of Racial Division Be Sewn; At Every Concocted Opportunity
  19. so there. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2020/09/09/the-obama-biden-administration-killed-more-people-than-covid-19-n910616 This Obama-Biden Administration Failure Killed More Americans Than COVID-19 *******************************************************
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