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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. You miss the point, have you caught the inability to get a point from the woodpecker? no, you aren't his nanny. The point is, blaming Pres Trump is stupid, when every country on earth has been devastated by the COMMUNIST CHINESE COVID. See this? China builds 1,500-bed hospital in five days amid surge in ... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/... Jan 16, 2021 · China has finished building a 1,500-room hospital for Covid-19 patients to fight a surge in infections, which the government attributes to infected people or goods coming in from abroad. HAHAHAAHA. Your communist china started it all, and finally, they are having to build a 1500 bed hospital for covid-19 patients. now, this is a country where they can execute anyone, imprison anyone, any dang time they please, for any reason they can invent. So, THEY can't control it, and it's a closed society. So, Pres Trump was supposed to have a magic twanger and zap it before it hit the United States? You political emotional knee jerkers blasted Pres Trump for shutting down travel, then you blast him for the spread of the virus. What...woodpeckers darth vader nanny left, so you are designated to take his place? LOL
  2. imagine away, woodpecker. But I have been here through different presidents - and you can't name one good/great thing your homo obaMao and Sniffer Biden have ever done for AMERICA. And we can list hundreds of good/Great things Pres Trump has done. So, you lose. You have always been lost, and you may have bird lice. Go cry to your nanny.
  3. haha. you are ridiculous, Tour. Have at it !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. China builds 1,500-room hospital in 5 days amid COVID-19 surge https://nypost.com/2021/01/16/china-builds-1500... Jan 16, 2021 · China is throwing up instant hospitals again to deal with its latest surge of COVID-19 patients. A 1,500-room hospital to treat people with the coronavirus was …
  5. Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals ... https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university... Jan 28, 2020 · The Department of Justice announced today that the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department and two Chinese nationals have been charged in connection with aiding the People’s Republic of China. Dr. Charles Lieber, 60, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, was arrested this morning and charged by …
  6. and your communist china didn't send this covid all over the world? you need to politically grow up Tour. I say that with respect, knowing I could also say it to Tex with respect, but I know he won't. Two things about your silly slur: Swine Flu” The US Centre for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) estimated that 150, 000 to 575,000 people died from (H1N1) pandemic virus infection in the first year of the outbreak. 80% of the virus-related deaths were estimated to occur in those < 65 years of age. that is your obaMao commie. right? no. Nobody here ever blamed it on obamao. Think about that for at least a second. Chinese virologist: China's government 'intentionally ... https://www.foxnews.com/media/chinese-virologist... Chinese virologist: China's government 'intentionally' released COVID-19 'I work[ed] in the WHO reference lab, which is the top coronavirus lab in the world'
  7. McCain’s ‘no’ vote on GOP health bill elicits gasps in ... https://news.yahoo.com/john-mccains-no-vote-gop... Jul 28, 2017 · This moment in the early morning hours effectively killed the replacement plan, known as the Health Care Freedom Act. It ended with a 49-51 vote. McCain…
  8. traitor slimeball john mccain killed the bills ..... he did it to screw with Pres Trump. He was never really a republican. Why John McCain Killed Obamacare Repeal—Again | The New … https://www.newyorker.com/news/ryan-lizza/why-john... Sep 22, 2017 · John McCain’s disdain for Donald Trump was stronger than his love of Lindsey Graham. That’s at least one sensible conclusion after the Arizona senator today came out against the Graham-Cassidy...
  9. In 1944 Norman Mattoon Thomas declared: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened. I need no longer run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.” Margaret Thatcher once stated: “Socialism is wonderful until the government runs out of the people’s money.” When was the last time you looked at the National Debt Clock? We are approaching $20 TRILLION and will probably be there by November. This is an unsustainable financial debt, never to be repaid. This will affect 2-3 generations before any of this can start to be slowly turned around. In 1776, our country voted for freedom from bondage to a ruler, ruling country. We are in the complacency stage headed back into bondage – a mere three steps. We won’t live that long to see it, experience it but our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and their generations will. PRES TRUMP HATERS VOTED TO SCREW UP AMERICA... THEY STOLE THE ELECTION TO RUIN THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN. THEY ARE ONES WHO WILL SUFFER.
  10. still waiting for an answer......from you know who.
  11. why would they do that? because they can't control the American people until they do it. https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2020/10/16/mark-levin-joe-bidens-communist-manifesto-will-destroy-every-aspect-of-our-culture-and-society/ even biden admits it - "dark times"
  12. new destitute illegals - won't speak English, 100% guaranteed to vote socialist.
  13. 舔我的手指乔木偶 tiǎn wǒ de shǒu zhǐ qiáo mù ǒu lick my finger Joe Puppet
  15. Actually, the TRUTH is, Pres Trump promised to work toward a new hc plan that would actually WORK and be AFFORDABLE. That was another promise KEPT. but.... democrat House stonewalled it. Presidents cannot just make a healthcare plan. The HOUSE makes legislation. Shouldn't have to explain that, but it is what it is.
  16. of course it was a leftwing political hit job out of spite. bigger, more serious trouble.
  17. "but he's a GENERAL ! all generals tell the truth!" gee, what happened to that, Tex?
  18. dangerousy corrupt. this is what goes on behind the scenes. and dem voters just accept the corruption, because they FEEL WONDERFUL at the leftwing pablum promises that they dish out. https://redstate.com/michael_thau/2021/01/19/how-obama-mccain-helped-the-grandson-of-the-1930s-head-of-the-us-communist-party-escape-being-tried-for-stealing-230-from-the-russian-treasuray-n312381 How Obama & McCain Helped the Grandson of the Once-Head of the US Communist Party Escape Trial for Stealing $230 Million from the Russian Treasury (Pt 1)
  19. and now that the paranoid corrupt lefties have called out the Nat Guard...they are afraid of the National Guard. Yeah. They know they were not elected by the American people. Flashback: Obamao declaring he needs a "civilian security force - as well armed as our military". The power to always keep power. It's what they dream of. Remember, the video of the FBI that infiltrated the weathermen back in the sixties. You know, the likes of bill ayers/bernadine dorn, etc? and obaMao got his political career started in bill ayer's father's basement in Chicago.
  20. Very true - the first part. I KNOW there are some who care deeply about our Constitution/Bill of Rights. OK, a minority in Congress, and now the WH. At least on the state level, they repealed the "duty to retreat" whatever it was called, and strengthened our "Stand Your Ground".
  21. and TEx throws a hissy fit on his way out. They dish out hate nonsense for four years, and now they have some kind of moral indignation that they won't listen to the bounceback. except we won't have to ignore all the good/great things biden/hooris did because they won't. and they can't handle the truth. and America will be worse off. and they are too scaredy wittle wiberals to admit it.
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