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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Dangerous times, folks. Stolen election by the swamp that lied about a FAKE russian collusion. To destroy the outsider WE ELECTED. NOW MORE PROOF OF IT !!! Right out of the KGB's handbook I suppose. (john traitor brennan voted communist back in the day) https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/01/20/newly-released-fbi-interview-with-christopher-steele-proves-russia-hoax-was-all-about-defeating-donald-trump-n313066 Newly Released FBI Interview with Christopher Steele Proves Russia Hoax was all About Defeating Donald Trump
  2. he already has dem voters totally pizzed off because he and hooris lied
  3. not only that, but kamoola dirtbag hooris is an illegitimate VP. IMPEACH HER NOW 3 Reasons Why Kamala Harris is a Corrupt Opportunist ... https://goldfiremedia.net/2020/09/14/3-reasons-why... Wrongful Conviction: Kamala Harris is not only an expert in colluding with the corrupt and letting off criminals but also in prosecuting the innocents. Kamala Harris’ rampant prosecutorial abuses https://nypost.com/2020/09/03/kamala-harris-rampant-prosecutorial-abuses As a prosecutor, Harris too often abused her office in just the way she decried as a campaigner. The former San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general is the last person who... Kamala Harris follows a pattern - Corruption News https://corruption.news/2020-10-03-kamala-harris-follows-a-pattern.html Kamala Harris completes the Democrats’ Manchurian candidate ticket. Let us explore a pattern of corruption peculiar to Democrats and see how Kamala Harris fits in. (Article by Stu Cvrk republished from UncoverDC.com)
  4. she sided with the leftwing fascist election stealing sombeitches... she's just nasty. https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/01/20/liz-cheneys-congressional-career-appears-to-be-over-n313288
  5. https://redstate.com/heartlandinstitute/2021/01/20/three-ways-the-biden-administration-will-make-things-worse-for-working-americans-n313317 it's true. disaster coming. inflation and taxation despair is on the way.
  6. I SO admire the over two hundred GOOD/GREAT THINGS THAT PRESIDENT TRUMP DID FOR AMERICA. and biden just did his betayal/liar thing to Georgia his first day.
  7. happy stolen election day to you. again, you add NOTHING intelligent to this forum.
  8. the left loves guilt by association, so do they think that ALL "Lincoln republicans" and their fans are child molesters?
  9. good for him meanwhile, buttock and Moochelle live in an efficiency apartment in chicago dealing cocaine I suppose.....
  10. yep. Pres Trump is president in REal American hearts the next four years.
  11. you betcha. but a lot of despair is going to occur. Put some food away, grow a garden. add three inch screws to the hinges of your doors. dangerous times ahead. the left stole the election, dirtbag biden is an illegitimate president... the first one in our history.
  12. biden promised $2000 checks for covid. Except, he lied. betrayed them. of course he did. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/20/313291-n313291 Biden Gets Blasted for His First Official Lie/Broken Promise, Georgians Slam Him For His Betrayal
  13. that all you have to add? pitiful. and yes, I'm busy. Sorry if I made you unhappy with that admission. What, I didn't get Hoorta's permission? LOL A lot of threads don't require comment. They are what they are, people read them. You liberals say controversial false narrative garbage and it gets more response. And you all cluster together to keep your twitter cnn false narratives on the forefront as some kind of game. haha. don't care.
  14. I hope he stays president - for the 4 yrs it will slow hooris from becoming mao.
  15. I don't care at all. See, WE believe in free speech. Your friend ? paid you to come here and not be serious and screw with people while he's gone? yeah. sounds like it. LOL
  16. Take some time and comprehend what you read. I never once blamed swine flu deaths on obaMao commie. it's stupid to do that crap seriously.
  17. so, Hoorta can't name one. Toursies can't name one. Woodpecker can name one of anything. Tex won't. Others can't. the list gets longer....
  18. let's not make political facts upset Toursies. CENSORED won't like it, and threaten us with warning points.....
  19. I'm pretty busy, or I would make a list of all the media people you and yours diss because they don't fall in line with your commie obammie.
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