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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yep. I think I'm going to write a protest the democratic american nazi dem sombeitches song. how I'll rhyme that...well..... https://www.theblaze.com/news/kid-rock-message-deprogramming-trump-supporters Kid Rock has special message for liberals and media who think 'deprogramming' Trump supporters is a good idea So what did he say? On Thursday, the 50-year-old conservative rocker tweeted, "Just to be clear and follow up ... THESE FAR LEFT SOCIALIST LIBERALS AND MEDIA CAN DE-PROGRAM DEEZ NUTZ!! Everyone else, have a great weekend! —Kid Rock." He also shared a meme with the tweet featuring a photo of himself on a jaunty walk, which was captioned, "Headed to de programming to woop some ass."
  2. and, I'm serious. dangerous damage, just because the leftwing media fostered hatred towards a president because he was an outsider who was doing hundreds of good/GREAT things for AMERICA.and because of the color of his skin. https://www.theblaze.com/news/president-biden-abortion-catholic-bishop Head of US Conference of Catholic Bishops warns Biden's agenda would 'advance moral evils and threaten human life' 'Abortion is a direct attack on life that also wounds the woman and undermines the family'
  3. I get what you saying- but I don't see it myself. Sick aggressive people get worse at weakness. Bullies back down when confronted. Peace through strength. Mildly keeping quiet is what they want. Like terrorists instill fear to control. that is what the left is doing now. be afraid to speak out. be afraid to politically oppose. be afraid to disagree. keep quiet. Be controlled. nah. we need to speak out. Our CONSTITUTIONALIST judges need to stop the violations of OUR civil rights. In a war of words, you lose by keeping silent. They are silencing, to win. They are intimidating all political opposition, to win.
  4. maybe the big guy gave him a cut of communst chinese bribes?
  5. don't locusts eat crops? stock up on food folks. Unless you are a leftie that emotionally knee jerks and feed on HATE. you know who you are.damn you corrupt egg sucking weasel biden - unleashing plagues upon our America ! https://redstate.com/alexparker/2021/01/21/cicadas-17-years-plague-insects-locusts-brood-10-n314310
  6. biden and the left are getting to be so dangerous, a lot of the GOP are terrified. They don't want biden's brownshirts threatening their families...etc.
  7. Actually, that isn't true. Because we can see people just like her all over the democratic party, all over the msm, all over facebook and twitter, all over. It's a constant - they are coming out of the woodwork. It's a vicious culture war, and the left smells blood like sharks.
  8. will open illegal floods of invading unvetted illegals....every disease will permeate our entire country. How are we supposed to QUARNTINE when tens of thousands of freeloading criminals illgally flood across our freaking border ?
  9. oh, the corruption will hit the fan all over our government now. dangerous destructive times.
  10. the entire left has been given free range to act out their hate. buch of sick losers. America will be so much the worse for it.
  11. "the entire biden fascist regime, and every single biden voter ... all directly responsible for every one of those 4300 tragic covid deaths. and all covid deaths from here on."
  12. get this, slimey brennan was head of the CIA ? and now...from the above link: *********************************************** RENDING: BREAKING: FBI Claims Jurisdiction and Yesterday Took Control of Shredded Ballots Being Analyzed in Georgia – Sends Them Back to Shredder John Brennan must be VERY WORRIED about what President Trump has on him. ********************************************* The heads of major agencies are going to be worse and more corrupt than ever before in American history.
  13. ObaMao would be very proud. brennan voted communist, seems to still be one. https://thespectator.info/2021/01/10/former-cia-director-john-brennan-calls-for-mao-like-public-humiliation-sessions-for-trump-supporters-before-they-are-accepted-back-into-society/ Former CIA Director John Brennan Calls for Mao-Like Public Humiliation Sessions for Trump Supporters Before They Are Accepted Back into Society
  14. yep. they are birds of a feather and they flook together https://www.theblaze.com/news/black-lives-matter-activist-car-attack-trump-supporters
  15. don't need to. Live in Ohio - a sanctuary state.If the mafie joe fed pass a law against the 2nd Amendment, it just doesn't apply to us. the left set the standard....
  16. no comment from the deviant covid death haters? oh, wait, they love covid deaths now. I forgot. they think it's patriotic.
  17. go for it. what goes around comes around, eventually. especially for crime bosses "big guy" https://www.theblaze.com/news/rep-marjorie-greene-officially-files-articles-of-impeachment-against-president-biden
  18. this taking down of American culture needs judges STAND UP and STOP THE LEFTWING GARBAGE
  19. Love it. Now we need Clay Mathews into the HOF
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