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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. including the power mongering unmentionable lincoln republican groupie on this forum?
  2. seriously, it will happen. Gradually build up some reserves. gas prices just jumped about 25 cents already.
  3. biden is a corrupt turd. that is what all those biden voters? were conditioned by the msm to vote for. a corrupt, mentally screwed up, political hack TURD.
  4. they may never admit their media created HATE is wrong. That would discredit their emotional knee jerk existence.
  5. but he doesn't have "orange skin" so it's fine with all the lefties. sick, and really corrupt and stupid. My guess is, his corrupt family and friends get a kick back....
  6. won't work CENSORED. you violate your own ever changing rules, etc etc etc. and miss the point. no soup for you
  7. well, I tried to take you seriously, but you lost my respect with your nonsense. to quote Billy Joel... "I didn't start the fire". and it won't go out. How nice do you think Kavanaugh was ? Really, really, really nice. and they did every dirty filthy lie etc to destroy him and his family. wake up, smell the hoses. https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-tv/megyn-kelly-biden-unity Megyn Kelly: The Left's talk of unity is 'nonsense,' they've 'awakened a sleeping giant' 'Unify behind my agenda' is not a real call for unity
  8. any biden voters...any anti-Trump voters feeling betrayed now? duped? or stupid? https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/01/22/biden-admits-his-biggest-campaign-promise-was-a-lie-n314933 In a Completely Unexpected Development, Biden Admits His Biggest Campaign Promise Was a Lie
  9. so maduro like. big serious trouble worse and worse. https://www.theblaze.com/news/report-after-being-forced-into-cramped-quarters-over-100-national-guard-members-have-tested-positive-for-covid-19
  10. and bending over to be nice gets your ass kicked because the left is corrupt. and the rock is an analogy......the slurs from the left all this time, and you want everybody to play patticake patticake whatever that was kids play. Just observe the left. Emotional knee jerking does not respond to legit discussions. Go listen to John Lennon's song "Imagine" and dream of utopia. have a nice. but no soup for you.
  11. Kamala Harris: This is how a dictator comes to power https://www.bizpacreview.com/2020/10/09/kamala... Kamala Harris: This is how a dictator comes to power ... something nasty will happen to Biden shortly after he takes the oath of office. ... and an end to cow flatulence (no kidding). Harris was ...
  12. goofy pablum. Not buyin it. Were you here when OBF was? he was eloquent, spoke beautifully in antagonistic answers explaining his Christian faith. See him here now? NO. He decided he had better things to do instead of taking more antagonistic garbage. I was once asked why I believed in God. I wrote about myself when I was a kid. got ridiculed for years afterwards. You can believe your stuff, but it's dumb. Like getting a rock thrown at you, then turning your butt towards them so they can hit that with another rock. At best, you are very, very naive, and you may or may not know world history. I can honestly talk to liberals. But around here, it's all on who has the power to be belligerent without any provocation. I have liberal friends here and there. But the desperate hate flows without any regard for tone, serious discussion..... So, I ain't never gonna buy the cheap knockoff you're sellin, and NO SOUP FOR YOU.
  13. I'm going to order my pillows, and some friends are going to do the same. Meanwhile, it's been done before - Schiff slammed for chalking up ‘disturbing’ fictional ... https://www.foxnews.com/media/schiff-parody Sep 26, 2019 · House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., came under fire on Thursday for reading his own "parody" version of President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr...
  14. the hypocrisy of the left has become extremist. The deliberate ignorance has reached profound levels.
  15. neither do dedicated sick fans of the perverted Lincoln Project. what goes around, comes around
  16. I appreciate your gentle ways. It's all over the news. This is just one example. Yes, IT IS WHO THEY ARE and they can shove it. I'm not a liberal. I guess you are. That's ok. But LOGIC, what liberals do NOT live by, tells us that flagrant hatred needs to be met with real words that have serious meaning. Not pablum nicey nicey, because they will just respond with a fake severed head of Pres Trump dripping blood. Therefore, I am not buyin what yer sellin. Have a nice day.
  17. and covered up during her stay in the Trump Administration. another stinking deep swamp rat. Impeach biden and hooris now. stop the swamp. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/01/22/shocker-impeachment-star-lied-about-her-contacts-with-christopher-steele-n314409 Star Impeachment Witness Lied About Her Contacts With Christopher Steele
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