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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. and you emotionally twist TDS rationalization like Chubby Checker with ants in his pants. The second impeachment was a fake, a sham, with no testimony, no evidence, and if you support that.... but he isn't president NOW. so the "trial" is UNConstitutional. the House acted solely politically, it was a legal sham and a whole lot of democrats know it. And making a point with a partial quote is TDS. and you have it really, really, really bad.
  2. Hoorta should give himself a warning point.
  3. I'll keep it in mind - we may still go to Texas and visit close friends in McKinney. There is a new show on the weather channel - "Could You Survive". One of the dire situations - a hiker went to Estes Park and fell over the side of the mountain... maybe Long's Peak? but he told friends he was going to the other side from where he fell. Broke his hip etc, lucky to get found. Really a great show. You hike a lot - I hope you have a survival backpack. Fire, shelter, water...first aid....don't be the only one who knows where you went etc. FYI, I have had a ferro striker for years - got it out, and tried it - didn't throw sparks much at all. cheap kmart thing. Now I have a few quality ones, they flash sparks so it could save your life. So many folks walk into unknown disaster because they figure nothing happens, so they are fine. Until it does. I bought my first book on survival in the sixth grade after a close call. I still have it today. Dad and I loved that old Herter's catalog.
  4. Fair enough. I don't get upset either, I'm just more verbose about where historical trends lead.
  5. just started. It's going to get worse, as more and more chumps go to join the nazi... I mean.... belligerent authority socialist party. https://news.illinois.edu/view/6367/198435 75 years later, why did Germans follow the Nazis into Holocaust?
  6. fair enough. You just seem lost in utopian dreams, you don't see the world for how it really is. I guess.
  7. sorry, you are a rotten salesman. and you don't get to order other people around telling them what to do, etc, just because you are a friend of Hoorta's. and you didn't answer the question - you just emotionally knee jerked.
  8. anything can mean anything to them, it's how they FEEEEEELLLL, not what words' definitions are.
  9. no legit expert can deny that. But Hoorta and his little heroes don't care, false narratives are their god.
  10. that is stupid. TDS'ers don't care about our Constutition anyways. outside of that - the Constitution most certain DOES address it - it just isn't as obvious as being slapped in the face. Which only TDS'ers get. But lefties only FEEL emotions, they don't THINK. But they FEEL like they are "gods", because they worship their own feelings. Why, you make them unhappy, and you will be cancelled. or your family threatened. or. you get warning points on some forum. " The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. " so, if you are not the president, you cannot be impeached. So, Hoorta's fake heroes are either imaginary or fake news. But let's not stop there: "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. "
  11. I guess you also support "biden's team" suspending our 1st and 2nd Amendments so as to be "able to answer those questions" ? Can't "nobly" review without dramatically stopping/suspending what they haven't reviewed yet? you are sounding more and more like stoned flower child from san fran.
  12. so...I've spent this winter studying wild plant edibles and herbal medicine. Really fascinating. I've made dandelion jelly, which drew raves from friends - it's like a slightly apple-apricot? great taste. pine needle tea is really good. Forgot to try dandelion or chicory coffee... been dehydrating grapes and potatoes, sweet, white and red. The grapes turn out like flat raisins, only far better tasting that the raisins you buy in a store. I've made scalloped potatoes with dehydrated potatoes and it turns out excellent. I have dried mango slices that are outstanding a year later. I plan to try making acorn flour...a lot of things. It's just important to study to know some look-alikes that are poisonous, like wild grapes. Make sure they have multiple small seeds. going to plant a "survival garden", add more vegetables to dehydrate, and are easier to store and cook up. maybe plant a few acres of barley for flour. I'm shopping for a grain grinder to make my own flour out of wild seeds and that barley.... So much to do. Economic experts are saying we are headed for a crash. Be prepared folks.
  13. dangerous times, folks. https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/01/27/317214-n317214 US Media Makes Heroes of Teens Who Betray Their Family Members and GoFundMe Makes It Profitable
  14. yep. they obviously believe that TDS';ers will hurry to line up to get it. TDS'ers fighting to be first in line? https://redstate.com/michael_thau/2021/01/27/chicoms-now-recommend-anal-swabs-to-test-for-covid-wish-i-were-kidding-n317272 China & Wapo Now Peddling Anal Swabs as Go-To Test for COVID-19 (Wish I Were Kidding)
  15. notice that NOW the TDS'ers have no comment? NOW they couldn't care less about Americans dying from the communist chinese virus.
  16. it it makes them HAPPY, they love it. If it makes them sad, they hate it. lefties decide emotionally, not based on facts and critical thinking.
  17. cowardly corrupt biden hasn't cancelled that too? well, that is surprising.
  18. so, a "review" for no good reason is just a political attempt at a revenge ex order, and that is fine with you, IBB ? Sounds like biden wants fake credit for allowing a Pres Trump eo stand. cheap, corrupt emotional cowardly leftwing knee jerks.
  19. I don't agree with her on some things... but she has serious integrity and courage. https://www.theblaze.com/news/tulsi-gabbard-adam-schiff-john-brennan-domestic-enemies
  20. china did this. eventually, even the twisted emotional fake news TDS knee jerkers will have to admit it.
  21. all hell is going to break loose. It's going past "big serious trouble" and heading towards "national despair", not just economically.
  22. then the bare faced lie gets the truth that shows it for what it is - just TDS dishonest emotional knee jerkie Levin dissects flimsy impeachment report in epic rant ... https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/01/14/levin... Jan 14, 2021 · Severely criticizing the flimsy, 76-page House impeachment report, he asserted that “There’s not one sliver of evidence of inciting an insurrection of any kind in this document…historians ...
  23. woody would love to peck him some sock.
  24. but hoorta supports it. just really nasty and not smart as an emotional TDS knee jerk fake news stance.
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