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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. while buying them off with welfare and "get out of jail" cards.....etc etc etc. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/02/03/biden-administration-plans-to-boost-number-of-foreign-voters-by-next-election-season-n321553
  2. why doesn't hoorta go buy an electric car? do it today. then ask us to come pick you up when you run your feeble batteries down. nobody will show up. So, hoorta can name call, but gets all upset if someone name calls him, because he doesn't like it, and will give warning points. hahaha. sounds like Kathy Griffin. https://www.theblaze.com/news/kathy-griffin-reports-pro-trump-protester-to-fbi
  3. yep, me too. I really was good at programming, and typing fast. Other students kept having their programs blow up, and every so often, they'd give up, and throw their stack of IBM cards into the far wall, and cards would flutter all through the room like big butterflies. lol
  4. More TDS BS? LOL Even Democrat Senator Joe Manchin knows better than you do. and HE knows what he's talking about, and... you are just you. with TDS. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/02/03/321029-n321029 Democrat Joe Manchin Defies Democrat Narrative On Keystone Pipeline "West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin made it clear that he disagrees with the Democrat party’s stance that the Keystone XL Pipeline is a hazard for the environment. "
  5. I remember buying a radio shack TRS-80, lol, I think it had an 8086 processor.... and the sales kid said I had to buy a $400 monitor to go with it. I said, No, I don't, i'm good. He said I didn't know what I was talking about, it had to have that radio shack monitor. So, I left with the computer, no monitor after finding out his first name. The kid wasn't happy. lol So, I went home, took an RF adapter, hooked it up to my Sony TV, and I was in business. I actually went back to the radio shack, and sat down at their computer while the one same kid was busy with another customer, got into the autoexec.bat file, and added some programming that scrolled across the screen "(kid's name" doesn't know what he's talking about, see the manager, you can use an RF modulator and use your TV". Two days later, it was still scrolling across the screen, but the third day, I guess they hired somebody to fix it. I was taking college programming classes at the time.....
  6. no, the same figurehead would be great. Not many have the courage to "fight back" against the dangerously corrupt and aggressive left. Letting them get away with making us change leaders is what they want. Anyone who stands up - the left will go after them. and, it's already been done, man. *********************************** Dem: Yes, Clarence Thomas Is 'Uncle Tom' https://www.thedailybeast.com/dem-yes-clarence-thomas-is-uncle-tom Apr 14, 2017 · In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash he reiterated his belief that Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas is an “Uncle Tom.” When Bash asked if the term was racially charged, Thompson said “For some... ************************************* itle cards to show who’s who in any given interview. Of course we recognize Lt. Col. Allen West, Dr. Carson and Owens. Why do people call Ben Carson an "uncle tom" for being a ... https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20190310220728AAS1eIu Mar 10, 2019 · They disparage Carson because he is a free thinker. People who say Carson is an Uncle Tom, are trying to say black people can only be black, if they stay on the democrat's
  7. because they so sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo superior to us Real Americans. they are "special". They can get their hair done when beauty shops are ordered closed. etc etc etc.
  8. do this, don't do that, this is true, the opposite is true.....hate the Great American President Trump that is doing great things for America, love the corrupt mentally deficient fake president who is already doing damaging things to America....close all schools, open public schools but keep private schools closed, open businesses we like, close businesses we don't like, "Trump stole the election" - then they go fraudulent mail in ballots and steal the election and say claiming an election is unConstitutional, Hoorta's higgardly colludes with the russians/deletes 30,000 emails off her server/has phones smashed/etc, then they fabricate fake evidence to use against Pres Trump to fake an investigation of him colluding with russians but he didn't but they impeach him anyways........the left owns the msm, the msm lies and divides Amerca while blaming Pres Trump and all those who voted for him, msm and all dems go insane divisive and dangerous with their free speech, they steal the elections, get the power to deny Real America THEIR free speech............. "dance American public puppets, dance"
  9. so now the left doesn't want to allow parents to teach their own kids how to shoot? seriously? what next? not allowed to teach kids anything? drive? etc? Teach them about God? sick, twisted control freaks gone nazi-ish. https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-mexico-criminalize-teaching-kids-to-shoot
  10. so tell me, where were you while the dems did a fake investigation of Pres Trump, impeached him for nothing, had fake witnesses, and attacked and lied about him for four years, even BEFORE he was a elected. where were you with wanting "rational conversation" ? You are starting to remind me of old wimpy shepwrite.
  11. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/yes-joe-biden-is-compromised-by-his-familys-shady-foreign-dealings why is it, that the lefties are SO OUTRAGED that Pres Trump puts America First, and some of our friendly countries didn't like that? "alienating our friends by regotiating trade deals" ? but let biden and the power mongering squad end the Keystone Pipeline, totally alienating and outraging CANADA, they are fine with that? biden shuts down travel between Great Britian, and not one scream of "xenophia" comes forward from any one of them. Reason? they love being on the false narrative attack. But they hate not being able to defend the filth they emotionally kneejerkingly voted for.
  12. I think if we go through any automated checkout, we should get paid for our time. An automated discount. Something on sale - sale price doesn't register....you're supposed to explain to the automachine that it's wrong? lol
  13. you are confusing hard hitting descriptive words and phrases mean literally, and others meant figuratively/emotionally for manipulation purposes. You miss the point again. The strong tendency is, of liberals, is to misuse words on purpose, DESPITE their literal definition. They misuse them because most all? liberals ONLY see the world around them in terms of their own emotions. They continually step into flagrant hypocrisy because they can use the same word in anger, when it SUITS them emotionally, and when their emotions change, they refuse to use the same words in the same kind of situations. It all depends on how they FEEL - if it benefits them, genocide of born and unborn children is a "right". But it gets them votes. Then, they release violent illegals out of prisons, etc... to get favor with the latino communities. Their antifa/blm violent riots were "peaceful protests" because they have rights and have a grievance. but let some nutjobs riot of the proud boys (see at least one ofthem being a long term FBI informant...) and they blast ALL REPUBLICANS, PRES TRUMP, all PRES TRUMP VOTERS, ALL CONSERVATIVES, ALL CHRISTIANS, ALL GUN OWNERS as terrorists because it makes them feel good because they hate. They are fine with the people who die at the hands of blm/antifa. but let one policeman kneel on the neck of one helpless black man, and ALL POLICEMEN are bad. That is what I'm talking about. Using words as a weapon, DEFYING the definition of said words. I'm a rep, if I say "traitor", I'm going by the DEFINITION of the word. The left/liberals/progressives/marxists/communists use the word "traitor" when it clearly is not warranted, but they emotionally use it as a weapon anyways.
  14. raise wages by government, put people and businesses out of work. but it emotionally makes the gov fools HAPPY, so they do it. https://redstate.com/scotthounsell/2021/02/02/california-city-raises-wages-for-grocery-workers-grocery-chain-responds-predictably-n320657
  15. like I"ve said other times, liberals like woodpecker, Tex and Whoota use words for strictly emotional manipulation. They live by emotional knee jerking, it's all they seem to be capable of. The definitions of the words don't matter.
  16. what jobs are infinite, hoorta? the TDS runs sickly and deeply. the rationalizations are worthless.
  17. going after the firearms industry to destroy it with frivolous unfair lawsuits right and left. Using economics as their weapon of choice, since they can't outlaw ownership of guns, they will destroy the industry. just leftwing sicko power politics. ***************************************************** Biden Plots Sneak Attack Against U.S. Firearms Industry 7:00am Tuesday, February 02, 2021 Joe Biden has unveiled his agenda for his first 100 days in the White House, and his list includes an initiative aimed at nothing less than the destruction of the U.S. firearms industry. This is what would happen if Biden succeeds in his pledge to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Imagine if firearm manufactures and sellers – even those who strictly followed the laws enacted to regulate their industry – faced potential civil liability every time a criminal misused a firearm. The affect would be similar to holding automobile makers and dealers responsible for injuries caused by drunk drivers. No business, no matter how conscientious and law-abiding, could ever survive being liable for the acts of millions of random people over whom it had no control. And that is exactly why the law generally imposes no duty on a person or entity to control the acts of third persons to prevent them from causing harm (unless the person or entity has certain types of relationships with those causing the harm or being harmed). Yet gun control activists in and outside of government hoped to rewrite that principle when it came to the makers and sellers of firearms. During the 1980s and ‘90s, a coordinated series of lawsuits against the gun industry sought to hold these businesses responsible for the criminal acts third parties committed with firearms. The plaintiffs knew they faced an uphill climb legally, but winning cases wasn’t necessarily the point. They could also prevail by bankrupting the targets of their predatory litigation by forcing them to defend multiple suits simultaneously in courts throughout the nation or by extorting industry members to adopt “best practices” that required them to follow the terms of unsuccessful gun control legislation. This egregious abuse of the legal system to destroy an industry providing constitutionally protected goods and services sparked a bipartisan response from coast to coast. Thirty-four states passed laws to block these suits in their own courts. Finally, in 2005, Congress followed these examples by enacting the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) to provide a floor of protection nationwide. While portrayed by opponents as providing “extraordinary” immunity to the firearms industry, the essence of the PLCAA is simply that the gun industry would be subject to the same rules of third party liability that apply to other businesses. Thus, the PLCAA prohibits, in state or federal court, a civil action or administrative proceeding by any person against a manufacturer or seller of a firearm, ammunition, or “component part” thereof, or a trade association, for harms resulting from the criminal/unlawful misuse of the product by the person or a third party. Contrary to the way the PLCAA is portrayed by the antigun media and other opponents, it does not provide “absolute immunity” to unscrupulous gun companies. Most common and legitimate forms of recovery are still available to plaintiffs under the PLCAA, including those based on the manufacturers’ or sellers’ own violations of gun control laws or laws governing the sale or marketing of the products; negligent entrustment by sellers; breach of contract or warranty; design or manufacturing defects (when the harm was not caused by a volitional criminal act); and enforcement of federal gun control laws. In other words, while the PLCAA has been successfully used to block litigation arising from the behavior of third parties, it allows various sorts of suits alleging harm from the manufacturers’ and sellers’ own bad actions. Yet even relative parity under the law is too much for Joe Biden and his gun control collaborators. That is exactly why Biden pledged during the campaign to repeal the PLCAA and why his agenda for his first 100 days in office includes introducing legislation to accomplish this goal. Eliminating a defense to certain forms of civil liability is not a move likely to generate the same kinds of headlines as gun bans and mandatory taxing or surrender programs (also features of Biden’s larger gun control agenda). But make no mistake, repeal of the PLCAA would potentially have even more devastating impacts than new federal prohibitions on the types of firearms Americans could own. That is because it would leave to the imaginations of thousands of greedy trial lawyers and activist judges reasons for why this or that type of firearm or ammunition is “too dangerous” to be available to the American public. These suits, moreover, would undoubtedly be underwritten by any number of billionaire activists, creating a litigation war chest that no single player in the gun industry could match. Congress saw the existential threat these tactics posed to the industries that support America’s Second Amendment, as well as its defense and security infrastructure. That is why the PLCAA enjoyed broad bi-partisan support, including from the likes of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. But politics change, and now Biden believes there is an appetite in his caucus to inflict mortal damage to the U.S. firearms industry. The NRA is determined to prevent that. But we’ll need your help. More than ever, gun owners will need to be active and engaged to defend their freedoms in this perilous new political climate. © 2021 National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. This may not be reproduced for comm
  18. baloney. I wonder if Hoorta knows who the president is. He can't seem to talk about him or criticize him. He's as much a republican as his obaMao commie.
  19. if any group isn't corrupt WITH them, that group is the enemy. serious crap right there.
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