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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. yeah, alternative utopian magic energy sounds great to emotional knee jerkers. but the truth is... Obama's alternative energy bankruptcies https://money.cnn.com/2012/10/22/news/economy/obama-energy-bankruptcies Oct 22, 2012 · President Obama is getting hammered for funding renewable energy companies that have since gone belly up. During the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney said "about half" of the companies funded... Solyndra Scandal: 8 Facts About Barack Obama's Green ... https://www.newsmax.com/FastFeatures/Barack-Obama... Jan 30, 2015 · Depending on which side of the political aisle they originate, opinions vary on whether the Solyndra controversy is a scandal that can be fully attributed to Barack Obama. Most on the right claim President Obama pushed his green agenda with a blatant disregard for the California solar company's lack of financial health.
  2. but they invest in green tech. goree got rich on it. Blood And Gore: Making A Killing On Anti-Carbon Investment ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/larrybell/2013/11/03/... Nov 03, 2013 · Surprise! Al Gore and his carbon credit huckstering partner David Blood, both principals at Generation Investment Management (GIM), warn in their October 30 Wall Street Journal op/ed feature of ... Is Al Gore Getting Rich Off of the Green Movement? - The ... https://bayarea.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/11/03/is-al... Nov 03, 2009 · Former Vice-President Al Gore is both an advocate of measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and a prominent investor in green technology. In his role as a partner at Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Mr. Gore is in a position to hear from entrepreneurs coming up with ideas to solve the very issues that ...
  3. bout time you admitted you're a liberal. It isn't a good thing to do the covid payments, sure. But it's a necessity. The liberal emotional knee jerk self-serving political benefit "fixes" backfire. Like "no child left behind". sounds good. sounds great. But there are severe problems in generalizations. Like, the standardized testing - didn't account for special ed students. So schools with large special ed programs suffered to have an approved rating. Like lbj's "great society", that helped single parent families. Except, it led to boyfriends not husbands, kids with no father (bailed), and poor young women simply had children out of wedlock again and again to get more and more money, because that is how they would qualify. So, dishing out payments based on a general income is stupid. Most folks tend to live up to their abilities. More expensive homes, maybe a 300 thousand dollar RV, who knew a communist chinese virus would overtake the entire earth? We've known some young folks with nice incomes who bought big fancy houses. But they worked years before they could buy furniture for their house, without going garage sale used specials. Those folks, and owner of a company, sure, last year before covid he might make over two hundred grand. Not this year after covid. yet he won't get a badly needed check because of his income? It's far more complicated than a simple ideological executive order. the left doesn't care - because it suits their emotional knee jerk needs. Simply put, a complicated truth gets lost in simple corrupt emotional self-serving actions.
  4. believing in the fake man made global warming crap....just just emotional knee jerk belonging to a group. The UN has SAID that acceptance of mmgw is required for redistribution of America's wealth.
  5. everyone who voted against Pres Trump is guilty of voting for rape, murder, torture, drug cartel violent crimes and drugs to explode.
  6. Excellent. Real American Real Judge.
  7. the left will divide every aspect of American life to the brink of disaster. then disaster and despair will happen.
  8. https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2021/02/08/new-north-dakota-bill-would-allow-the-state-to-ignore-executive-orders-from-biden-n323680 ************************************** 2nd Amendment sanctuary states. The kind with legit American Constitution and Bill of Rights justification.
  9. you betcha that is how it works. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-missouri-county-authorizes-arrest-of-feds-who-violate-second-amendment and Ohio has the same provisions guaranteeing our right to bear arms. https://ammo.com/gun-laws/ohio-guns-ammo-2nd-amendment-overview
  10. the left wanted it to happen. that is why they refused higher security - even though some nutjobs were talking about it. the fbi KNEW.
  11. that is really bad, Trumpka is a corrupt marxist type of dude, and has always been 100% democrat socialist... when HE says it, you know biden and whooris are toast next election with the AFL/CIO
  12. leading by whining, bitching and reversing. he'd give out warning points if he could - they are trying to do it with masks and our 2nd Amendment. lol
  13. treading water in Egypt making you tired yet? You're wrong on just about every single issue. Perhaps you should go just talk football. Of course, I'll bring up Josh Allen again eventually.
  14. Hey hoorta ! got reality? (you don't) go ahead and run and hide. You are wrong about the pipeline. ********************************************************** You can tell how little the green left and the Democratic politicians who enable them care about everyday Americans. Just listen to what they say. In the wake of President Joe Biden rescinding the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, starting the process to ban new natural gas and oil leases by implementing a moratorium for new drilling on public lands, and targeting America’s energy producers, approximately 11,000 jobs on Keystone with an estimated $800 million in wages for 2021 were quickly lost … and the entire country now faces a future of higher energy prices, reduced energy security, and increased reliance on often-hostile foreign regimes to fuel our way of life. To justify these misguided, costly policies: John Kerry, Biden’s climate czar, said workers facing job loss “can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels.” This isn’t just rude and dismissive of many skilled union jobs; it’s wrong. According to a Washington Post fact check, there will be just 12,000 new solar installer jobs in the next 10 years, growing from 6,100 to 18,100. And don’t forget that John Kerry was recently in the news defending his decision to fly a private jet to receive an environmental award (you can’t make it up!). He said it was “the only choice for somebody like me.” Yikes! Vice President Kamala Harris told a West Virginia TV station that coal miners could find work “reclaiming abandoned land mines.” Of course, that’s not a real job or a real project in West Virginia — the VP misspoke. But it was a telling gaffe, as it shows that the Biden Administration won’t even pretend to know what they’re talking about as they try and destroy the livelihood of thousands. Biden’s executive order on Keystone said that the pipeline “would not be consistent with my Administration’s economic and climate imperatives.” Yet even the Obama State Department concluded that Keystone would have a negligible impact on carbon emissions (and more recently, the pipeline owner pledged carbon-free operations by 2023), and the pipeline would not impact surrounding water, vegetation, wildlife, or air quality. And as for the economy, there are both immediate and long-term job losses ahead for America’s energy industry, which will ripple out to communities, cities, and states. Fox News told the story of a welding foreman, a member of Pipeliners Local Union 798, who “admitted to breaking down and crying in his truck after laying off his team” working on Keystone construction. A Nebraska truck driver explained to the news station, too: “Any of these people that work on the pipeline, all the sudden they're not making money so they're not spending money. So the community they live in is going to have less money coming in.” Don’t these quotes from our new “energy leaders” say it all? The green left and Democratic politicians who support them impose bad policies that favor politically connected special interests, crony capitalists, and themselves … while the rest of us are left with job loss, economic decline, higher energy costs, and the uncertainty that comes with signing America’s future over to foreign regimes like China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. Radical environmentalists want us to believe they’re imposing their extreme agenda for our own good, but you and I can tell that they don’t care about us at all. Our efforts to promote our pro-American energy policy — and to create economic opportunity, prosperity, and choice for all Americans — through the American Energy Alliance are more important now than ever. Please look for my next email with an update on what’s happening with America’s energy future and, until then, tune in to AEA’s podcast for the most recent analysis. Tom Tom Pyle President American Energy Alliance
  15. they get away with far worse garbage than they feign outrage about with republicans
  16. of course that's true, I didn't mean to imply he was. I would take Owusu by far, ......he is very fast. As much as I am a big Zaven Collins fan, I wouldn't trade up to get him - but I would trade up to get Owusu. "Projected 40 yard dash: 4.40 seconds Owusu-Koramoah is an extremely intelligent and explosive defender that plays all over the field. He has every bit of versatility that Isaiah Simmons has, even though he’s less physically imposing."
  17. maybe Hoorta would like to show up and admit he read this? or, probably not. "The party line with regard to the 2020 presidential election, aggressively promoted by America’s corporate media and Big Tech, is this: There was no election fraud because the courts have said so. Both claims are false. Not just questionable, but dead wrong."
  18. no, it's a point. Richard Sherman of Seattle Seahawks apologizes for ... https://www.espn.com › nfl › story › _ › id › 18321587 › ... Dec 20, 2016 · Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman apologized Tuesday after threatening to "ruin" a reporter's career, but stood by his Thursday sideline outburst directed at … Richard Sherman and DeMarcus Cousins apologize for ... https://www.washingtonpost.com › news › early-lead › wp › ... Dec 21, 2016 · Richard Sherman and DeMarcus Cousins apologize for threatening media members. ... As Sherman walked Richard Sherman confirms choice words in practice for ... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com › 2017 › 07 › 23 › ... Jul 23, 2017 · Sometimes, just sometimes I enjoy seeing Sherman gets burned in a game by a wide receiver (as long as Hawks win of course). He’s such as a cancer in the locker room. Trouble in the Emerald City? The Seahawks’ Richard Sherman ... https://sports.yahoo.com › news › trouble-emerald-city... Mar 31, 2017 · It’s been well documented that Richard Sherman has had sideline riffs with the offensive coordinator of the Seattle ... twisted up and defined as a ‘trouble’ or ‘cancer’ in the Comments on: Richard Sherman: I don’t really have a ... https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com › 2018 › 11 › 29 › ... Nov 29, 2018 · Sherman's the biggest crybaby alive. He didn't get cut because he was injured. He got cut because he's a locker room cancer, a huge distraction, and openly bashed the team, coaching, and ...
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