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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Russia, China, NK...dire economic situations. (Venezuela......) https://owlcation.com/social-sciences/The-Main-Reasons-For-War#:~:text= The 8 Main Reasons for War ,can lie dormant for decades, only... More 1. Economic Gain Often wars are caused by one country's wish to take control of another country's wealth. Whatever the other reasons for a war may be, there is almost always an economic motive underlying most conflicts, even if the stated aim of the war is presented to the public as something more noble. In pre-industrial times, the gains desired by a warring country might be precious materials such as gold and silver, or livestock such as cattle and horses. In modern times, the resources that are hoped to be gained from war take the form of things like oil, minerals, or materials used in manufacturing. Some scientists believe that as the world’s population increases and basic resources become scarce, wars will be fought more often over fundamental essentials, such as water and food.
  2. LOL LOL donkey hole. that's Tex you betcha. LOL LOL
  3. but wait, Hoorta LOVES the lincoln project ..........................................................
  4. Hoorta's biden commie NEEDS that money to lavishly buy votes from the illegals.......
  5. wait. Hoorta loves shocking allegations even when they haven't been true the last FOUR YEARS....and says nothing?
  6. IMPEACH ALL "TERRORIST" demoquack politicians !!!!!!!!!! and impeach every anti - Pres Trump voter !!!!! (after they are sent to gitmo since they love being guilty before charged....)
  7. Not Pres Trump. It's your marxist/corrupt/communist demoncrats. All your falsehood emotional twinkle-toes gloating has come to nothing. Yep, you mad. and you have lost most of your credibility - and don't seem to be able to try to get any of it back. You just keep losing and losing and losing. The Ga fake suit will come to nothing. the NY tax suit will come to nothing, or they would blare "he's guilty here's the proof send him to gitmo oh wait biden is closing it just like Hoorta's obaMao commie did....NOT". Pres Trump kept hundreds of his promises FOR AMERICA. and you STILL CAN'T NAME ONE THING BIDEN HAS EVER DONE GOOD OR GREAT FOR AMERICA. your biden sleazeball - go ahead and keep giving him great big smoochies, doesn't matter. He's failed AMERICA miserably in only about a month. Just wait til the next several months occur. And, you'll ignore it just like all the rest of the emotional HATERS. You won't let go. but your Mad Max Maxine things you are funny, apparently.....
  8. yep. and the dems are locked in stupid dirty and corrupt. and some reps are cowards and traitors
  9. you can't be serious. Lost all cred? It's your TDS doing. The subject is 2nd Amendment. The subpoint was the SC.Pres Trump staunchly defended our 2nd Amendment with his outstanding appointments to the Supreme Court. He clearly made a speech saying PEACEFUL PROTEST. etc. the storming of the capitol was clearly proven to be PREPLANNED days ahead of his speech. So, emotionally slurring TDS wise against one of the Greatest American Presidents in American history.... you got nothin.
  10. for anyone who feels like they need some introspective looks at their TDS rage: https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/issues/anger
  11. Maybe. I'm fine with getting background checked. But the biden corrupt regime is creating serious, legit concern over the loss of rights. The first and second amendments are fundamental to the existence of a free people. The left would make a background check cost 2000 bucks, any number of leftwing political "got yas" ...6 mnths of training before you could apply....etc. A lot of belligerent, politically motivated serious harrassment on the issue. The political, emotional knee jerk restriction on Americans' God-given civil rights never solves any real problem. The other problem is, if your county gets a liberal sheriff who hates CCW. you can bet bidens and hoorta's illegals and thugs and drug catels/gangs won't apply for a permit anyways.
  12. the three took an OATH to defend the Constitution. but they violate that with so many of their decisions. They are controlled hypocrities.
  13. using their power to defraud all political opponents just reeks of the old soviet union...kgb...east germany...Venzuela....NK... total corrupt power - Hoorta's heroes desperately want it. But this is AMERICA - it won't stand. When they edited what Pres Trump said, to use in their fake impeachment, that tells the tale right there.
  14. yep. The TDS runs rampant in him. Like a TDS zombie apocalypse the last four years.
  15. It's concerning, ....in small ways, these leftwing radicals in our gov defy their own "guidelines" ...they are special people. Like Kerry - "eeking out a ton of carbon is the only way to travel for someone like me"... right. but everybody else has to tow the line. Pelosi and her beauty salon trip when they had ordered them all closed. Newsome and his entourage having a big dinner at a restaurant, when they were all ordered closed, I think it was? 'etc etc etc. Dangerously corrupt, above the law, defying their own edicts. Kangaroo courts for no legal reason - just emotional knee jerk political "hitjobs".... labeling ALL political opponents the enemy who must be put into camps/deprogrammed/socially and financially ruined. Sounds like Venezuela and Nazis during WWII to me.
  16. Hoorta changing the subject again. sad. grabbing onto emotional knee jerk TDS slurs, blah blah blah. You don't deny God Given Civil Rights that are permanently etched into our legal federal gov fabric. No asinine emotional outburst TDS excuses. Did we advocate for all liberals to be thrown into straight jackets and permanently lose their rights because one of them shot Pres Reagan? no. Screaming meemee TDS knew jerk rampages just waste space in legit threads. boring.
  17. well, if the SHTF.... the free cheese and dried milk packets from the Fed will go to them, eh? Time to start thinking about food storage for you friends and family. dehydrating fruits and vegetables etc really works. Just sayin....
  18. worse and worse. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/02/12/326134-n326134 President Biden Under Fire For Lenient Treatment Of Aide Who Sexually Harassed And Threatened Reporter
  19. https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2021/02/12/whos-left-at-lincoln-project-steve-schmidt-resigns-after-reports-he-bought-a-2-9-million-utah-mansion-n326188
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