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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. utopian alternative energy backfires again. Thanks for nothing, obaMao commie. How many people will be in despair....maybe die.....? meanwhile, brotherinlaw's house down to 45 degrees ....two hours ago. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/02/15/327161-n327161?utm_source=piano&utm_medium=onsite&utm_campaign=719 Nearly Half of Texas' Wind Turbines Freeze Contributing to Power Emergency, Over 2 Million Without Power
  2. it seems that he hates us conservatives, and has been trying to bait us to get a chance to boot us off the board. and liberals can't stand it when they cannot control the narrative and be emotional alpha trolls that get their way. Their emotions get discredited, they mad.
  3. Actually l hear China is on the upswing ibb well, shep, seattle - democrat run. portland, democrat run. Oregon - democrat run, california - democrat run, NY - democrat run, minnesota democrat run, illinois, democrat run. social/economic disasters. https://thewire.in/economy/post-soviet-russian-economic-collapse https://www.ccn.com/chinese-economy-collapses-in-the-first-quarter-is-us-next/#:~:text=China%E2%80%99s%20economic%20doom%20could%20be%20an%20omen%20for,could%20set%20the%20stage%20for%20a%20multi-quarter%20slowdown. Early indicators suggest China's economy is plunging in the first quarter. A weakening China has direct implications for the United States and the rest of the world. | Image: AP Photo/Andy Wong Chinese Economy Collapses in the First Quarter – Is the U.S Next? there, sheply. emote over that.
  4. I can multi-task issues. They are more complicated than vague inherently emotional knee jerk reactions. Critical thinking really gets you liberal wonks po'd. you could stop trolling and avoid that, but no. you can't stop yourselves. You thrive on negative attention, feeling that it doesn't threaten the feigned validity of how you feel. sheply.
  5. Furthermore - ("shep") .......here is a link about violent crime in our National Parks, where we will be going - to National Parks. https://www.nationalparkstraveler.org/2008/03/violent-deaths-national-parks
  6. I listed 5 out of 50. That isn't a bunch. I have spoken before about CCW, and obviously, I have no use for Seattle. Or Portland, oregon. I've never had a gun on a long trip but once, and that was while obaMao commie was letting tens of thousands of illegals flood into our country UNVETTED. You don't seem to read much, know much, and you feel issues like a lost liberal wingnut. People didn't lock their doors when I was a kid. Not many do that now. Local sheriff told me times have changed - he tells all his family and friends to get a concealed carry - drugs, illegals, gangs... he said it's an epidemic - they see it nearly every single day. Here is just one article on crimes being committed by illegals: (it's widespread across our country now.) https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/commentary/crimes-illegal-immigrants-widespread-across-us-sanctuaries-shouldnt as to VIOLENT CRIME: https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-alien-statistics now, look at the yearly numbers 2016 on. Know who was our EXCELLENT PRESIDENT? it was President Trump protecting America. now, it will go back up again, because your biden commie is going to see to it. Emotionally knee jerking isn't going to get you anything but negative attention. You don''t have a clue what you are talking about.
  7. it was pretty much obvious, but I'm not much on spoon feeding liberals. Their emotions are too much a firewall to critical thinking.....
  8. Russia and China are having serious troubles. If china is doing so well, why are they desperately ready for war to expand their control over the china sea? intimidating Taiwan? stealing our wealth and industrial/military technology? Why is russia desperately trying to own oil tranport? Why are they wanted to own the Ukraine again ? Your emotional knee jerking isn't helping you see much of any point. America First - and we don't have to suffer like other countries, and we don't hurt our own country helping them be successful. because tyrannical governments don't pass that wealth onto their people, they use it for the gov and military power. see: russia, china, nk. venezuela.
  9. which, anymore, should be a compliment...... https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/02/14/gina-carano-was-fired-by-disney-because-her-popularity-extended-the-reach-of-her-conservative-views-that-the-left-cant-allow-n326648
  10. Many years ago, we were done in Texas, and went to see this really fancy shopping mall./lodge.... and it snowed a tiny bit - and a lot of kids in the open area ran out to see the snow. They were amazed to see it. Now, they are getting a LOT of snow. and dangerously cold weather. Sadly, a lot of folks are in danger - they aren't used to those temps and the snow. Here, the worst has been a temporary blip with electricity going out. Always fixed before ya know it. A big storm in coming in, I will be hoping for a blizzard because I will be using my beautiful cool snow blower again. lol
  11. Exactly true. Brother in law in Fort Worth called - said -1 degree chill factor, and rolling blackouts - they lost power last night, got it back, and then it went out again. Their house is down to 58 degrees.... I hope we don't have that up here. I'll have to go restock the firewood in the rack......
  12. https://www.foxnews.com/world/gordon-chang-us-china-space-next-9-11 Gordon Chang sounds alarm about Chinese ambitions: 'The next 9/11 will be in space' China expert tells 'Ingraham Angle' US 'lost a lot of ground' to Beijing in space under Obama
  13. Listen to the people who are experts on China.
  14. this radical regime is a hideous disaster for our country already. Just wait til 2022 and 2024.
  15. It's just very strange how emotionalistic "UN-Americans" can be so happy to be so manipulated by the msm and all the hateful, disingenuous FALSE narratives. sad.
  16. Again, they flip the switch when their emotions flip. Legitimacy/right or wrong has nothing to do with their raging. It's how THEY FEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL.
  17. I know, but I have reciprocity in Washington, and can easily stay far away from Seattle. So I didn't list Washington. The other states do not honor Ohio CCW. Again, you miss the point. https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/resources/ccw_reciprocity_map/oh-gun-laws/
  18. let's see, states to never visit on vacation.. oregon illinois minnesota... california new york
  19. https://redstate.com/ NYT Retracts Story First Published on Jan. 8 That Capitol Hill Police Officer Was Killed by a Fire Extinguisher Thrown by Protesters
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