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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. there were no vaccines until biden and the dems stole the election? it doesn't get much stupider than that, eh? Everything the left does fails/backfires because everything they do, they do for corrupt emotional knee jerk self-serving reasons. https://freedomoutpost.com/barack-obama-blames-everyone-failures/ Barack Obama Blames Everyone for His Failures but Himself Now let’s make a quick search of past news headlines that indicate how Obama has blamed everybody but himself. Obama Blames Arab Spring and Japan’s Earthquake on Struggling Economy and Job Situation, August 5th, 2011. Obama Blames Messy Democracy for His Failed Policies, August 3rd, 2011; remarks by the president at a DNC event. Obama Blames Congress for US Debt Mess; Obama news conference, June 29th, 2011. Obama Blames Republicans for Slow Pace on Immigration Reform, July 25th, 2011. Obama Blames Media for Lack of Compromise in Washington; remarks by Obama at a town hall meeting July 22nd, 2011. Obama Blames Technology for Struggling Economy; June 14th, 2011, NBC Today interview. Obama Blames Oil Spectators for High Oil Prices; April 19th, 2011, remarks by Obama at a town hall meeting. Obama Blames Reagan for America’s Out of Control Debt and Spending; remarks by President Obama April 13th, 2011, Federal News Service. Obama Blames Bush and Congress for Lack of Fiscal Discipline, April 13th, 2011; remarks by Obama, Federal News Service. Obama Blames Bush-Congress for Putting Off Tough Decisions, August 17th, 2010; remarks at a fundraiser for Patty Murray. Obama Blames Bush for Tax Cuts, Deficits; Obama town hall meeting on the economy in Racine, Wisconsin, June 30th, 2010. Obama Blames Bush for Deficits, June 8th, 2010; remarks by Obama at a second fundraising reception for Senator Barbara Boxer. Obama Blames GOP for Events that Led to Gulf Oil Spill; remarks by President Obama June 3rd, 2010, Federal News Service. Obama Blames Republicans for America Not Being Able to Solve Problems; remarks by President Obama June 3rd, 2010, Federal News Service. Obama Blames Corporations for Everybody’s Problems, June 3rd, 2010, Federal News Service. He said, “If you’re a Wall Street Journal bank or an insurance company or oil company, you pretty much get to play by your own rules regardless of the consequences for everybody else.” Obama Blames Bush for Overall Standing of American Economy, April 19th, 2010, at a fundraising reception for Senator Boxer. Obama Blames Bush, Congress for Deficits, February 1, 2010, delivering remarks on the budget. Obama Blames Bush for Regulatory Policies; January 17th, 2010, remarks by the president at an event with attorney general Martha Coakley in Massachusetts. Obama Blames Bush for Overall Standing of Economy and American Standing, April 19th of 2010. Obama delivering remarks at a fundraising reception for Senator Boxer and the DNC. Obama Blames Bush and Congress for Deficits, February 1st, 2010, in remarks delivered on the budget. Obama Blames Bush for Regulatory Policies, January 17th, 2010, remarks by the president at an event with Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. Obama Blames Wall Street Fat Cats for Economic Disaster, December 13th, 2009, CBS News’ 60 Minutes. Obama Blames Bush for Overall Economy, September 27th, 2009, remarks by the president at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual dinner. Obama Blames Bush for Stifling Unions, September 7th, 2009; remarks by the president at the AFL-CIO Labor Day picnic. Obama Blames Bush for Prescription Drug Bill; remarks by the president, health insurance reform town hall, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, August 11th, 2009. Obama Blames Bush for Jobs, July 22nd, 2009; news conferences by the president. Obama Blames Bush for Failure to Recognize Europe’s Leading Role in the World, April 3rd, 2009; remarks by President Obama at a Strasbourg [France] town hall, and in those remarks he said this: “So we must be honest with ourselves. In recent years we’ve allowed our alliance to drift. I know that there have been honest disagreements over policy, but we also know that there’s something more that has crept into our relationship.” “In America there’s a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world, instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive of you.” That’s Barack Obama, speaking in Europe at Strasbourg, blaming Bush for a failure to recognize Europe’s leading role in the world, April 3rd, 2009. Obama Blames Bush for Deficits, February 23rd, 2009; Obama delivering opening remarks at fiscal responsibility summit. Candidate Obama Blames Fox News for his Elitist Label, New York Times, October 2008. Candidate Obama Blames Fox News for Likely Loss in Kentucky Primary, May 2008. Candidate Obama Blames Washington for High Gas Prices, April 25th, 2008; remarks of Senator Barack Obama, press availability on energy plan, 25 April 2008.
  2. biden's entire life, entire family is corrupt, and biden is a compulsive hair sniffer, molester, liar, plagiarizer, and fraud. the lefties tended to bolt the forum rather than admit that they voted against Pres Trump for stupid emotional knee jerk reasons.
  3. so it's obaMao and biden's fault. glad we finally got the blame put where it belongs, eh? https://www.npr.org/2021/02/17/968577281/what-went-wrong-with-the-electric-grid-in-texas "disambiguate" ? *I* never even came up with that one.......interesting read. Windmills freeze up, no sun to power the solar panels, and they still go fake "man made global warming" over every answer. Alternative energy failed, and designers went as expensive as they could, and still hadn't accounted for a freak once in 50? years? 100? storm that their grid wasn't designed for. Alternate energy is not affordable large scale, not dependable, and it's a green new deal political hack ploy for emotionally manipulating for votes. yeah. what the )(*&)& happened to the fraud that is "man made global warming" ???
  4. yep. but it's an emotional knee jerk reaction to everything to emphasize conflict and racism, etc.... to keep the masses focused AWAY from the left's continued stupidity, hypocrisy, and failures.
  5. "but....but.....Trump has orange skin so it doesn;'t matter that he accomplished HUNDREDS OF GREAT and GOOD THINGS for AMERICA and ALL OF US !
  6. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/02/17/left-wingers-turn-in-a-disgusting-performance-following-rush-limbaughs-death-n328526 Calling Rush and Hannity "too radical" is a glaring example of emotionally knee jerk MISUSE of words - contradicting their actual definitions.
  7. of course it does - that is bs.go back to work already. earn your keep in this world. We don't give out undeserved "participation trophies" for whining.
  8. google "texas starting go blue" for the truth about it. Republicans - NOT GREEN NEW DEAL. You support the dems who ARE GREEN NEW DEAL. whoever went with windmills and solar panels for their grid, were at least financially addicted to the money they would make leaning alternative energy. Now, it's blown up in their faces. Or, worse, blow up into the lack of electricity in Texas, Mississippi and Minnesota. Minnesota is very, very blue. They have the same problem. The blaming of republicans in Texas is bs. Put the blame on those who gained by supporting unproven, risky, expensive and limited alternative energy. ObaMao's Solyndra. Look it up.
  9. ibb must surely be shep or woodpecker trying to be somebody else. not doing much of a good job.....
  10. point is, "Old People" worked HARD most all their years to make a living, take care of their families, and WORKED HARD achieving the American Dream. now, some young farts are whining they don't have the same money right out of high screwell. give us all a frickin break.
  11. claiming "there was no vaccine plan before HE got elected..." how many anti-Pres Trump voters buy that now? Notice they aren't around much anymore? They had to bail because they were hating and wrong for 4 years, and won't admit it.
  12. every single voter who voted against EXCELLENT REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT TRUMP.... voted for this loser, and voted for more violent crime, economic hard times, dangerous gov overreach... because they happily and stupidly...and intentionally went with biden';s lies and the radical leftwing fake investigations etc.
  13. Sad - I was shocked too - he had serious courage all these years, legitimately explaining his views - praise and criticism, while explaining WHY. He was what is missing from our msm. A genuine Real American icon. He'll be missed.
  14. the left is desperately nazi-like in that their power culture includes weaponizing education to radicalize American school children. https://www.theblaze.com/shows/glenn-beck-podcast/comparison-to-holocaust
  15. cancel culture all = ( democrats/liberals/socialists/communists) https://www.theblaze.com/shows/glenn-beck-podcast/comparison-to-holocaust Holocaust historian: YES, Nazi exclusion of Jews WAS 'like cancel culture' The Glenn Beck Podcast Edwin Black is the son of Holocaust survivors and an investigative journalist
  16. my brother-in-law lives out your way.... we are planning on Tennessee in April with friends, and out west to S. Dakota this fall. We love tent camping, so we don't need a bigger vehicle - and the worse gas mileage. Being retired rocks !
  17. https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-executive-action-gun-control
  18. HB 12 - ENFORCE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS (Sponsor: Diane V. Grendell) To provide for a writ of mandamus or prohibition to enforce a person's constitutional right against a chief administrative officer or elected executive official whose duty is to uphold the Ohio and United States Constitutions. EXACTLY. biden and co. can't unconstitutionally declare or pass anti-Constitution orders. State and local officials can't deny rights over politics etc either. ******************************************************* HB 38 - REQUIRE DUTY TO RETREAT (Sponsors: Thomas West, Adam C. Miller) To repeal Senate Bill 175, passed last session, and bring back the duty to retreat in Ohio. NO - with the biden and co. threats - the law that got rid of "duty to retreat" was terribly subject, emboldened violent criminals who would home invade etc. Another liberal political antagonism that backfired. It was GREAT to have been repealed for GREAT REASON. If an elderly couple is out fishing, and some criminal illegal comes at them with a machete, how can the couple prove they tried to retreat when the police finally arrive? It's nonsense. But it's a belligerent political attack subjective "gotcha". bad law. ******************************************************* HB 62 - DESIGNATE OHIO A SECOND AMENDMENT SANCTUARY (Sponsors: Mike Loychik, Diane V. Grendell) To designate the State of Ohio as a Second Amendment Sanctuary State and to name this act the Ohio Second Amendment Safe Haven Act. EXACTLY - The leftwing radical gov has openly declared they will violate Americans' CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS and the fed cannot take them away. Sure, some liberal trolls will say "but the FED overrides states rights !". These are the usual people who are happy to support sanctuary cities and states over the illegal immigration issue, you betcha. ******************************************************* HB 89 - REPEAL THE DUTY TO "PROMPTLY" INFORM (Sponsor: Scott Wiggam) To modify the requirement that a concealed handgun licensee must notify a law enforcement officer that the licensee is authorized to carry a concealed handgun and is carrying a concealed handgun when stopped. EXACTLY. Another example of a liberal leftwing emotional kneejerk law that backfired into bs. What IS "promptly" ? whatever some policeman who hates CCW says it is? Whatever some leftwing CCW hater prosecutor SAYS IT MEANS? What if a ticked off on the issue officer belligerently doesn't listen when you try to tell him? What if a loud air brake semi keeps it from being heard? "promptly" is just an emotional application to the law. I understand the police would like to be informed, sure. I'm fine with telling them...but subjective terms in a law make it an open door to be deliberately used politically. ******************************************************* HB 99 - EXEMPT ARMED SCHOOL PERSONNEL FROM POLICE TRAINING (Sponsor: Thomas Hall) To expressly exempt persons authorized to go armed within a school safety zone from a requirement to complete extensive peace officer basic training. EXACTLY - the reason is, this was a stupid application. Why? because police officer training is two years in college, right? 4 weeks to 6 months police academy training? Who is able to take that much time off work? Who can afford to pay for all that training? What school system can afford to pay for all that training? Again, it lends itself to abuse. A leftwing state? gov could raise the fee of "police training" etc etc to completely unafordable levels to politocally attack the issue and stop it backhandedly. (see "Trojan Horse"). The other problem is - we've seen veteran police, who had police training, COMPLETELY FAIL to do their job and protect students. So, what is the point? But there is one MORE problem with requiring police training. It reminds me of Ted Kennedy's (and George W. Bush's) "no child left behind". Except - it stupidly did NOT account for special ed programs in schools. A great school with an excellent special education program gets hammered on their one size fits all average academic evaluations on grades. Why? because schools surely won't give employees the right to carry to defend to just anyone. A highly trained and decorated Special Forces teacher is supposed to go to police training? Police training isn't going to change much for some teacher who undisciplined, exceptionally meek or not the type of person that should ever be in that position. All it would take is the mayor of chicago, etc to order that nobody passes the "police training" if they are going to be employees in a school, etc. And that isn't a stretch at all, not anymore. It's a nonsense law with fake "good intentions". Let churches and school systems decide on their own. "Big brother" just screws so many things up with "one size fits all" bs.
  19. Well, it probably isn't good that most? folks in central/eastern Texas don't have basements. The ground is so dry, that when it does rain, the ground dries back up and cracks - it would ruin a basement. So they are slab - and there isn't any air pocket to protect the floors from freezing at least around the edges of the houses..... If it gets too cold, Tex, you can refer to my survival thread, build an igloo in your backyard, start a fire with a ferro rod, and drink up some pine needle tea......(also helps to put candles in depressions in the igloo walls. )
  20. Pres Trump is one of our GREATEST REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. black mayor. democrat. it's what they do
  22. must be some really effective temporary psycho-drugs he takes when they remember make him take it.
  23. "great society"..... "no child left behind"..... "global warming (oops) we mean er...."climate change"....... "universal healthcare/obaMaocare"......."common core"........."social justice".......... "hate speech"......."instigation of violence"......etc etc etc etc. antifa/blm can burn down cities, murder innocent Americans and police, but they have the left's support. let one thing happen one time during a Pres Trump support rally...and suddenly "domestic terrorism" and "insurrection" comes into play. "impeachment" ..."investigations"......were all fake. fake evidence, fake witnesses, lies by omission to the FISA court... higgardly clinton deleting 30,000 SUBPOENAED EMAILS AND SERVER AND PHONES (destroyed)... can you imagine if any republican did that? It's about power and control. That is why the law doesn't apply to THEM. It's for THEIR USE. and because of the bought and owned msm, and all the little leftwing hate groupies - who crave special membership in the msm popularized hate group - it gets worse and worse.
  24. like labeling anything that gets in their way - "hate speech". https://redstate.com/alexparker/2021/02/15/instagram-social-media-censorship-monitor-direct-messages-hate-speech-n327535 Lay Off, Law-Breakers: Instagram Will Now Police Your Direct Messages for Hate, and They've Already Involved the Cops
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