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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Mitch is playing both sides of the fence just enough so antifa/blm isn't sent to his home and his family isn't threatened
  2. except the bounce back of that "superball:" goes right back ot your nose. obaMao never shuts up and put himself into the news again and his corrupt legacy is there for all to see. Your biden hero is a liar and a corrupt turd. You still FEELING happy with that?
  3. Biden can be taking some kind of magic pills to keep being able to talk, but it doesn't do enough good, and he can't even remember to take his mask from the podium. Even dems are terrified he is so gone, they don't want him to be in charge of the "suitcase". Thanks for nothing, you emotional knee jerkers had fun hating, and now ... America is in big trouble. Pres Trump KEPT HIS PROMISES and fought for us every day. These turds....are fighting for themselves and against us. But lies to emotionally based voters gets their votes. and yes, the election was stolen. They are the king liars, but Tex won't man up and admit it. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/02/25/peter-doocy-asks-biden-about-those-2000-checks-he-promised-immediately-it-doesnt-go-well-n333012 Peter Doocy Asks Biden About Those $2000/Checks He Promised 'Immediately,' It Doesn't Go Well
  4. sounding more like the woodpecker all the time.....
  5. you don't cross the red line. or the kgb.....nazi party in WWII.... they are that corrupt.
  6. releasing criiminals on a large scale. dangerous illegals. ObaMao and the dems stoking racial hatred, social hatred, "class" hatred, political hatred every chance they can think of..... creating conflict so they can keep all political opponents on the defensive, and make Americans afraid in their every day lives. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-oklahoma-career-criminal-accused-of-killing-3-and-cooking-a-human-heart-had-been-released-by-gov-stitt
  7. that is so stupid it's funny. But BLM got 90 MILLION BUCKS in funding....they can afford to buy a few planes and fly them into buildings...
  8. and rightly so. I expect a lot more of this. Dangerous big serious trouble is here. But our Flag, our Constitution/Bill of Rights will always stand. Real Americans don't care if the obaMao/biden mafia doesn't like it. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2021/02/24/federal-judge-plunges-dagger-into-democrats-open-borders-agenda-and-twists-it-slowly-n332206
  9. hotdogs are excellent with my homemade vidalia onion relish and/or homemade saurkraut
  10. I disagree - sounds ironic and profound and all, but Real America is still alive and well - it's just that the obaMao mafia wants to commit political, social and economic genocide and wipe it out. But it will never happen. Even though ObaMao's weathermen friends dreamed about exterminating 180 million Americans that wouldn't conform to their new gov. That, btw, is a direct reference to the FBI agent who infiltrated the weathermen. and I bring up obaMao for good reason - his political career STARTED in bill ayer's fathers basement in chicago.
  11. and murdering our soldiers. And every single voter who voted against Pres Trump voted for this garbage. There will be war start during the biden clusterfook years https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/02/24/biden-and-his-enablers-kowtow-to-iranian-attacks-on-american-facilities-and-the-media-covers-for-him-n332165
  12. except Real America is never going to buy into it. But Hoorta's obaMao still doesn't get it. He's lived his entire decrepit life being a community antagonizer. https://www.theblaze.com/news/ready-obama-blames-politics-of-white-resistance-and-resentment-for-why-he-didnt-push-for-reparations Obama blames 'politics of white resistance and resentment' for why he didn't push for reparations News The former president also brought up 'talk of welfare queens and ... the undeserving' poor' and the 'backlash against affirmative action' as culprits
  13. how can anybody have such a smart mouth when they support the kidnapping of American girls for sex slavery, illegal immigrant violent crime and disease, 28 TRILLION in national debt, the expanding growth of drug cartel and hispanic gang crimes, ..... it's just sick, antagonistic trolling.
  14. Translation equation: (Bacon beliefs = X2(whatever the leftist dems tell him to FEEL))
  15. because they can....they have the power - and billionaire radical friends control the msm.
  16. Hoorta can't stand conflict. and reality conflicts with his TDS. So does differing opinions. He's unintentionally trolling. Reality: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/legislature/2021/02/03/arizona-senate-contempt-vote-maricopa-county-supervisors-election-audit/4378174001/ Arizona Senate considers contempt finding against Maricopa County supervisors over election audit
  17. so, the dem who lost bypassed the courts to go directly to pelosi and co.... to let THEM decide to count 22 invalid ballots so the dem can win. They stole the presidential election...now they are trying to steal this one. https://www.theblaze.com/news/house-takes-first-step-in-contested-election-review-that-may-result-in-republican-being-unseated House takes first step in contested election review that may result in Republican being unseated News 'I can't think of a worst first step this committee could take'
  18. no justification. But Republicans in Texas know how to solve a problem. you're biden regime CAUSES BIG PROBLEMS> https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/20/business/texas-electricity-bills-griddy-puct/index.html
  19. if you ever say ANYTHING intelligent, it will be a new non-drug induced all time high
  20. they must have some serious dirt on garland. he's worse than just a hack or a puppet.
  21. and still not one word from the TDS irrational haters.
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