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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. they are 100% locked in on seeing everything via their emotions. It makes them to control other people. It's makes them sad to control themselves, so they do whatever the hell they want to do.
  2. mexico translation: "hey, America, let us dump our prisons and jails and poor on YOU and let YOU pay for them."
  3. Let's see.... kinesmith already got parole... I think james comey the corrupt lowlife........john brennan the corrupt lowlife commie.....hillary clinton the corrupt lowlife......or nutjob "joker" peter strzok.....joe biden the delirious derelict.....susan "lice" rice......buttock obaMAO commie... just for starters.... https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/02/28/former-trump-trade-official-peter-navarro-says-there-will-be-at-least-three-indictments-coming-from-john-durham-n334716
  4. He was one of our greatest presidents ever. https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/02/28/cpac-2021-president-trump-wows-the-cpac-crowd-n334742 CPAC 2021: President Trump Wows the CPAC Crowd
  5. gonna be a war. That's a lot of blood on the hands of every single voter who voted against Pres Trump despite the hundreds of good/great things he did for America. Biden is a failure in only 30 days. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/02/27/situation-rapidly-deteriorating-because-of-biden-moves-as-iran-backed-houthis-fire-missiles-at-saudi-arabia-n334356
  6. translation: " I don't have a life, except I peck from my nest all day long and still deny I'm a locked in liberal woodpecker"
  7. that is giving Tex far too much the benefit of the doubt. It isn't satire, it's illogical emotional knee jerking outbursts, with improperly inserted words for emotional affect, contrary to their legitimate definitions.
  8. but if anyone says that to him, they could get a warning point?
  9. apparently, every voter who voted against Pres Trump is happy with the stick.....
  10. I find it amusing that "mexico will pay for it" is the "example" the left uses as a lie. Again, they use words emotionally, regardless of the words' actual meaning. A lie is a deliberate misrepresentation. Actually, Pres Trump DID get them to "pay" for it - he got them to deploy a lot of troops to stop the caravans. that costs a lot of money. So, there ya go - ANOTHER PROMISE kept. Now, let's compare lies. It's a childish retreat into ignorance to use a NON lie "mexico will pay for it", then say "both sides do it...when:] https://barackobamafile.com/obama-lies/ I won't list them - but go read about obaMao lies - a long, long, long list of serious lies. Pres Trump kept nearly? all his promises. ObaMao broke nearly all of his. so "both sides": a hippo's butt.
  11. because of his and all lefties theme song: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=song+feeliings&view=detail&mid=88DA79706A41163D69F188DA79706A41163D69F1&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fform%3dMOZTSB%26pc%3dMOZI%26q%3dsong%2bfeeliings
  12. you need a dictionary ? look up the definition of words online. or, just continue to use them incorrectly because you don't think, you just feel. and most of your feelings are hate. Worship definition is - to honor or show reverence for as a divine being or supernatural power.
  13. more and more TDS BS, it must be like having diarrhea of hate feelings. Leftwing hate-mongering dysentary or something.
  14. ballot havesting. Who didn't see the fraud coming to a swing state near you? https://rumble.com/ve5uch-mail-in-ballots-and-voting-machines-banned-in-france.html
  15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvH57UgXIAAvBYv?format=png&name=900x900
  16. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvH56CTXAAUO5m_?format=jpg&name=large
  17. so any thoughtful... FEELINGS answer from any TDSer? it would be the first time.....
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