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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. Florida Gators kicker Evan McPherson has declared for the NFL Draft, he announced on Twitter. The third-year kicker from Fort Payne, Ala., is regarded as one of the most accurate in program history. Question is, how high a late round would I pick him? I'm betting he won't be a UDFA....
  2. LOL. No all my squirrel is gone. Was going to fry up some bluegill later today though. Never been to this place - Texas Roadhouse is our place to go. I've been working on creating a new thing - "Squirrel Quesadilla" with cattail and burdock root chunks, fried dandelion blossoms, pepper jack cheese, with a good sweet birch bark tea.
  3. all that the lefties do, is never meant to be a solution to a problem, it is always meant to be a salve for their neurotic, twisted emotions. which results in making problems WORSE every time.
  4. freaking neurotic emotional knee jerking control freaks. https://www.askaprepper.com/when-did-independence-become-illegal/
  5. https://www.mufon.com/ufo-news Delta-shaped Object Silhouetted by Moon Case 113663: Susanne, Mark and Tyler [last name withheld] were on a family vacation in Divide, Colorado. Suzanne claims to have seen a “dark object reflecting off the Moon.” Divide is in the vicinity of Colorado Springs, approximately 60 miles south of Denver. Colorado Springs is the location of the US Air Force and US Space Force Academy. Petersen Air Force Base is also located nearby and adjacent to the Colorado Springs Municipal Airport. Colorado Springs is home to the North American Aerospace Command (NORAD) and the Space Force’s 21st Space Wing. While taking pictures, Suzanne zoomed in on the dark object which appeared to be a small triangle-shaped object silhouetted by the Moon. She indicated in the CMS report that the Moon was at 90° above the horizon, that it glowed and left a trail or cloud. Her initial photo is shown below. The duration of the observation was one hour. The object has a definite triangle or arrowhead shape.
  6. Every single voter who fakes hatred for Pres Trump by voting against him.... is directly responsible for the damage being done. and they don't care. and they will probably never grow up enough emotionally to admit it.
  7. recovered in TEXAS despite how you voted. BLUEAnon TDS BS is in your heart. I still have no idea about you and woodpecker getting aroused by whatever q is. Sad, too bad. Urban Dictionary: Blue Anon Blue Anon A loosely organized network of Democrat voters, politicians and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories such as the Russia Hoax, Jussie Smollett hoax, Ukraine hoax, Covington Kids hoax, and Brett Kavanaugh hoax.
  8. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/yes-cancel-culture-is-real-and-its-dangerous Yes, cancel culture is real — and it's dangerous “Cancel culture” doesn't exist, leftists say out of one side of their mouths. At the same time, out of the other side of their mouths, they are cheering on the online mobs that seek to shame and even ruin the lives of those deemed to have committed thought crimes. This is gaslighting, and it is absurd. Cancel culture is real, and it’s a dangerous threat to a society that once prided itself on open speech. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has been leading calls to boycott Goya Foods after the CEO complimented President Trump, waded into the debate in her predictably shallow manner on Twitter last week. “People who are actually 'canceled' don’t get their thoughts published and amplified in major outlets,” she wrote. “This has been a public service announcement.” Recommended For You COVID stimulus price tag: $17,000 per person, $69,000 per family Byron York's Daily Memo: On border crisis, reporters get the White House runaround Ocasio-Cortez added, “The term ‘cancel culture’ comes from entitlement — as though the person complaining has the right to a large, captive audience,& one is a victim if people choose to tune them out. Odds are you’re not actually canceled, you’re just being challenged, held accountable, or unliked.” The trigger, if you will, for Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet thread was likely the recent controversy over the publication of a letter in Harper's Magazine, in which many authors and academics defended the idea of open debate. The list included many liberal voices, such as Noam Chomsky. It also included other prominent names such as Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has come under fire for making the completely obvious declaration that biological sex is real and for criticizing radical transgender activists for the damage they are doing to young women. The Harper’s letter, however, was not intended as a list of people who are claiming to have been canceled. Rather, it was an example of those with a platform defending the concept of open debate on behalf of those who lack a platform yet have suffered the wrath of the outrage mobs. As the letter noted, in the current climate, “editors are fired for running controversial pieces; books are withdrawn for alleged inauthenticity; journalists are barred from writing on certain topics; professors are investigated for quoting works of literature in class; a researcher is fired for circulating a peer-reviewed academic study; and the heads of organizations are ousted for what are sometimes just clumsy mistakes.” In one recent example, David Shor, a 28-year-old data analyst who worked on President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign, sent out a tweet summarizing a study by Princeton professor Omar Wasow which found that historically, riots have hurt Democrats’ vote shares, while nonviolent protests increased the Democratic vote. In the outrage storm that followed, Shor was accused of “minimizing black grief and rage” and of making coworkers feel less safe. He apologized, but it was too late — he was promptly fired from his job at Civis Analytics. Last month, the Washington Post took the extraordinary step of publishing a 3,000-word investigation into a tasteless costume worn by a virtually unknown private citizen to a 2018 Halloween party at the house of the paper’s cartoonist. That person was promptly fired from her unrelated job. In 2019, Carson King, a 24-year-old security guard who appeared on an ESPN college pregame show holding a sign asking for beer money, went viral, and as donations flooded in, he ended up raising $1 million for charity. But that prompted the Des Moines Register to publish insensitive tweets he had posted when he was 16. In the resulting backlash, Anheuser-Busch, which had previously agreed to match charitable donations, severed ties with him. Young conservative Kyle Kashuv saw his admission to Harvard University rescinded after racist comments he had made in a group chat at age 16 were exposed. He apologized and explained that he had changed a lot in the intervening years — particularly after having survived the Parkland school shooting. But it was to no avail. In Hollywood, there have been countless examples of cancellations, some of them literal. Rosanne Barr's show, Rosanne, was canceled over a racist joke she tweeted. Kevin Hart was canceled as host of the Academy Awards for past homophobic tweets that weren't even news — he had previously apologized for them. Of course, not all cancellations are created equal. There is clearly a distinction between celebrities who are already well off losing out on gigs for comments they made as adults and people with no public profile who lose out on opportunities and jobs due to old statements and actions from their high school years. And not every lame joke that leads to cancellation has the same implications for speech as the shutting down of academic discourse. That said, there are multiple ways in which the current climate of cancellation is so dangerous. For one thing, there is no way we can evolve into a more tolerant society if all people are deemed irremediably racist for things they wrote as teenagers and if major publications target non-public figures. Beyond that, however, the spirit of open speech and debate, in which there is an exchange of a wide array of ideas, is crucial to the survival of the republic. Shutting down voices if anybody claims they were offended is problematic when the range of things that are deemed offensive is growing and there is no room for forgiveness. People living in fear of expressing their own ideas is a feature of totalitarian regimes that America spent the 20th century toppling.
  9. the virus is their leverage to unlimited power. I'm surprised they didn't stop all vaccine deliveries. They are doing everything they can think of, to divide us so we will fall.
  10. no honest person refuses to see what their goal is. to intimidate Americans and leave them helpless and afraid to oppose them. like the nazis. like venezuela. like the russians. communist chinese. anybody believe these thugs would pass a background check?
  11. actually soros gives them huge amounts of money to both.
  12. dangerous times. the dishonest voting against Pres Trump - made this impending disaster happen.
  13. they don't WANT to see it - their egos emotional identities would be exposed as FAKE
  14. "science" - they don't use that word as it's legit definition either. To them, "science" means...like most every other word they use inaccurately... "let us get more power to control you and take your money and your freedom". https://www.theblaze.com/news/republican-senators-demand-answers-from-cdc-schools-closed
  15. ibb woodpecker's ignorant opinons reek of le pew. they stink up the joint.
  16. those who troll and voted against Pres Trump voted to destroy America ...at least for 2/4 years. and they will RAREly man or woman up and admit they screwed America over just to FEEL so happy they are a member of the fake emotional knee jerk FAKE "elite". They FEEL so special. But on illegal immigration alone - the blood spilling, murders, rapes, drug cartels, and kidnappings will climb higher and higher.
  17. nope. they have sold their souls to the devil soros. Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties to Over 30 Major News ... https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/why-dont-we-hear... May 11, 2011 · Soros, who spent $27 million trying to defeat President Bush in 2004, has ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets – including The New York Times, Washington Post, the Associated Press, NBC and...
  18. worst, most mentally unfit president BY FAR in our entire history. his staff even knows it. and every voter who can't name ONE good thing that biden has done for America in 47 years (even when he was only corrupt, and seriously mentally deficient...).... which is every single voter....who voted against Pres Trump because the msm manipulated them emotionally and irrationally.
  19. yes, he said it. https://www.theblaze.com/news/fauci-science-reopening-go-with-our-gut Fauci: When we don't have the science on reopening, we go with our gut News 'When you don't have the data and you don't have the actual evidence, then you've got to make a judgment call' *********************** speaking of "judgement calls"......all along, he has been a GLOBALIST/DEMOCRAT/SOCIALIST SOMBEITCH. that explains a LOT.... https://www.theblaze.com/news/fauci-chinese-communist-party-global-solidarity Fauci appears in forum with Chinese Communist Party health expert preaching 'global solidarity' News He also said nothing when Chinese propaganda was spewed
  20. the msm inspired irrational hate for Pres Trump WHO DID OVER A COUPLE OF HUNDRED GREAT GOOD THINGS FOR AMERICA... is sending America towards destruction.
  21. to the left, "unity" means let us control you, or else (we'll give you warning points)
  22. because liberals/socialists/control freaks have lost all their credibility, like m0st everything else, they simply rename. man made global warming was such a farce, that they had to rename it "climate change" hahaha. "democracy" is another example - they hate losing elections because they are wienies and fail at everything they emotionally go for....they now diss that, and use like the word "fascist". They want total control, but they use democracy to describe anything that helps them get it. gender - now it means "how you FEEEEELLLLLLL at any given moment". "terrorist" has become the new word for "anyone and any group that won't vote for the left". the left demands to intimidate, frighten, tax to the very end of your funds... but they can't intimidate Real America while they have guns. If we didn't, their antifa/blm/brownshirts/blackshirts would be free tp break down doors and rape/pillage. and the last example - leftwingers/liberals etc.... call themselves "moderates" to hide their extremism, and their emotional drive to control everybody else. and get free stuff.......that is also what they hide with warped use of real words.
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