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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. LOL. NK RESPECTED Pres Trump. Their missile firings are a war waiting to happen.
  2. well, they might not have the time to make it happen, the trouble is, they only have one third round pick, two fourths. The Browns have two thirds and two fourths. It would be tougher for them to make the deal, plus at 20, they would have to pay more in value if they could even find a trade partner and make it happen in time. The trade would be during the draft I would figure.
  3. Frank Ryan. Very cerebral. I think he was pretty good at scrambling around in the backfield, but I was a young teenage Browns fan at the time. One of my favorite players back then was Gary Collins. Caught a lot of Ryan's TD's. My other favorite player was Leroy Kelly.
  4. Kwity Paye is terrific, but he won't be there at #26. If he fell close, the squealers would nab him first, after losing Dupree to Tennessee. I had hopes early on Collins would fall to the Browns, but not anymore. The squealers are at #24? The Browns have to trade up. Caleb Farley is a top 10-15 pick. Surtain is a top 10-15 pick. Kwity is a top 15 pick, probably the Cardinal's pick at #16. maybe. The Browns are not going to move up to sixteen - that would require a second round pick and another pick or two. If it was me deciding, I'd trade up to the 20th pick, or just ahead of the squealers... in a NY second.
  5. yep.He isn't as athletic as some other are, but he has the intangibles that some others don't. Enough athleticism to be a terrific edge rusher? watch him on film. Kwity Paye is ranked #7. Patrick Jones !! is rated #1, which surprised the heck out of me - I couldn't figure out why he wasn't more highly rated in talking about the draft - and then found this. So, again, what is it that this article is so wrong about? https://longhornswire.usatoday.com/lists/nfl-draft-edge-rushers-prospects-texas-longhorns-joseph-ossai/
  6. and every voter who voted against Pres Trump and against the wall, etc... voted for that person to die.
  7. reckon I should put a Conestoga cover on our hayride wagon, and make it a summer trip out west. add in a bathroom tax, water usage tax, well tax, cow/horse tax, garden tax, ....music tax, farming tax, ice cream tax......breakfast lunch and dinner tax.... still, socialism never works. never has. how easily fools emotionally bought into "orange man bad" msm garbage. Have to wonder if they will ever learn to THINK CRITICALLY in big numbers. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/03/26/the-biden-administration-has-a-new-tax-idea-and-its-not-going-to-go-over-well-n350811 The Biden Administration Has a New Tax Idea, and It's Not Going to Go Over Well
  8. they will try it , can't do it. Constitution GOD GIVEN rights can never be taken away/repealed. the only time one was was repealed, was the 21st Amendment repealing the 18th Amendment, because the 18th enforced prohibition, which was itself UNConstitutional.
  9. Why LBJ’s Great Society Flopped—and What It Means for the ... https://reason.com/podcast/2020/01/15/why-lbjs... Jan 15, 2020 · In a 1964 speech delivered at the University of Michigan, President Lyndon Johnson announced his plans for what he called " the Great Society," a sweeping set of programs that marked
  10. so, what we have here, is a failure to communicate by Hoorta because of TDS BS. from the link above: The Crime Prevention Research Center looked at the death rates that resulted from mass shootings between the years 2009 and 2015. Here are the average death rates, in millions, per country, between 2009 and 2015. The countries are already listed in order of the highest death rates to the lowest median death rates. Norway 1.888 Serbia 0.381 France 0.347 Macedonia 0.337 Albania 0.206 Slovakia 0.185 Switzerland 0.142 Finland 0.132 Belgium 0.128 The Czech Republic 0.123 The United States of America 0.089 Austria 0.068 The Netherlands 0.051 Canada 0.032 England 0.027 Germany 0.023 Russia 0.012 Italy 0.009 ************************************************************************* Mass Shootings by Country 2021 CSV JSON Population 2021 Mass shootings in U.S. compared with other countries 1.888 5,465,630 Serbia 0.381 8,697,550 France 0.347 65,426,179 Macedonia 0.337 2,082,658 Albania 0.206 2,872,933 Slovakia 0.185 5,460,721 Switzerland 0.142 8,715,494 Finland 0.132 5,548,360 Belgium 0.128 11,632,326 Czech Republic 0.123 10,724,555 United States 0.089 332,915,073 Austria 0.068 9,043,070 Netherlands 0.051 17,173,099 Canada 0.032 38,067,903 United Kingdom 0.027 68,207,116 Germany 0.023 83,900,473 Russia 0.012 145,912,025 Italy 0.009 60,367,477 Mass shootings in U.S. compared with other countries
  11. we are the FREE-EST country in the world - nobody else has our CONSTITUTION/BILL OF RIGHTS. There's a reason we have more homicides and mass shootings than any other civilized country in the world- per capita, we also have the most guns. nope. another leftie lie. all? lefties LIE. Their 100% emotionalist knee jerk blindness demands it. Their egos DEMAND it. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/mass-shootings-by-country It certainly seems that the United States has the highest mass shootings rate of all the land, but this has been proven untrue. In recent years, the Crime Prevention Research Center released information regarding the annual death rates due to mass shootings around the world. The countries that were looked at in this data analysis were: Norway Serbia France Macedonia Albania Slovakia Switzerland Finland Belgium The Czech Republic The United States of America Austria The Netherlands Canada England Germany Russia Italy can everybody (assuming Hoorta and woodpecker WON'T see the truth) see where our United States is?
  12. so, the bizzaro world according to Hoorta: it's just happy days: 619,591 abortions - in 2018 alone. It's just fine if unborn and BORN children are tortured and murdered for the convenience of liberals. in 2017 alone, 37,133 people died in motor vehicle crashes. Those deaths are happy days to the lefties like Hoorta. Here is a fact check: https://www.dailysignal.com/2017/10/27/fact-check-do-drug-overdoses-kill-more-americans-than-gun-homicides-and-motor-vehicles/ it's true. but the left demands drugs be legalized, and drug cartels come to America in droves. Does anybody see Hoorta or any other leftie calling for banning cars? restricting the ability to own a car? nope. drugs? nope. the left LOVES Roe vs Wade.
  13. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2021/03/26/tucker-carlson-delivers-a-hilarious-breakdown-of-joe-bidens-presser-n350586
  14. Biden is Hoorta's TDS BS boy: 'Joe Biden is a pathological liar' - Washington Times https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/30/... For over 47 years of public life, Joe Biden has shown himself to have an irresistible propensity to lie. He has lied to his professors. He has lied to his constituents. He has lied about his... Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Joe Biden Has Always Been a Compulsive Liar – PJ Media https://pjmedia.com/columns/jeff-reynolds/2020/05/... The historical record will show, however, throughout his life in public service, Joe has always had a compulsion to lie, even when the situation didn’t warrant it. The only conclusion to draw is... Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Is Joe Biden a Pathological Liar or Just Compulsive ... https://lightfromtheright.com/2019/10/28/joe-biden... Pathological liars sometimes believe their own lies, while compulsive liars see their lies as clearly untrue but can’t keep themselves from telling them. Compulsive liars tend to lie out of habit, according to Sheena Harris, who holds a BA in Psychology, while pathological liars plan their lies in advance. Either way, Joe Biden is a liar.
  15. of course they are. But those illegals are Hoorta's people....so covid doesn't matter. (because it gives the left a fake reason to take all the power over America they can take, and dismantle our Constitution)
  16. I can't imagine a possibility that Jacee Horn falls out of the top 20 at worst.
  17. so, hunter biden, a corrupt family, buys a gun. LIES ON THE FEDERAL FORM. and, biden has the secret service try to hush it up? is that how it played out? is there ANY scum level the corrupt bidens won't sink to? https://www.980waav.com/news/report-secret-service-tried-to-help-hide-hunter-biden-gun-purchase/
  18. they really do feel that democrat voters are extremely stupid and gullible...
  19. and rightly so.https://www.theblaze.com/news/wisconsin-assembly-authorizes-2020-election-probe
  20. they are setting America up to fail. Then they can dominate America for good. That is the point of Cloward-Piven. Cloward and Piven were two Columbia U radical profs. and.... Obama at Columbia University - FactCheck.org https://www.factcheck.org/2010/02/obama- Feb 16, 2010 · Barack Obama was a transfer student from California’s Occidental College when he came to Columbia University in 1981 as a 20-year-old junior. …
  21. the left FEELS like Veterans can go to hell because they aren't a dependent, locked in democratic voting block. but they count on most all illegals being just that.
  22. We'll see. Biden is a corrupt traitor, and even stopped the monies that were to complete the wall. they are so corrupt, they went way, way, way overboard to undermine anything Pres Trump did that was GREAT FOR AMERICA... out of spite, having lost power for 4 years. the swamp is getting back that power, and are overreaching in a dangerous to America way. https://thepatriotjournal.com/joe-biden-spent-spinning-by-fresh-investigation-gao-says-president-may-have-broken-law-stopping-border-wall-funds/?utm_source=constitution&utm_medium=email Joe Biden Spent Spinning By Fresh Investigation – GAO Says President May Have Broken Law Stopping Border Wall Funds
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