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Everything posted by calfoxwc

  1. well, I hadn't read those posts. and you assume incorrectly. I have typed for a living - I type very fast, and it doesn't take much time at all. I have no way of knowing who you've studied and who you haven't, if I've missed threads. I don't read all the threads everywhere, I just popped in with something and said something. You know your football, everybody knows that. A lot of threads I don't bother readiing - that takes too much time and all sorts of matters I'm not interested in. I do the same over on the political board - but more threads are directly applicable to my interests. I don't care if you don't believe me, I'm good with that. We're pretty busy all the time - I could give you a list of things we did today, like going out to have lunch with a best friends sister, and I ordered fried crawfish with a side of froglegs. I wanted to order the alligator, but they were out of it, which was funny because I explained that when we were down in West Munroe LA, some years ago, I ordered alligator but it was out of season...so when the waitress came back, she was laughing that she didn't know they were also out of it. Or I could tell you how we got haircuts, ran errands, and I came back and put my 15 or more? lbs of frozen wild blackberries I picked last fall, to let them thaw out so I can make jam tonight after de-seeding them, but I just went and restocked firewood and parked the atv in the barn, locked it up, the berries are almost unfrozen enough maybe, and I''ll probably be up making jam til midnight maybe....... but I won't because I gotta get busy again. The article I posted a link to - curiously, it had Jones mentioned as the most NFL ready edge rusher. Sure, it all depends on the particular opinion of an author. I read a lot ...when I have time. Which, btw, how do you determine which edge rusher is most NFL ready?
  2. https://www.theblaze.com/news/lindsey-graham-ar-15-gangs-gun-control Lindsey Graham defends AR-15 ownership: 'My house will be the last one that the gang will come to' News He's got a point
  3. hoorta, woodpecker and Tour fled the scene - they can't handle the truth
  4. yep. Every single voter who voted against Pres Trump and America voted for all this despair, failure and corruption.
  5. Didn't think you were referring to anything I posted. I just commented that I wasn't off base about what I said about Kwity, per Kiper. I thought maybe I was wrong about him never falling to the Browns - after reading different places that it isn't a great draft for edge rushers. I was simply referring to KIPER predicting, as you posted. I did that, because I can't read Kiper's draft without subscribing, and it isn't that important to me. Not always about you, what you know, what you like, what you feel, hate to break it to ya. Have a nice day.
  6. no honest comment from the maniacal leftwing haters club.....
  7. a cover for inflation. I'm going to try canning some beef. what next? biden and his puppeteers will sign an "executive order" ordering all Americans to become vegetarians?
  8. Deceiving the Public | Holocaust Encyclopedia https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/deceiving-the-public Subsequent Nazi propaganda utilized these man-made epidemics to justify isolating the “filthy” Jews from the larger population. Theresienstadt: A Propaganda Hoax. One of the most notorious Nazi efforts at deception was the establishment in November 1941 of …
  9. more and more like pre-WWII nazis: https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-administration-lawyers-file-brief-support-warrantless-gun-confiscation Biden admin lawyers urge Supreme Court to allow warrantless gun confiscation ahead of major case
  10. wait...birth control? never mind. I just don't want to know.
  11. yep, no joke - it isn't just NK... it's China. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-North_Korean_Mutual_Aid_and_Cooperation_Friendship_Treaty
  12. we were gamers, we'd go all day long on summer days - catch baby garter snakes and praying mantises and put in our shirt pocket and knock on a neighbor's door. We loved the shrieks when the mantis was on top of our head or the snake stuck it's head out of the pocket. and built tree houses out in the woods til dusk.
  13. wait, your post shows Caleb Farley. and NO, I'm pretty busy, and I have no idea that you already watched Jones. Why would I assume you have watched film of every single player in the top fifty? I suppose if you have watched film on Jones, you might have elaborated. Not having watched film on most players isn't any shame on you - we're probably all busy. I don't have time to read every single post in every single thread I pop in on to say something.
  14. the biden regime now offering a big paying job to....Manchin's WIFE, to buy him off. There is no more democrat party. they act like pre-WWII nazis now. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/03/27/biden-makes-a-eye-raising-move-involving-manchin-and-it-has-everyone-talking-n351247
  15. apparently, he is all in on child abuse. all democrats are maybe? they all condone this with their silence and their emotional knee jerk votes against Pres Trump, against America? https://redstate.com/shipwreckedcrew/2021/03/27/if-only-jeffrey-epstein-had-lived-to-see-this-biden-admin-suspends-fbi-background-checks-for-caregivers-for-migrant-children-n351402
  16. marxism/fascism/communism...one HUGE BUNCH OF LIES and emotional mirages...
  17. sounds like illegals are obaMao's "new civilian security force". " The Third Amendment to the United States Constitution places restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent, forbidding the practice in peacetime. The amendment is a response to the Quartering Acts passed by the British parliament during the buildup to the American Revolutionary War, which had allowed the British Army to lodge soldiers in private residences. The Third Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789 by James Madison as a part of the United St "
  18. like I've said before - they use economics as one of their dangerous political WMDs
  19. well, at least pelosi didn't order them to be sent to a prison in siberia.... biden apparently should pardon his entire family.
  20. I wasn't off-base about him. The Browns won't trade up that high - the cost would be ridiculous.
  21. your supreme egoness already bitched at NIckers for not kissing your "exaulted" ass. or was it Vambo? I just meant that I don't know if you watched the film on that particular player or not. There was zero intent to insult you. So, wannabe superalphamale, stick your feigned godlikeness - and have a nice day.
  22. obaMao po'd that he didn't screw up America enough to stop it from being FIXED by all of us who voted for a REAL AMERICAN PRESIDENT - PRESIDENT TRUMP https://thepatriotjournal.com/obama-washington-white-house-biden/ Barack Obama Is Back To Work In Washington – White House Official Admits Barry Is Giving Biden Regular “Advice”
  23. that's bad, folks. https://thepatriotjournal.com/hours-after-biden-gives-press-conference-his-approval-rating-takes-a-turn-to-the-south/?utm_source=constitution&utm_medium=email "The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Sponsored by SLANTED from Sharyl Attkisson, for Friday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove. The latest figures include 31% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 43% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12."
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